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Ferocious Leap

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Ferocious Lunge
(フェロシアスランジ Feroshiasu Ranji?)
Lunge at an enemy from a distance. [Special attack. Cost: 1 MP.]
Attack Element Power Crit
Deflect Recoil
Ferocious Lunge Weapon Strength +16 0% O 99
AP Cost 2 MP Cost 1
Ferocious Lunge
(フェロシアスランジ Feroshiasu Ranji?)
Lv Element Power Card Combination
Lv1 Neutral x2.0 per hit Beast (card) KHCOM.png
The Beast mows down anyone in Sora's path. Stock more than one to power up the Beast's attack.
Lv2 Neutral x2.0 per hit Beast (card) KHCOM.png + Beast (card) KHCOM.png
The Beast charges in a straight line, scattering the opposition.
Lv3 Neutral Leap: x4.0
Lunge: x2.0 per hit
Beast (card) KHCOM.png + Beast (card) KHCOM.png + Beast (card) KHCOM.png
The Beast charges in a straight line, crushing the opposition.
Enemy Card Boost
Ferocious Rush
(フェロシアスランジ Feroshiasu Ranji?, lit. "Ferocious Lunge")
Attacks the enemy successively with a rush of enraged tackles. MP Cost: 10
Attack Element Power Drive Value Deflect Finishing
Ferocious Rush Attack Command Physical x0.01
Final hit: x2.0
AP Cost 2 MP Cost 10

Ferocious Leap
(フェロシアスランジ Feroshiasu Ranji?, lit. "Ferocious Lunge")
Ferocious Leap
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Power Upright 6★: Single
7★: All
SN++: All
6★: 3
7★: 4
SN++: 4
6★: x4.10
7★: x7.29 - 8.75
SN++: x14.63 - 19.47
6★: Deals 5 exceptionally powerful hits. Raises Power-based strength by 3 tiers for 1 turn.
7★: Deals 5 hits. 1 turn: ↑ U-STR & P-STR by 3, ↓ targets' P-DEF by 2. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP.
SN++: Deals 5 hits. 2 turns: P-Medal STR +6000, self [↑ U- & P-STR 15], targets [↓ U & P-DEF 15], SP ATK B +220%. Count ±0. Damage+: Higher HP. Next Medal turns Power.

Ferocious Leap
(フェロシアスランジ Feroshiasu Ranji?, lit. "Ferocious Lunge")
Ferocious Leap
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Power Upright All 4 6★: x1.99 - 3.35
7★: x7.29 - 8.75
SN++: x14.63 - 19.47
6★: Deals 5 hits. 1 turn: ↑ P-STR by 3, ↓ targets' P-DEF by 2. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP.
7★: Deals 5 hits. 1 turn: ↑ U-STR & P-STR by 3, ↓ targets' P-DEF by 2. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP.
SN++: Deals 5 hits. 2 turns: P-Medal STR +6000, self [↑ U- & P-STR 15], targets [↓ U & P-DEF 15], SP ATK B +220%. Count ±0. Damage+: Higher HP. Next Medal turns Power.

Ferocious Leap, also translated as Ferocious Lunge and Ferocious Rush, is a technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts II. It allows the user to lunge at an enemy from a distance. It is one of Beast's signature abilities.


In Kingdom Hearts, Ferocious Lunge is a combat ability exclusive to Beast. It is a special attack that costs 2 AP to equip and 1 MP to use.

In Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, Ferocious Lunge is the effect of Beast's Friend Card, while Ferocious Lunge Lv2 and Ferocious Lunge Lv3 are Friend Sleights. When using Ferocious Lunge Lv1 or Lv2, Beast runs in a straight line, hitting any enemies in its way. When using Ferocious Lunge Lv3, he starts with a leap before running.

In Kingdom Hearts II, Ferocious Rush is an action ability exclusive to Beast. It allows the user to attack the enemy successively with a rush of enraged tackles. It costs 2 AP to equip and 10 MP to use.

In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Ferocious Leap is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 4 special attack gauges to perform. In the English version, Ferocious Leap +5 targets a single enemy, and costs 3 special attack gauges to perform. Ferocious Leap +6 and +7, and Ferocious Leap +5 in the Japanese version, inflict more damage the higher your HP. Ferocious Leap +7 also ignores the enemy's counter, and turns the next Medal into the Power attribute.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Ferocious Leap +5 6★ x4.10 x4.20 x4.30 x4.40 x4.50 x4.60 5
Ferocious Leap +6 7★ x7.29 - 8.75 5
Ferocious Leap +7 SN++ x14.63 - 19.47 5

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+5 +5-6
Ferocious Leap Ferocious Leap +5: Power-strength +3
Ferocious Leap +6: Power-strength +3, Upright-strength +3
Ferocious Leap +7: Power-Medal strength +6000, Power-strength +15, Upright-strength +15, Special Attack Bonus +220%
Ferocious Leap +6: Power-defense -2
Ferocious Leap +7: Power-defense -15, Upright-defense -15
Ferocious Leap +5: 1 turn
Ferocious Leap +6: 1 turn
Ferocious Leap +7: 2 turns

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Ferocious Leap +5 6★ x1.99 - 3.35 x2.02 - 3.40 x2.05 - 3.45 x2.07 - 3.49 x2.10 - 3.54 x2.13 - 3.59 5
Ferocious Leap +6 7★ x7.29 - 8.75 5
Ferocious Leap +7 SN++ x14.63 - 19.47 5

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+5 +5-6
Ferocious Leap Ferocious Leap +5: Power-strength +3
Ferocious Leap +6: Power-strength +3, Upright-strength +3
Ferocious Leap +7: Power-Medal strength +6000, Power-strength +15, Upright-strength +15, Special Attack Bonus +220%
Ferocious Leap +5: Power-defense -2
Ferocious Leap +6: Power-defense -2
Ferocious Leap +7: Power-defense -15, Upright-defense -15
Ferocious Leap +5: 1 turn
Ferocious Leap +6: 1 turn
Ferocious Leap +7: 2 turns

Learning Ferocious Lunge

Kingdom Hearts

  • Beast has Ferocious Lunge as a default ability.

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories

  • Sora learns Ferocious Lunge once he gains access to the Beast card by clearing the Hollow Bastion Room of Guidance.

Kingdom Hearts II

  • Beast has Ferocious Rush as a default ability.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