Final Fantasy Record Keeper

Key to Another World (異次元の扉 ~繋がる心~ Ijigen no Tobira ~ Tsunagaru Kokoro ~?, lit. "Doors of Different Dimensions ~ Connecting heart ~") was an event in Final Fantasy Record Keeper, as part of the collaboration between Final Fantasy Record Keeper and Kingdom Hearts Union χ. It followed the story of Kingdom Hearts, from the Destiny Islands to Olympus Coliseum. In the event, players could collect Munny from enemies to spend in the Moogle Shop.


Destiny Islands, heart of a peaceful world bathed in warm sunlight. There, Sora, Riku, and Kairi made their plans to set off on a grand adventure. But on the day before they had planned to leave, a darkness fell across the island, and the three friends were separated. As darkness engulfs the island, Sora takes possession of the Keyblade, and he sets out on a true adventure to find his friends. In his travels, Sora visits many worlds, meeting new faces and having life-changing experiences along the way. But to reach the end of his journey, Sora must face Kairi, in her death-like slumber, Riku, who is drawn to the seductive power of darkness, and a mysterious figure with an insatiable lust for the dark.


Sora and Riku appear in Final Fantasy Record Keeper as playable characters, exclusively obtained from this event.


"A fourteen-year-old boy who faces ordinary teenage troubles, but always keeps a cheerful outlook on life. At times Sora can be naive, but his underlying sense of justice serves him well."
—Character profile

Sora is classified as a "Keyblade Master" and has a "Physical Attack" combat role.

"Proficient with a variety of weapons, with a focus on Keyblades and swords. Can use rare spellblade abilities, buffing his Attack to deal powerful physical elemental attacks."
—Special Traits
Stats Abilties Weapons Armor Accessories
ATK ♦♦♦♦♦
MAG ♦♦
ACC ♦♦♦
DEF ♦♦
RES ♦♦
EVA ♦♦♦
HP ♦♦♦
MND ♦♦
SPD ♦♦♦♦
Black Magic ★★★
White Magic ★★★★
Spellblade ★★★★★
Combat ★★★★★
Light Armor


"A fifteen-year-old boy mature beyond his years. Riku is cool and collected, but not afraid to speak his mind. He has in insatiable curiosity, and he feels there's much more to experience beyond the small world he knows."
—Character profile

Riku is classified as a "Chosen" and has a "Physical Attack" combat role.

"Wields Keyblades and swords. Can use rare combat and darkness abilities, buffing his Attack to deal heavy damage."
—Special Traits
Stats Abilties Weapons Armor Accessories
ATK ♦♦♦♦♦
MAG ♦♦
ACC ♦♦♦
DEF ♦♦♦
RES ♦♦
EVA ♦♦♦
HP ♦♦♦♦
MND ♦♦
SPD ♦♦♦♦
Black Magic ★★★★
Combat ★★★★★
Celerity ★★★★★
Darkness ★★★★★
Light Armor
Heavy Armor

Wardrobe Records

Wardrobe Records allow characters to change their appearance. Key to Another World added three Wardrobe Records based on the Kingdom Hearts series.

  • The Black-Robed Keeper Wardrobe Record allowed Tyro to dress in a Black coat.
  • The KINGDOM HEARTS Cloud Wardrobe Record allowed Cloud to take on his appearance from Kingdom Hearts.
  • The KINGDOM HEARTS Leon Wardrobe Record allowed Squall to take on his appearance from Kingdom Hearts.


Key to Another World added the new Keyblade weapon class, alongside several weapons and armor from the Kingdom Hearts series.


Key to Another World features several Heartless as enemies, and some Final Fantasy bosses.

Soul Breaks

Soul Breaks are powerful attacks obtained from weapons or armor. Key to Another World added several Soul Breaks for Sora and Riku, and one for Cloud.

