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KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users! TALK - - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 11:42 PM Fri, March 2, 2018 MST
Ok, so as some of you may have noticed, I've been writing up new and detailed pages outlining all our rules here. The premise behind this is simple: I expect us to get a lot more users in the coming months with the upcoming release of Kingdom Hearts III. We have a lot of rules and formats and such that we enforce here, but it's not really spelled out. So, bouncing off of this idea, these new policy pages will help spell them out clearly, and any new editors won't be able to say that they didn't know what the rules are. Because they're right there. So, the latest one I've made is a User Account Policy. What this is supposed to be is a basic guide to our rules here, with links to other policies, help pages, and guides that further explain the rules. It also outlines the discipline guidelines we follow here, so people don't think we're ban-trigger-happy, and there's a clearer use for our various warning and ban/block templates. I've also made a Policy hub here to link all our policy pages and basically act as a directory to it all. What do you guys think? And are there any other rules I should add or make policy pages/help guides for?