Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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This page contains a list of quotes said by Chip and Dale during the course of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts coded, and Kingdom Hearts III.
Cutscene Quotes
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Terra's Story
- "What're you, nuts, runnin' out onto the course like that?"
— Chip talking to Terra. - "Yeah, that's against the rules."
— Dale talking to Terra. - "Are you talkin' about all those karts that look like scary, ugly monsters?"
— Chip talking about the Unversed. - "That's it! Terra, you just need to enter the races! And while you're at it, take that Captain Dark down a notch or two. He's always breakin' the rules and causin' trouble."
— Chip telling Terra to enter the race. - "Yippee! I hope he's gone for good. Nobody's gonna vote for a weasel like you, Pete!"
— Chip after Terra wins the race. - "No votes, no prize!"
— Dale talking about the Million Dreams Award. - "Well, one thing I know for sure. I'm votin' for Terra! Your racing really saved the day against those monster karts!"
— Chip saying the'll vote for him in the Million Dreams Award. - "Hip hip hurray for Terra!"
— Dale congratulating Terra.
Terra, Ventus and Aqua's Story
- "Boy oh boy! I hope it's the guy I voted for!"
— Chip during the Million Dreams Award ceremony. - "I voted for him, too!"
— Dale during the Million Dreams Award ceremony.
Kingdom Hearts II
- "Howdy, Sora! How ya doin'?"
— Dale upon entering the Gummi Ship. - "It's your favorite Gummi engineers here, ready for duty: Chip..."
— Chip upon entering the Gummi Ship. - "Hey! What happened to Twilight Town?"
— Chip talking about Twilight Town. - "Somethin's wrong in the Hall of the Cornerstone!"
— Chip talking to Minnie about the Cornerstone. - "There's real sharp thorns everywhere!"
— Dale talking to Minnie about the Cornerstone. - "The castle's in danger! Hurry! To the library!"
— Dale upon Sora and company arriving in Disney Castle. - "Oh no! Oh no! The castle's in danger! You must go see Her Majesty at once! She's in the library!"
— Chip telling Sora and company to go to Queen Minnie. - "This is the Gummi Ship hangar. Normally it's a madhouse here. If you follow the lawn from here, you'll arrive at the castle entrance."
— Dale talking about the castle. - "Let's have an acorn feast to celebrate!"
— Dale after Sora and company defeats Pete. - "Looky there! Twilight Town!"
— Chip talking about Twilight Town. - "You're right, Chipper! I wonder what's goin' on."
— Dale talking about Hollow Bastion surrounded by darkness. - "Hey, everybody! I'm picking up a strange reading."
— Chip after completing a world. - "Prob'ly just a glitch."
— Dale about the strange reading. - "Whenever Sora, Donald, and Goofy go out and help folks, the reading gets stronger!"
— Chip talking about the strange reading. - "We really are countin' on you, guys!"
— talking to Sora and company. - "What's that? That big...thing?"
— Chip talking about The World That Never Was. - "Look! It's another huge energy reading! And it's coming from someplace near the town."
— talking about Twilight Town.
Kingdom Hearts coded
- "Your highness! Preparations are complete!"
— Chip talking to Mickey. - "This is no time to panic! I can't tell why, but something strange is going on in some of the worlds. We can't analyze the message!"
— Chip talking about the notebook. - "It means Sora got the power to travel freely around the worlds!"
— Dale talking about how Sora can travel to other world. - "Something is hacking into the data!!"
— Chip talking about how someone his hacking into the notebook. - "Please, hurry up and get—"
— Dale trying to communicate with Mickey and company inside the notebook. - "Hurray! Everybody made it home!"
— Dale upon Mickey and company arriving back. - "Welcome home, everybody!"
— Chip upon Mickey and company arriving back.
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded
- "Your majesty, everything's ready."
- "Your majesty, what Chipper said."
- "Jiminy's journal — I think it's gone completely nuts!"
- "Nuts? Where?"
- "That's not what I mean!"
- "We finally got through!"
- "The room was empty when we came back, and we've been searching the data for you ever since!"
- "Someone's trying to break into the data from the outside!"
Kingdom Hearts III
Action Quotes
- "Ready or not, here comes the acorn shot!"
- "Here ya go!"
- "Chippper!"