Icon Attack Character Description Obtained
  Vortex (ヴォルテックス
Sora Deal physical damage to all enemies. Default
  Ragnarok (ラグナロク
Sora Deal three massive ranged physical fire, lightning, and ice attacks to one enemy. Can break the damage cap. Fenrir (KH)
  Strike Raid (ストライクレイド
Sutoraiku Reido
Sora Deal ten ranged physical fire, lightning, and ice attacks to one target, temporarily set the user's critical hit chance to 50%, and enter Connected Hearts EX Mode. Connected Hearts EX Mode temporarily raises the user's Attack a moderate amount, and causes fire, lightning, and ice spellblade abilities to trigger the follow-up ability Judgment, dealing four ranged physical fire, lightning, ice, and non-elemental attacks to one target. Lionheart (KH)
  Valor Form (ブレイヴフォーム
Bureivu Fōmo
?, lit. "Brave Form")
Sora Instantly grant the user Empowered Infusion for fire. Jungle King (KH)
  Wisdom Form (ウィズダムフォーム
Wizudamu Fōmo
Sora Instantly grant the user Empowered Infusion for ice. Three Wishes (KH)
  Master Form (マスターフォーム
Masutā Fōmo
Sora Instantly grant the user Empowered Infusion for lightning. Crabclaw (KH)
  Ars Arcanum (ラストアルカナム
Rasuto Arukanamu
?, lit. "Last Arcanum")
Sora Deal eight physical fire, lightning, and ice attacks to one enemy, temporarily raise the user's Attack a moderate amount and Defense a small amount, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user. Metal Chocobo (KH)
  Arcanum (アルカナム
Deal two physical fire, lightning, and ice attacks to one enemy. If the user has Burst Mode, grant Combo to the user, and increase its rank by 1 (up to rank 3).
  Break (ブレイク
Deal four to seven physical fire, lightning, and ice attacks to one enemy. Number of attacks, damage, and critical hit chance depends on the Combo rank of the user.
  Vertical Strike (縦振り
Riku Deal three physical attacks to one enemy. Default
  Aura of Darkness (闇のオーラ
Yami no Ōra
Riku Deal three massive physical dark attacks to one enemy. Can break the damage cap. Oblivion (KH)
  Dark Firaga (ダークファイガ
Dāku Faiga
?, lit. "Dark Figa")
Riku Deal ten ranged physical dark and non-elemental attacks to one enemy, temporarily infuse the user with the power of the dark, lower the user's Mind and raise the user's Attack a moderate amount, and cause the user's dark abilities to trigger the follow-up ability Darkhand Scourge, dealing five physical dark and non-elemental attacks to one target. Way to the Dawn (KH)
  Darkhand (ダークハンド
Riku Instantly grant the user Empowered Infusion for dark. Riku's Gloves (KH)
  Darkhand Helm Split (ダークハンド兜割り
Dākuhando Kabuto Wari
Riku Deal eight physical dark and non-elemental attacks to one enemy, temporarily infuse the user with the power of the dark, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user. Soul Eater (KH)
  Dash Swing (ダッシュ振り
Dasshu Furi
Deal four physical dark and non-elemental attacks to one enemy. Reduced delay before hitting.
  Scourge (振り払い
?, lit. "Shake Off")
Deal three physical dark and non-elemental attacks to one enemy, and increase the damage of the user's darkness abilities a small amount for three turns.
  Sonic Blade (ソニックレイヴ
Sonikku Reivu
?, lit. "Sonic Rave")
Cloud Deal eight physical dark and wind attacks to one enemy, temporarily infuse the user with the power of the dark, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user. Buster Sword (KH)
  Darkness Blast (ダークネスブラスト
Dākunesu Burasuto
Deal three physical dark and wind attacks to one enemy, and reduce delay of the user's actions for three turns.
  Dark Gleam (邪晄撃
Deal three physical dark and wind attacks to one enemy, and temporarily grant 1 rank of Heavy Charge to the user (up to rank 2).

Record Materia

Record Materia are passive abilities that can be obtained by breaking a character's level cap. Key to Another World added three Record Materia for both Sora and Riku.

Icon Record Materia Character Description Obtained
  Link Between Hearts (心を繋ぐ少年
Kokoro o Tsunagu Shōnen
?, lit. "Boy Who Connects Hearts")
Sora Deal slightly more damage with spellblade abilities. Awarded for breaking character level cap.
  Bond Between Worlds (世界をめぐる絆
Sekai o Meguru Kizuna
?, lit. "Bonds Around the World")
Sora Deal significantly more damage with spellblade abilities. Break Sora's level cap 2 times and obtain the Link Between Hearts record materia. Chance to obtain with Sora in your party.
  Faith in the Light (光を信じる心
Hikari o Dhinjiru Kokoro
?, lit. "Heart That Believes in Light")
Sora Deal much more damage with spellblade abilities. Break Sora's level cap 3 times and obtain the Bond Between Worlds record materia. Awarded for raising Sora to level 99.
  Dreams of Power (力を望む少年
Chikara o Nozomu Shōnen
?, lit. "Boy Who Wishes Power")
Riku Deal slightly more dark damage. Awarded for breaking character level cap.
  Means to an End (手段を選ばぬ意思
Shudan o Erabanu Ishi
?, lit. "Willing to Choose Means")
Riku Deal significantly more dark damage. Break Riku's level cap 2 times and obtain the Dreams of Power record materia. Chance to obtain with Riku in your party.
  Heart of Darkness (闇を覆いし心
Yami o Ōishi Kokoro
?, lit. "Heart Covered in Darkness")
Riku Deal much more dark damage. Break Riku's level cap 3 times and obtain the Means to an End record materia. Awarded for raising Riku to level 99.

Legend Materia

Legend Materia are passive abilities that can be obtained from Legend Spheres or equipment. Key to Another World added several Legend Materia for Sora and Riku, and one for Cloud.

Icon Legend Materia Character Description Obtained
  Chosen of the Keyblade (キーブレードに選ばれし者
Kīburēdo ni Erabareshimono
Sora Deal slightly more damage with spellblade abilities. Chosen of the Keyblade Legend Sphere
  Fire Arts (ファイア免許皆伝
Faia Menkyokaiden
Sora Begin battle temporarily infused with the power of fire, and with Haste. Fire Arts Legend Sphere
  Blizzard Arts (ブリザド免許皆伝
Burizado Menkyokaiden
Sora Begin battle temporarily infused with the power of ice, and with Haste. Blizzard Arts Legend Sphere
  Thunder Arts (サンダー免許皆伝
Sandā Menkyokaiden
Sora Begin battle temporarily infused with the power of lightning, and with Haste. Thunder Arts Legend Sphere
  Connected Hearts (繋がる心
Tsunagaru Kokoro
Sora Moderate chance for spellblade abilities to trigger twice. Sora (KH)
  True Chosen One (真に選ばれし者
Makotoni Erabareshimono
Riku Increase dark damage a small amount. True Chosen One Legend Sphere
  Friends In My Heart (友への思い
Tomo e no Omoi
Riku Moderate chance for darkness abilities to trigger twice. Friends In My Heart Legend Sphere
  Seeker of Darkness (闇の探求者
Yami no Tankyū-sha
Riku Begin battle temporarily infused with the power of the dark. Riku (KH)
  Light Seeker (光探す剣士
Hikari Sagasu Kenshi
Cloud Moderate chance to reduce delay of the user's actions for one turn when using darkness abilities. Cloud (KH)