About the image placement, I wasn't really bothered by some of them being on the right, but more about the place in the template. Right now, the Document template has the image all the way to the side, against the border, but the Images template has the image almost in the middle. It should be easy to fix by giving the cell with the image a set width.
I don't really mind who we use for the Split template, but if you want to avoid using the same character twice, there are two Vexen images being used right now (although one template is barely used), two Xemnas's (if you count the Mysterious Figure), two Mickey's, and two Sora's. If we want to use only one character, we could use Xion for the merge template with "I belong with Sora. And now, I am going back...to be with him."
@ENX: The quote I picked was just a suggestion, and I picked the B medal because it looked more threatening, but the new Young Xehanort quote is fine.