
We should move this to "King Mickey" - anyone else think so? Scottch 19:13, 25 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Sure, go ahead. Sorry about the mistake. - Durza
  • Not really. After all, he is Mickey Mouse. Just like Donald Duck compared to just Donald. And anyway, we have a redirect to this.--Dreyfus 22:24, 25 January 2007 (UTC)

Just a watcher passing through, I was looking through this page and saw under the Kingdom Hearts Journal entry the line: " I like to fuck pussy" I've deleted it, and have no way to put up the original journal entry (friend borrowed KH), just wanted to tell you guys what happened User:Leiber_Mage

Wayne Allwine Passes Away

Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello?

It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - {{{time}}}


Kind of wondering what's going to happen now...

poo! you got here before i did! Sad news......RIP. He was married to minnie you know?--Zack fair 007 04:52, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

  Peace be upon his soul, man ! I may have not fancied the Re:Chain voice of Mickey (and I doubt it's Wayne Allwine) but seriously, Mickey's signature voice is irreplaceable.

This monster... This is no Unversed. Just a dweller of Darkness. TroisNyxÉtienne

DoorToNothing   — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along!

  Woah... so the English voice actor for Mickey in Kingdom Hearts II is... dead?
Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello?

It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - {{{time}}}

  I wish Yuffie could cry now...

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

DoorToNothing   — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along!

  That's horrible! I loved Mickey's voice! Bless his soul... I wonder what will happen to Playhouse Disney now! Not to mention Kingdom Hearts....

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
So sad. It's very sad to see Wayne Allwine die now. Who is to do the voice of King Mickey now? (Don't forget that new show, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, somebody has to voice Mickey there as well.) We are all going to miss him very much. RIP Allwine.

HarpieSiren - Here's one for all of us
TALK - It will keep us connected
RE:CoM's Mickey was indeed voiced by Allwine, Disney only lets the official VA voice Mickey in their productions. Which, of course, they'll have to get a new one now... Allwine was the third VA for Mickey, after all, and he knew he wasn't gonna get to do this forever. It's just... it's not gonna be the same, it's never gonna be the same...

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
But he was a legend. Sure, someone will now take his place, but he'll never have a great voice than Allwine.

BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy!
TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...{{{time}}}
Oh man...how heartbreaking. I didn't even know he was sick.

My condolences to Russi Taylor and the rest of his family. I always thought it very sweet he ended up marrying the voice of Minnie, like Zack pointed out.

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
Nether did I.

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - I'm so sorry...
So...I guess the news is traveling pretty quickly about his death. It's so sad, I felt like we lost a hero or something...Now what? He's gone to the afterlife...What will happen to his legacy? Who will replace King Mickey now? No one...? What will happen to Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days? They will probably halt the process to find another voice actor...But who will it be? Do you guys know who will be good as Wayne was...?

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
Too bad most actors I have heard of don't have Allwine's voice. I mean, it is a sadining he had to die just as voicing for Days begins.
Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello?

It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - {{{time}}}

  Apparently most of the voice acting for Days is already completed.

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
ENGLISH. Your thinking of the Japanese version.

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - I'm so sorry...
Amy's right. We need the English voice actors. I wonder if Wayne wished he stayed long enough to see Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days...What do think? He loved doing King Mickey's voice, and so did we...How sad...What will Disney do now without him...?
Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello?

It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - {{{time}}}

  No, I'm talking about english. If I was talking about the Japanese voices, I would have said that all of the voice work is finished entirely.

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - I'm so sorry...
Sorry...Um, everyone, I know this might sound stupid, but I think we should have some kind of memorial for Wayne...I don't know why, but it will feel right if we did...Stupid, right? I know...But I can't do it alone...
Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello?

It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - {{{time}}}

  I was thinking that last night, we should have a memorial on the front page.

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - What are you...Saying...?
Really...? You don't think it's stupid...? How are we going to do it? We need everyone to pitch in. I think we post his picture on the front page, and each of us say a few words about Wayne.

  I think we'll have that memorial on for a long time. Anyone got a really nice shot of Wayne Allwine, birth and death date ? (I know the death date is 18th May 2009...) I'll try come up with a pic, whilst someone try come up with a paragraph or two.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne — 23:03, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - I'm so sorry...
Yes...I agree. As long as King Mickey's alive in Kingdom Hearts and his shows, then no one will ever forget him....Anyway, I know where we can get a good picture of him. Actually, you can find it any good pics on the Internet. For birth and death...Uh, I don't know any pics like that, and I'm really sad about death still, so...I can't do it. What else? Should we decorate the front page in a special way?

