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Revision as of 05:08, 6 February 2017 by Amadeus (talk | contribs)
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Hi, I'm Amadeus! I'm not new to the site, but I'm a new user. I mostly joined because I figured I could help out with little edits here and there. I'll probably mostly be fixing up grammar mistakes wherever I may encounter them.

I'm a collector of North American Kingdom Hearts games and have been able to get the most exclusive edition of every game since 3D (albeit they have mostly been gifts... the release dates have been very well timed)! I dream of owning a Play Arts figure one day (ideally Roxas or Axel) but that's... a reach.

My favorite game is 358/2 Days!

I'm currently playing KHFM on 1.5 right now, because when I booted up 3D on 2.8 I felt... lost. So I need a refresher on the first three games!

(I have no idea on how to code pages!! If you can help me beautify this page or any pages that would be much appreciated!!)

I don't know how active I will be, but I'll try my best to stop in somewhat regularly!