Talk:List of Kingdom Hearts references in other media

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Dubious references

Skimming over this, I think some of these references are very dubious, like the one for KND and some of the other stuff could more of coincidence than a reference to KH. Thoughts?

Agreed. If you look at the article history, a large number of references were added in the last week or so; it would be a good idea to sift through which ones are actual references and which ones are coincidence or irrelevant. When possible, we should try to have a citation, image, interwiki link, or other form of proof for each entry (if it's not overwhelmingly obvious). —Aid1043 03:09, 12 November 2023 (UTC)

Okay, looking into the ones that got got added by the anonymous user, starting with Archer:
And that concludes the research. What does everyone else think? I don't want to remove anything that's more questionable.--NinjaSheik 05:25, 12 November 2023 (UTC)
Thanks for taking the time to look into that! I agree with you on removing Pokémon GO, KND, YGO, Dead Fantasy, The Chiodos Bros, and WoW, all for the reasons you said. I'd also advocate for removing Epic Mickey entirely: if the Keyblade reference is inaccurate, then I think shadow creatures and hearts aren't worth mentioning, since those are less of a reference and more of a (kind of generic) thematic parallel. —Aid1043 06:44, 12 November 2023 (UTC)
I agree with removing the ones mentioned. I think the Cactuar one isn't really a reference to KH, but to FF. I'm not sure what exactly Death Battle is, but it sounds fan-made, like Death Fantasy (If not, there's also a death battle between King Mickey and Yoda). As for fan-made content, when is something fan-made? Because we also have a song called "The Simple Plot of Kingdom Hearts", which is a more obvious reference than the Heartless album, but I feel like it's also more fan-like than official. I also agree with Aid that we should add more images. TheSilentHero 10:44, 12 November 2023 (UTC)
Agreed with the Epic Mickey thing, Aid1043. I wasn't 100% sold on it, either. Also, I was unsure about the Cactuar thing myself, feeling like it was more of an FF reference than anything, but seeing as the anonymous editor thought it might be referenced to the Cactuar in front of the Galaxy Toys, I wasn't sure if that qualified or not, seeing the creators of the show are fan of both KH and FF. For all we know, it could be both, but I'm fine with its removal. As for Death Battle, I'm not even 100% sure to make of it. According to Google/FANDOM Wiki, it's a web series made by Rooster Teeth Productions, which is an actual animation studio. I've always thought it was more of a fan content thing until I looked it up (I've only heard the name before), so I'm not even sure what this even qualifies under because it is produced by an established company. O_O--NinjaSheik 02:17, 13 November 2023 (UTC)

Dubious references (cont.)

(Re: most recent revert) I agree that the Dragon Ball Heroes Key Sword is a tenuous connection at best, but after some searching, the case for the Hazbin Hotel reference seems alright. It definitely needs to be explained more clearly, but I think it's strong enough for inclusion. Thoughts? —Aid1043 23:16, 5 November 2024 (UTC)

Agreed. The Dragon Ball one doesn't really look like a Keyblade. The Hazbin Hotel on the other hand looks very much like a Keyblade. Maybe we should include some more pictures so it's easier to see the reference. TheSilentHero 13:35, 10 November 2024 (UTC)
These 2 literally has nothing to do with KH as a references. The Hazbin claim is an extremely stretch, as it can be nothing more than a staff/rod. Its like saying the heart on the tent in Overwatch is a KH references, because of its vague shape. UnknownCheisā —— underwater knife fight 06:03, 11 November 2024 (UTC)

Disney Magic Kingdom

In the mobile game Disney Magic Kingdom, each franchise has a stained glass image shown in the character screen. While stained glass itself isn't exclusive to KH, the fact that they are round, and most of them have small circles around the perimeter does resemble the KH stained glass stations somewhat. Here is a collection of several of these images. Do you think this is a KH reference, or they just like circular stained glass images? TheSilentHero 13:44, 10 November 2024 (UTC)