  If it involves making a montage, I'm game. If it's Wikimarkup, I'll leave it to Guardian Soul, ILHI, Kryten and his lot.

Just get one pic - his most stunning pic. And his birth date. That's all - I'll piece everything together.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Yes, okay. We need to find picture of Wayne smiling, happily. How about this~ http://cache.gettyimages.com/xc/83257206.jpg?v=1&c=ViewImages&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF19303D83A05122D236960C0CD7C0F1ECD1B5A5397277B4DC33E ? It's kinda hard to find his stunning picutre. I think hhis birth date was 07 February 1947 and his....Death is 18 May 2009. Oh, I think we should also make some kind of music video or something for him, that'll be nice...

  For that, we'll need several clips...

I'll get working on the montage right away, and have it uploaded here.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello?

It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - {{{time}}}

  I don't think we need to go as far as making a video, I mean you can if you want, but I was thinking that we'll just put his picture on the front page with his date of birth and date of death, as well as a bit of information and a quote. I think this picture might be better as it's not too big and still looks nice. We can put a picture of King Mickey beside it.

  Here's my idea :


Mickey's already there in the midst of them. And so is Minnie. (I guess, with one half gone, it'd be more heart-wrenching than ever... I know how it feels like.)

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello?

It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - {{{time}}}

  Alright, I'm trying to put something together on the main page right now, so give me a few minutes.


Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello?

It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - {{{time}}}

  Okay, check out the front page. We can add more if it's necessary.

  I just took a look. Not bad. ^_^' I... guess.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello?

It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - {{{time}}}

  Problem? If you think it could be better, you can change it up. I was just getting something down to use as a base.

  The problem is, I'm sad.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello?

It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - {{{time}}}

  Oh, I'm sorry trois.
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy!
TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...{{{time}}}
What a lovely idea, NinjaShiek and Guardian Soul. And major kudos to Troisnyx and Guardian Soul for putting it together. It's very touching, and a nice little memorial for a wonderful voice actor.


Now, there've been too many deaths around me... lemme go drown my sorrows.

It is rather funny what I would do for honey. TroisNyxÉtienne

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - I'm so sorry...
Thank you, everyone. The front page looks great...But I'm still sad. I can't believe it...That Wayne is dead, after all these years...Like a hero died...I know being sad and drowning in sorrows won't bring him back, but if we keep King Mickey alive, then...Everyone will continue to remember Wayne. I'll miss him...He was good a man, from what I'd heard...Excuse me, I need to go sulk in the corner...

Disneyvillainman -   I'm what you might call an expert in the art of Darkness.
TALK - Rather a stubborn ol' goat, wouldn't ya say?
  NOOOOOOOOOOO! *bursts out into tears*

Amy Cotton - Whatever
TALK - Larxene
This is very sad (*then burts into tears*). We will all never forget him. May he rest in Peace. (About the idea of the video, good idea. We should also put it on YouTube to show everyone. Though it should have his picture and some clips with King Mickey in both Kingdom Hearts and some of the shows and movies he appired in (House of Mouse, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse etc), then an ending that says "Rest In Peace Wayne Allwine. 7/3/1947-18/5/2009". Mourning music should be played, thogh.)

  I only have

for sad songs.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
Someone Said Goodbye is good enoth for the video. Just make sure only the music is playing and these clips would work well:
  • Kingdom Hearts Series: Any cutscene with King Mickey (can have some allies if you want, such as Donald Duck)
  • House of Mouse: Any cutscene with Mickey
  • Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Muskerterres: I think the point where he does his pose on the carrage.
  • Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Any.

I am going to miss Wayne Allwine very much. He (like Arnold Schwarzenegger and DiZ's voice actor on KHII) was a legend, y'know.

  Someone please provide me with pictures.............. I can take out the Kingdom Hearts cutscenes (but I only have one at the moment : the glimpse of Mickey in the Deep Dive video, and that's it). I think the best way to ever do it is on PhotoStory, and make it a sort of show-and-tell about Allwine's contributions.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
We better ask someone who has seen the movie and had taped some epesodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I can't donate since the only MMCH episodes I ever saw was the Ballon race and when Donald and Goofy were riding a plane with hicups.

DoorToNothing   — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along!

  There is that picture of Mickey in his darker clothing at the end of the Birth By Sleep video in KHII:FM+. Another good one would be when Riku and he reunite on Destiny Islands in the ending FMV of Kingdom Hearts II. Plus, during the credits, there is a picture/scene where Kingdom Mickey + Queen Minnie hold hands and look into each other's eyes in the Throne Room of Disney Castle.

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
What about clips from other shows and movies he has been in?

