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Type | Ingredient | Location |
File:Topping ingredient KHBBS.pngPrickle Pepper (とんがりペッパー Tongari Peppā ) | Disney Town | |
File:Topping ingredient KHBBS.pngToonbasco (トゥーンカレー Tūn Karē , lit. "Toon Curry") | Disney Town | |
File:Topping ingredient KHBBS.pngOpen Sesame (オープンセサミ Ōpun Sesami ) | Treasure Tussle Risky Riches[KH BbS FM] | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngSoy Milk (ソイミルク Soi Miruku ) | Radiant Garden | |
File:Cake ingredient KHBBS.pngThundercracker (イナズマキャンディ Inazuma Kyandi , lit. "Lightning Candy") | Olympus Coliseum | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngRocket Soda (ジェットソーダ Jetto Sōda , lit. "Jet Soda") | Radiant Garden | |
File:Candy ingredient KHBBS.pngDancin' Lemon (ダンシングレモン Danshingu Remon , lit. "Dancing Lemon") | Neverland Risky Riches | |
File:Topping ingredient KHBBS.pngGaspberry (秘密のラズベリ Himitsu no Razuberi , lit. "Secret Raspberry") | Dwarf Woodlands | |
File:Cake ingredient KHBBS.pngNebula Nectar (フラワージェリー Furawā Jerī , lit. "Flower Jelly") | Radiant Garden | |
File:Cake ingredient KHBBS.pngBirthday Cake (バースデイケーキ Bāsudei Kēki ) | Castle of Dreams | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngRose Honey (ローズハニー Rōzu Hanī ) | Enchanted Dominion | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngCream Fluff (ふわふわクリーム Fuwafuwa Kurīmu , lit. "Fluffy Cream") | Deep Space | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngRainbow Syrup (虹のシロップ Niji no Shiroppu ) | Neverland | |
File:Cake ingredient KHBBS.pngCotton Cloudcandy (わた雲のキャンディ Watakumo no Kyandi ) | Olympus Coliseum | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngGolden Jam (黄金ジャム Ougon Jamu ) | Neverland | |
File:Topping ingredient KHBBS.pngBijou Bean (ジュエリービーンズ Juerī Bīnzu , lit. "Jewelry Beans") | Enchanted Dominion | |
File:Topping ingredient KHBBS.pngCrystal Sugar (クリスタルシュガー Kurisutaru Shugā ) | Castle of Dreams | |
File:Cake ingredient KHBBS.pngGalactic Caramel (銀河キャラメル Ginga Kyarameru ) | Deep Space | |
File:Topping ingredient KHBBS.pngNutty Nut (ワイルドナッツ Wairudo Nattsu , lit. "Wild Nuts") | Dwarf Woodlands Olympus Coliseum | |
File:Topping ingredient KHBBS.pngBizarro Bean (謎の豆 Nazo no Mame , lit. "Mysterious Bean") | Deep Space | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngWhipped Dream (謎のクリーム Nazo no Kurīmu , lit. "Mysterious Cream") | Neverland | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngHoneybunch (トレジャーハニー Torejā Hanī , lit. "Treasure Honey") | Neverland | |
File:Candy ingredient KHBBS.pngApple Pie (夢見るリンゴ Yumemiru Ringo , lit. "Dream Apple") | Dwarf Woodlands | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngMoogle Coffee (モーグリコーヒー Mōguri Kōhī ) | Radiant Garden | |
File:Topping ingredient KHBBS.pngJumbo Almond (大粒アーモンド Ōtsubu Āmondo ) | Enchanted Dominion | |
File:Cake ingredient KHBBS.pngChocolate Valentine (バレンタインチョコ Barentain Choko , lit. "Valentine Chocolate") | Castle of Dreams | |
File:Cake ingredient KHBBS.pngForest Muffin (森のカステラ Mori no Kasutera , lit. "Forest Castella") | Enchanted Dominion | |
File:Candy ingredient KHBBS.pngCherryberry (瓶詰めイチゴ Bindzume Ichigo , lit. "Bottled Strawberry") | Enchanted Dominion | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngMerry Dairy (ロマンスミルク Romansu Miruku , lit. "Romance Milk") | Dwarf Woodlands | |
File:Cake ingredient KHBBS.pngWedding Cake (ウェディングケーキ Wedingu Kēki ) | Castle of Dreams | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngStar Syrup (流れ星のシロップ Nagareboshi no Shiroppu , lit. "Shooting Star Syrup") | Deep Space | |
File:Candy ingredient KHBBS.pngBalloon Melon (バルーンメロン Barūn Meron ) | Deep Space | |
File:Candy ingredient KHBBS.pngHeroic Orange (英雄オレンジ Eiyū Orenji ) | Olympus Coliseum | |
File:Candy ingredient KHBBS.pngPeach Fantasy (ファンタジーピーチ Fantajī Pīchi , lit. "Fantasy Peach") | Dwarf Woodlands | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngCrystal Soda (クリスタルソーダ Kurisutaru Sōda ) | Castle of Dreams | |
File:Topping ingredient KHBBS.pngMermaid Salt (マーメイドソルト Māmeido Soruto ) | Neverland | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngFizzy Tizzy (ロケットラムネ Roketto Ramune , lit. "Rocket Lemonade") | Deep Space | |
File:Bottle ingredient KHBBS.pngSky Blue Mousse (青空のゼリー Aozora no Zerī , lit. "Blue Sky Jelly") | Enchanted Dominion | |
File:Cake ingredient KHBBS.pngStarry Sky Delight (星空のドロップ Hoshizora no Doroppu , lit. "Starry Sky Drop") | Treasure Tussle | |
File:Topping ingredient KHBBS.pngRich Marshmallow (贅沢マシュマロ Zeitaku Mashumaro , lit. "Luxury Marshmallow") | Castle of Dreams | |
File:Topping ingredient KHBBS.pngMerry Mint (ハミングミント Hamingu Minto , lit. "Humming Mint") | Dwarf Woodlands | |
File:Candy ingredient KHBBS.pngMelodious Grape (メロディグレープ Merodi Gurēpu , lit. "Melody Grape") | Disney Town |
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