Forums: Index > Ansem's Computer > Request 1, (KH1 Enemy technique translations) - FFFan91
Hi, so I'm new to this wiki and I'm hoping that someone can help me with what I have to ask... So, I have a copy of both the Kingdom Hearts Ultimania AND Kingdom Hearts Ultimania: Revised Edition, and I have a big question to those who have either book:
What are the translations for the techniques the enemies and bosses in the game use? I know a few of the them (thanks to the wikia having a number of 'em present), like:
Example: Large Body
- なぎ払い攻撃 - Mow-Down Attack
- ボディアタック - Body Attack
- 突進 - Rush
- ジャンピング衝撃波 - Jumping Shockwave
However, I cannot figure out the rest of 'em. If anyone out there has a copy of either Ultimanias, and also know Japanese, I would greatly appreciate the help on figuring out the translations of each enemy/boss technique. FFFan91 (talk) 12:40, 9 May 2018 (UTC)