EDIT : We are going to need at least one clip from the 2004 film, the ongoing TV show for pre-schoolers, the cartoon with many charcters from the films, the Christmas films etc.

Disneyvillainman -   I'm what you might call an expert in the art of Darkness.
TALK - Rather a stubborn ol' goat, wouldn't ya say?
  There is a video like this already on YouTube. Check under GAvillain

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
A memoral to Wayne Allwine, not just a common video. Made by the Kingdom Hearts wiki cast.

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - I'm so sorry...
Thanks, everyone...You're going to do the video for Wayne. I cried today in school over him when I was writing a poem for him in class...No one notice, except for my friend, Sarah or better known as Luna Lumine of Gaia. We go to the same school, and she's also a Kingdom Hearts fan. I told her about Wayne's death in class. She was shocked and sad. I want to post this poem I made for him and King Mickey. It's not very good, but...I need to do it. Okay...Here goes nothing...

For as long as I known you,
You've always been around,
Everytime I see your big round ears,
I smile like a clown.

As a little girl, I wanted to watch your shows,
Always wanting to kiss your big, black nose,
King Mickey is nothing without,
But now that you're gone, what can we do?

Having you around for so long
I was sad when I heard you were gone,
Though we never really met,
I felt like a hero has gone and left.

Seeing you in Kingdom Hearts made me very happy,
Hearing your wise words makes me feel all sappy,
Now that you're gone in the afterlife, we won't forgeet about you,
As long as King Mickey is around we'll always will,
Rest in Peace, Mr. Wayne Anthony Allwine...

I know it's not that good, but I needed to get it off my chest. I hope I could meet him in the next life...I'll be waiting...

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
Your poem is very nice. Maybe TNE can put it on the goodbye video we are making. I am curently drawing a picture of our goodbyes on it and everyone who contribute on this having their usernames on it. We'll like it very much.

Kaylee Anne - You think you can beat me?
TALK - You're going down!
WAYNE ALLWINE IS DEAD?! Why? How? When? Who will voice King Mickey now?

HarpieSiren - Here's one for all of us
TALK - It will keep us connected
Um, Monday. Disney will get a new voice for Mickey soon enough... It still won't be the same...

Kaylee Anne - You think you can beat me?
TALK - You're going down!
Who or what killed him? Did he die from cancer? Was he hit by a car? Was he in a car axedent? Did he get thrown off a cliff? How did he die? (I heard that the Governer of Calafonia broke his leg once and he and his son were nearly killed in a motercycle axerdent. Amalia broke her leg the same way he did, only on a surfboard than a ski)

HarpieSiren - Here's one for all of us
TALK - It will keep us connected
Uh, complications from Diabetes

Kaylee Anne - You think you can beat me?
TALK - You're going down!

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - Thank you...
Thanks, Amy. It's not very good, but sure. You can use it in TNE video for Mr. Wayne. That will make me very happy, but I'm still sad about his...Journey to the afterlife...*Sigh*....King Mickey will never be the same again....

DoorToNothing   — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along!

  That was a nice poem, Amy. It really is sad that Wayne Allwine has passed on, but at least this video that is in progress will be a good memoir to him. It's also giving us all an opportunity to say goodbye to him, and to allow others to remember him better. So we should all get involved with this project, to make this video the best memoir for Wayne Allwine possible.

So, how can I help?

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - Thank you...
Thanks, DoorToNothing. I think it's a nice if we all be part of this project. But what can I do?

DoorToNothing   — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along!

  I'm not really sure what you can do, or what I can do for that matter. I'm hoping that TNE will tell us how currently-uninvolved users can help.

hint hint, TNE, hint hint.

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
I know. But I still want to help. I'd already contacted TNE, so I guess all we have to do is wait, now.

Amy Cotton - Er, thank you?
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
I signed your names on something I created for the video. By the way, has anyone ever seen The Three Musketeers? This version has King Mickey in it along with Donald Duck and Goofy. They are the Three Musketeers in the movie. Might help with the video by geting a couple of scenes from it.

DoorToNothing   — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along!

  Whose names did you all put on the video? And yes, I have seen the Three Musketeers movie; unfortunately, it wouldn't go on after the 8th scene or so.

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Yes, I've seen the Three Musketeers, when I was little. It's been such a long time, so I can't help you. I'm sorry...

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
The only picture I can find for that movie has a safe, but Mickey was not in that scene. we are going to need a lot more help with this video. Good thing TNE and I are up at the same time, since I live in Australia, which is near where she lives.

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - Don't worry. You might forget about me...But, with our promise, I'll come back.
That's good!

