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- Victory Fanfare* Mechy is BACK! WOOHOO!
April 9th
Finished Games
All KH games available in the UK. (I also have CoM, but have not finished it)
Wish I Was Playing
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix Kingdom Hearts DD Kingdom Hearts 3 Kid Icarus Uprising The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Most games coming out on the WiiU
Signature Keyblades
Heart of Freindship, Soul of Loyalty
Current Theme Song
Perfect (Clean Version)-P!nk
Mass Effect, Dissidia 012 Sonic Rivals 2 Super Scribblenauts 3D Classics: Excitebike
Mechajin Walky Talky Page! :D — I fight for my friends! Nothing More, Nothing Less! Friendship is the most important thing you can have!! 
Hey there, I'm Mechajin, The Wiki's resident Annoying person. I'm prone to taking sudden, long wikibreaks, While I was gone on this most recent one, I fell in love with an Anime called My Ordinary Life (Nichijou in Japan) Got addicted to Minecraft, and authored a webcomic, called OneShotFail It was started on september 26th, when I uploaded the character bio comics, updated once, then started it's current schedule of updating on mondays and fridays. So Please. PLEASE. PLEASEPLEASEPLEAAAAASE check it out. Mechajin I fight for my friends!