Forum:Operation: Keychain - HD 2.0 Final ReMIX -

Revision as of 15:06, 8 June 2017 by KrytenKoro (talk | contribs)
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Forums: Index > The World that Never was > Operation: Keychain - HD 2.0 Final ReMIX -

"[The Kingdom Hearts Wiki] attempts to document all things related to Kingdom Hearts, from elements of storyline to gameplay... the community of the [Kingdom Hearts Wiki] has striven to be the most professional and comprehensive Kingdom Hearts resource in the world"

(from KHWiki:About on the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, retrieved 30 May 2017, bold added). 

"Regrettably, the Kingdom Hearts Wiki is not doing well in accomplishing its purpose. Traffic on site has slowed down considerably, and this is taking a toll in the wiki's ability to cover the content from the series, especially with the monumental and changing news from both Kingdom Hearts III and Kingdom Hearts χ. What the wiki needs now is more volunteer editors to add to the number of hands involved, allowing the content to be covered completely with less need for any one of us to be on site a lot of time. The community exists; they can be found on the forums and pages of sites like KHInsider, KH13, reddit, and IGN. We simply need to help our wiki turn the traffic this way, and the wiki’s purpose details well how to best do that. This intends to organize efforts to do just that

OPERATION: KEYCHAIN was organized at the end of 2014 to help organize the work of the wiki for the year 2015. OPERATION: KEYCHAIN - VOLUME 2 - is written to establish a vision for the Kingdom Hearts Wiki in order to help the wiki accomplish the elements listed in its purpose. Bringing the focus back to the wiki's purpose, Operation: Keychain – Volume 2 – (OKC0.2) is meant to direct our work as editors to fulfill our purpose." 

-From the OPERATION: KEYCHAIN - VOLUME 2 - document

Sora Wisdom Sprite KHII.png
KeybladeSpyMaster - I do it for my family, my home, my friends! I do it for her!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png Welcome to Spy Force One. - 05:12 PM Wed, June 7, 2017 MST
Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png So, I know what you're thinking. Here's this fool again, back just two weeks and already on the whole OCK thing again. Sorry. I realize I probably don't have the credibility to be suggesting this idea (again...), but it's been on my mind for several months and I figured I'd throw it out there. I realized within the first five months that Operation: Keychain launched (my last five months on the Wiki) that it wasn't going anywhere fast. It quickly fell from an exciting undertaking to a complicated and overwhelming task list. So, in an effort to better organize the wiki's efforts and set goals for us, I present OPERATION: KEYCHAIN - VOLUME 2 -!

Click here

The idea is that we establish goals as a wiki with the intent of meeting our purpose, which is to be the most comprehensive and professional Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia on the internet. Included in the document (and on the page) is an idea of some goals and plans, but that part is entirely up to the wiki to decide what to keep and what to throw out or add. Much of the plans are semi-easy to enact within a couple days, so maybe part of what could be done to make it better is to make assignments of who should do what. So what do you think? Opinions, questions, concerns, maladies of the mind? Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png

I think we need to focus on
  1. Updating story info for KHUX concepts
  2. Completing articles for all KHUX special attacks, items, KH 0.2 and 3D items, special attacks, etc.
  3. Finishing Project World and getting the nihongo and room names integrated everywhere, with in-depth coverage of each room (preferably including screenshots and concept art), maps, etc. At least one sentence or paragraph describing each room.
  4. Finishing the Game: articles for every boss and world, and getting boss strategies up to new standard (see Game:Sephiroth or Game:Eraqus). This means trawling the Ultimania and KH2 Bradygames guide for attack descriptions and stats, sorting basic strategies by which enemy command they're reacting to, and also getting complete item/enemy lists done up for KH 0.2, KH3DHD.
I have no real opinion on the social media/PR stuff. My own focus always has and will be on the wiki simply having the information, whether anybody reads it or no."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 15:06, 8 June 2017 (UTC)