DoorToNothing   — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along!

  Wow, you're lucky. I'm 14 hours away from TNE. And whenever I'm lost, she's my first resource. :(

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
I drew this picture on Paint, but it needs to be cleaned up due to my computer always making it blury:


What do you think?

DoorToNothing   — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along!

  It looks great, and I'm sure there are programs that can raise the resolution, make it sharper. Maybe we can use that in the video. I like how you incorporated the colors of the users' text boxes into the color of our names. This would be a good ending if we could add a picture of Wayne Allwine, like the one on the Main Page.

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
Well, I was going to put it with the video, but it is just too blury. Someody needs to go onto paint and clean it up.

DoorToNothing   — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along!

  Paint is the problem. It will do this to all pictures will contrasting colors that are close to each other. I think we need to use a different program, but keep the idea. Basically, we need to recreate the picture in a program that is better than Paint. Any suggestions?

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
I think it's beautiful, Amy. Great job. Have you talk to TNE yet about my poem. I contacted her, but still nothing. Can you please do it for me? It would be an honored to have my poem for Wayne on that YouTube video. And besides, the video was my idea in the first place, so I want to do this for Wayne....

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
I'll talk to her once she is on. I hope for your poem to be on it.

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - What are you...Saying...?
Really? Why? It's not that great, you know? I'm sure there's a lot more people out there that can write a better poem than I can. But... Thanks, Amy
Morghman - Now! Let's savor the utmost of suffering together!
TALK - As the other dies, their agony radiates through my body, and living through it is pure ecstasy!
Once they find a new Mickey, it will not only be the start of a new Kingdom Hearts, think about it, this Mickey will continue to be him for quite possibly the rest of our and part of our children's lives. I feel sad now, this must be how old people felt when their Mickey died.

PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart - I'm the only one!
TALK - Woo hoo hoo hoo!
God rest his soul, . . . and help us find a new King Mickey. ninjasheik what a beautiful poem you wrote. * starts to weep *

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - I'm so sorry...
Thank you very much. It was nothing, really. I was just trying to express my feelings...I'm still sad he's gone..

PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart - I'm the only one!
TALK - Woo hoo hoo hoo!
I'd love to show a sad talk bubble, but I can't really. Amy that picture is great. There won't be another voice for King Mickey like him, I wonder if how we are feeling now is how people felt when Walt Disney died. . .

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - I'm so sorry...
Please, don't bring that up...It'll make me more depressed...

how do u do that chat box thing?--KHF "fight to win" 20:36, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

KHF, NOT the place to bring that up! (Calms down from agitation.) Sorry, I hate it when people bring up pointless stuff on a page like this. Anyway... The death of Wayne Allwine is a blow to us all who knew him as who he voiced. My cousin is a real fan of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse; she doesn't know about this, and I don't think she would understand if I told her. Regardless, he will always be remembered as one of the greatest Mickey Mouse voice actors to live and will always have an honored place in the hearts of Disney fans. God bless his soul and may he rest in peace. Keyblader 02:17, 9 July 2009 (UTC)

Gnut2.0 - It is the fate of a Nobody
TALK - An entity shrouded in mystery.
Wow, I just found out like just now! That sucks that he die. I read that there was only three before by some one here. That makes no sense as the original died in the early 70's. That person was Walt Disney, he was the first person to play Mickey Mouse. I guess Disney is training a new Mickey Mouse as we....type.
Gr8champ - Illusion is the ultimate guide of self-manipulation. What a load of crap!
TALK - Your end is near!
R.I.P Wayne Allwine. Mrs Russi Taylor, I'm very sorry for your loss.

Link to Mourning vid

PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart - I'm the only one!
TALK - Woo hoo hoo hoo!
When that video in memory of Wayne Allwine is done, I think everyone who has there support for the video should get a link. In other words, Maybe everyone who wants a link should say "I". I

I know another thing you can put:

Thinking of you wherever you are We pray for our sorrows to end And to hope that our hearts will blend Now I will step forward to realize this wish And who knows Starting a new journey may not be so hard Maybe it's already begun There are many worlds, but they share the same sky One sky One destiny

And then everyone puts their usernames. What do you think?

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - I'm so sorry...
I! I think we'll know when the video is finish. I like your idea, but thought I am the one who suggested it, please talk to TNE. She's the one making it, not me. However, she is gone for three months, so we'll have to wait.

Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
I! We better get a lot of pictures over the next three months for TNE. (I would help, but I am curently "creating" a child.)

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - Don't worry. You might forget about me...But, with our promise, I'll come back.
Amy, is that mean you'll still help with the music video!? Cool!!

And again, goo luck with the baby!

Kingdom Key DΩ

xNaminéx - 大キライだけど好き!
TALK - I am...glad.
I apologize for such a trivial question, but what is the Kingdom Key DΩ?

A better Kingdom Key D is all I can assume.—Urutapu 20:15, 13 June 2009 (UTC)


PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart - I'm the only one!
TALK - Woo hoo hoo hoo!
I THINK I KNOW WHAT KING MICKEY'S LETTER TO SORA SAID!!! Maybe King Mickey found Ansem the Wise's will ( which might have been written made while Ansem was in exile ) and he wanted Sora, Riku, and Kairi to come to Disney Castle to help him sort out Ansem the Wise's last wishes! What do you guys think, huh huh huh? Good idea huh?
Orpheus of the Lyre Let's Talk ! — Prepare to scream !

Sally, why didn't I listen to you?

That is possible for ansem the wise's last wishes my get them caught up in a new or they could find hidden research he did but they had never seen before (maybe they can find out things from Birth by sleep that way) but who knows its a good thought though ^^
LotsoBearLover - Nice to see you, too, Vexen.
TALK - ! - 00:34, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen."
TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – {{{time}}}
Never jump to assumptions. For all we know, Mickey might not have even written that letter.
LotsoBearLover -  Welcome to sunnyside!
TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
  then why did have mickey's seal on it?

JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen."
TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – {{{time}}}
Have you ever considered that the letter may simply have been a trap to lure Sora, Riku, and Kairi?
LotsoBearLover -  Welcome to sunnyside!
TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
  who would trap them? they defeated orginazation XII and ansem.

JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen."
TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – {{{time}}}
So? That doesn't mean the universe is free of evil, and who's to say that Xehanort isn't going to return in some form or shape?
LotsoBearLover -  Welcome to sunnyside!
TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
  maybe his unbirth is still out there somewhere :D
Flashpenny - You'll wear the face of despair.
TALK - Where's the fun in this?
JudgmentDay may have a point. Do keep in mind Maleficent is still alive and well (unless she got killed by the swarm of Heartless or didn't flee the collapsing Castle in time). Then there's also the fact that Xehanort's Heartless could've easily given up Riku as a lost cause and found another body to possess. These are all theories though.

BTW Andie, you might be onto something with the will idea.

LotsoBearLover -  Welcome to sunnyside!
TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
  wait do nobodies really die since they don't live or do they revive?

JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen."
TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – {{{time}}}
They fade back into darkness, since they're not technically alive, at least, not in the sense that we think of as life.
LotsoBearLover -  Welcome to sunnyside!
TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
  lol we should wait for nomura to tell us in kh III waht the letter said :D
DarkestofHearts - You have poured so many memories into me, given me so much... that I feel like I'm about to overflow.
TALK - Thank you, Riku.
I was actually hoping they wouldn't die, and in the future they would be ressurected

Flashpenny - You'll wear the face of despair.
TALK - Where's the fun in this?
My personal fanfic is that the Organization is immortal because of the fact that they're truly not alive. But we should focus on what is really going to happen.

JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen."
TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – {{{time}}}
Remember what Riku said? Light and darkness are eternal, and nothing probably goes on forever too. If Organization XIII is smart, and we know they are, they could simply use the power of darkness to return.

With the destruction of both Xehanort's Heartless and Nobody, it's possible Xehanort might be reborn and is seeking his revenge.

LotsoBearLover -  Welcome to sunnyside!
TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
  let's jsut continue this discussion on my talkpage. K? cause it's not really needed on this talkpage

Flashpenny - You'll wear the face of despair.
TALK - Where's the fun in this?
On the other hand do keep in mind that Sora and Riku said that only the essences were immortal. That means those who harbor it aren't immortal, the essences are immortal. They even pointed it out in one of the greatest pre-final battle quotes in video game history: "That doesn't mean you're eternal." "No more eternal than that radiance of yours." So Xemnas, Riku and Sora all pointed out in the same conversation that really the only thing eternal are the essences, not the people themselves.
LotsoBearLover -  Welcome to sunnyside!
TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
  look at the message above flashpennys :D
LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids?
TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you. — 03:10, December 31, 2009 (UTC)
Vsymbol.png If you think about it, all of Organization XIII could still be alive (except probably Xion) based on their powers and Vexen's Replica Program.

i think i know what the letter said

Joe Keyblade Aura Come chat! — You shouldn't judge anyone based on appearance.

Dance, water, dance! — 19:41, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

i think ansem the wise is in riku i guess that is why riku changed back

King Mickey's new voice actor!

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
From recent new scans, it said that a man named Bret Iwan will replaced the recently passed away...Wayne Allwine. Does anyone know who this guys is? I want to see if he have it takes to replace Mr. Wayne Allwine!

User:Ubiwerks365 I heard it's a Disney animator named Bret Iwan! YAY, THEY FOUND ANOTHER VOICE FOR THE KING!! They just can't keep a good mouse down!! :D --Ubiwerks365 01:52, September 12, 2009 (UTC)

JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen."
TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – 20:56 11 September 2009 (UTC)
I'm sure than Mr. Iwan will be able to carry on the legacy of Mickey. After all, Disney wouldn't just pick some regular Joe.

All I have to say is: Good luck, Bret Iwan!

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it.
TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 02:00, September 12, 2009 (UTC)
  Exactly. But then there's the issue of what will happen when Bill Farmer and Tony Anselmo die...they're both old, too. That would mean finding a new Goofy and Donald, as well as Pluto...but I guess we'll deal with this when the time comes. I just hate change, and I'm not going to have an easy time getting used to the new voice...

JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen."
TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – 21:09 11 September 2009 (UTC)
I bet people felt the same way when Walt Disney died.

But I don't really like to talk about people dying. Death depresses me. I'm just glad they found a new guy and now I'm interested as to how he'll sound in coded, Birth by Sleep, and whatever else Squeenix has up its sleeve.

i cant unlock mickey

i have beaten 358/2 i made sure to have all missions done but still no mickey yes i'm looking in the moogle shop. do i need to finish all the chalenges to?--Yaoi with itsuki 21:40, October 4, 2009 (UTC)

Xeyj - Sora....you're lucky. Looks like my summer vacation is...over.
TALK - We're friends right?
I have the same problem.

Can anybody find a good sized clear CG render of Mickey from Re:COM? All I can find is the underzised Coded pic with Sora and text on the bottom. Mar 20:53, October 17, 2009 (UTC)

you need to beat the game and buy return of the king from the moogle shop (not in that order duh)

CoM ?

Why there isn't his story in CoM ??? Sora1954

Because he's helping Riku. Hyperwre_2.0 20:27, December 9, 2009 (UTC)

Transfer from Star Seeker to Kingdom Key D?

Mickey was able to have Star Seeker in Birth of Sleep, but what I'm wondering is how he went from that to Kingdom Key D from Birth to Sleep to the first Kingdom Hearts. What I think is that he probably got it from being in Kingdom Hearts in the ending, but we probably won't know until Birth of Sleep comes out. Dornob25 04:13, November 28, 2009 (UTC)

Maybe he just likes the Kingdom Key D better. We do see him using Star Seeker in coded, but there are probably reasons for it. Since BbS, Mickey has been a keyblade master for at least 11 year (counting KH2), and probably for a while before the game, who knows how long he trained under Yen Sid. That's a long time to use one weapon, in a number of RPGs I'll switch between Sword, Staff, Bow(or gun), or whatever is offered on seperate play throughs, or even on differnt missions. Using one for so long (if I'm not comfortable with it) for so long, I'd go nuts... Hyperwre_2.0 20:41, December 9, 2009 (UTC)

How about this one: the star seeker is a keyblade from the realm of light. so how is it he can use a keyblade from the realm of darkness.--Foutlet 22:07, December 26, 2009 (UTC)

Because, like the game says over and over, he went and looked for a Keyblade from the Realm of Darkness? How is that in any way a plot hole?Glorious CHAOS! 03:41, December 27, 2009 (UTC)

Found Mickey from Re:CoM

LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids?
TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you. — 03:10, December 31, 2009 (UTC)
Vsymbol.png I found a picture of Mickey from Re:CoM. It's a little grainy, but it'll do for now.

Aqua and King Mickey

It seem King Mickey had the same relationship with Aqua as same as Riku. I mean just look at their limit attack its almost the same. --Cococrash11 01:14, December 15, 2009 (UTC)Cococcrash11

LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids?
TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you. — 03:10, December 31, 2009 (UTC)
Vsymbol.png Interestingly, I noticed that too. I don't suppose there is any significance, it's just a shared ability.

Maybe thats why King Mickey can weild what Aqua picked Kingdom Key D in The Gathering since they are probably good friends. --Cococrash11 05:03, December 15, 2009 (UTC)Cococrash11

LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids?
TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you. — 03:10, December 31, 2009 (UTC)
Vsymbol.png Maybe.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Oh when I try to write a Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep section in Mickey's story section you guys deleted it right away. But now you had BBS section in Mickey. Why can't TAV, Master Xehanort, and Vanitas had a frickin Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep section and what make Mickey so special to had one?? --Cococrash11 23:10, December 18, 2009 (UTC)Cococrash11

I found something.

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?


Lower right, around the drawstrings of Mickey's coat. Is that a Hidden Mickey I spy?

LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  Woah, you're right. Good eyes, man!

That's funny. It should have been obvious to me that they put in a hidden Mickey somewhere. Nice job on the sighting.
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared. — 04:55, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

I don't know I was thinking that was mickey's shadow 19:21, March 15, 2010 (UTC)Black Tornado

A little extra

What if Square Enix made a movie of Mickey's journey in the first game from leaving Disney Castle all the way to sealing Kingdom Hearts? I think it's a great idea what about you guys? - User:One-Winged Angel 19:19 January 11, 2010

Timeless River Mickey

LOMI, Voice of Nothing Master of Fiction
LapisScarab -   You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
  For the same reason that there's a separate article on past-Pete. He's a form of Mickey, and the article is about the actions that version of Mickey takes.

Birth By Sleep Story

Erm... Spoilers? No "Skip section"?- milay 23:57, February 1, 2010 (UTC)

There is now.
Randomnessity Looks like you're already prepared.

Mickey Summon?

Organization 13 - I'd rather we just skip the formalities.
TALK - How I love a game!
I've heard a rumour that if you do everything in KH2 (Beat Sephiroth, 100% Jiminy's Journal, 100% Gummi Missions) go to Timeless River, there is a new curtain , in it you fight some Heartless, Mickey arrives and gives you the King's Charm and you can summon Mickey. Is it true?
Hell no. It's just like all those "Capture Mew on SS Anne" rumors for Pokemon.Glorious CHAOS! 16:22, April 24, 2010 (UTC)

K. ThanksOrganization 13 16:24, April 24, 2010 (UTC)

The capture mew thing can actually be done.. I remeber a buddy of mine did it, and I watched. Glitch.. But sadly no Mickey Summon.. I spent HOURS trying everything I could think of to trigger something... Pretty funny now that I think about it. Hyperwre_2.0 23:06, September 27, 2010 (UTC)

Plot hole? Help me figure this out.

I don't get how when Mickey is friends with Ansem the Wise, he doesn't realize that Xehanot is Terra. I know it says that he was uneasy around Xehanort, but wasn't Mickey there when Terra was turned into Xehanort? If he was there, wouldn't he realize that Xehanort has been buddying up with Ansem the Wise? tell me I'm missing something, because I hate plot holes. Axel's Sentiment 07:08, June 19, 2010 (UTC)Axel's Sentiment

He said that he knew who Xehanort was, but couldn't remember his name. When he saw Xemnas it came back to him

I don't really understand what your question is but for the part where you said "but wasn't Mickey there when Terra was turned into Xehanort?" Mickey never meet Terra. The only time Mickey saw Terra was after he had turned into Xehanort. - JTD95 10:24, June 19, 2010 (UTC)

Oh sorry about the confusing wording on that one, but you answered my question. I thought that Mickey was there when Terra was turned into Xehanort because he was there to help Aqua fight Vanitas. I was missing the point where he wasn't even there, but thanks for the clarification. Axel's Sentiment 16:50, June 19, 2010 (UTC)Axel's Sentiment


Disneyvillainman -   I'm what you might call an expert in the art of Darkness.
TALK - Rather a stubborn ol' goat, wouldn't ya say?
  I saw that there was a need for a picture of Mickey in KH1. I took the liberty of adding one. Can we remove the image template now?
Xabryn -  I don't care if you're real!You're not better!
TALK -  It's nice to have darkness on my side.{{{time}}}

Weird Trivia...

I have some pointless facts here for some reason... Then again, if they had a reason, they wouldn't be pointless...?

In 2D animation, Mickey's ears rotate depending on the way his head is facing, to keep the famous 'Hidden Mickey' silhouette that otherwise would only appear when he faces forward. It's something that's only really possible during 2D animation... and yet his also happens in the Mickey scene of Kingdom Hearts, and in the animation for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. This because in these scenes the fur on his head and his ears are depicted as pitch-black, the way they would be in 2D form. When he's usually depicted in CG, Mickey's ears will instead be rooted to his head because of the lighting, shading and placement issues that would occur if they were rigged to rotate with the camera angle.

Interestingly, though, Mickey's ears are depicted as rotated in the character art for KHII and Re:CoM, and the art for his Timeless River incarnation, but not in other rendered artwork for Kingdom Hearts. 10:13, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

Mickey's Abilities

Random fun fact: Mickey's Pearl attack is more than likely a reference to the Holy attack from the FF series. In FF6, Holy was changed to Pearl due to censorship, but in many incarnations of the spell, it takes the form of a pearl-like ball(s) of light that usually appears to home in on the enemy (this is especially true in FFX). Healing Light is probably unintentional, but it is the name of an Ether spell usable by Billy Lee Black in Xenogears. Wasn't sure if it'd be ok to add these to the trivia section myself, but here they are for your amusement! 21:59, September 8, 2010 (UTC)

In the original game, Mickey's abilities are just called "Holy".Glorious CHAOS! 12:56, September 9, 2010 (UTC)

Really? I sort of figured that maybe it was a reference to several old Mickey Mouse games on the GameBoy and SNES in which he would throw marble-based projectiles. Just my theory 09:07, September 22, 2010 (UTC)


I know that King Mickey was training to become a keyblade master in Birth By Sleep, but did he ever become one?--KRoNoS 23:34, October 6, 2010 (UTC)

It is implied by Yen Sid's dialogue in the secret ending of Re:Coded that he has. Or the more likely meaning was that he was refering to Aqua or himself or a previously unseen master.(if your confused about how he could have meant Aqua it's possible the king found her in the RoD while he was in there but couldn't bring her back with him.)-Xander19.

Should we start calling him King Master Mickey Mouse? How many titles does a guy need, anyway? 14:30, December 2, 2010 (UTC)

Hey that's the same the first thing that came to my mind when I heard Mickey is a Master XD Maggosh said we should separate the title, "King Mickey Mouse" and "Master Mickey Mouse". What mattered most   was remembered least

Run in with Xemnas?

In Kingdom Hearts II, King Mickey says that he met Xehanort before,once as Xemnas and another time he couldn't remember, he even said they felt like the same person. I assume the time he couldn't remember he was with Terra or something (?) but has he ever ran into Xemnas that we've seen before the Battle of 1000 heartless, or is that still not explained? If someone could help out it'd be greatly appreciated.


Should we merge this with King Mickey? --Hecko X 10:56, 14 January 2008 (UTC)

Probably not, the characteristics are different, as different between Pete and Pete in Timeless River. Make a disambig. Blue。 10:59, 14 January 2008 (UTC)
Unless I'm forgetting something, Timeless River is a pretty direct time-travel incident -- this Mickey is not a different being from our Mickey at all, he's just Mickey (x years ago). Same with Pete. They may act like different forms, with different aesthetic and personality, but the story excuses that as growth over time, not as separate beings -- and our policy is to cover singular beings on the same page. Can we please merge this?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 15:13, 13 July 2011 (EDT)
Should we make a History section or something on King Mickey's page to cover the Timeless River Mickey? Chitalian8 20:14, 4 September 2011 (UTC)
No, just have a "Before Kingdom Hearts BbS" section, and storylink it to KHII. Sora is literally traveling into the past in Timeless River (which makes you wonder, shouldn't Mickey have known what the Heartless were already?)"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 21:10, 4 September 2011 (UTC)
As for the rest of the TR Mickey article, we can just merge each section besides Story into Present Mickey's respective sections as as separate paragraph? Chitalian8 22:11, 4 September 2011 (UTC)
Seems reasonable."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 04:26, 5 September 2011 (UTC)


Dan   - Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase! ♫ — 17:28, July 10, 2010 (UTC)
Dans-Crownorange.png Wait, when was it ever decided that "Mickey Mouse (Timeless River)" should be moved to this page?
Auror Andrachome Confounded Heartless!
This was not decided at all.

Demonic Saint - Then go talk to a wall...
TALK - I dreamt I was a moron - 17:53, July 10, 2010 (UTC)
A page shouldn't be moved if there is no reason too. Specially if it wasn't decided. Mickey Mouse (Timeless River) is a better article name.
  I'm moving it back to Mickey Mouse (Timeless River). Not only is it not coinciding with the journal, it's also disrupting the wikis' ILs.

EDIT 01:51, July 11, 2010 (UTC) : Done ; spoke to the person who moved the page.

There are some things even the stars cannot tell me. TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:45, July 11, 2010 (UTC)


He came from 'Steam Boat Willie" originally Oh,how the sea calls 03:03, July 17, 2010 (UTC)

Go to the Mickey Mouse page and look at the Origin section of the infobox. That should explain why it says that a bit better.LapisLazuliScarab03:26, July 17, 2010 (UTC)

Ok, thanks bro. Oh,how the sea calls 02:51, July 18, 2010 (UTC)

History we gleam from DDD

Lying Memories here (I doubt anyone remembers me, but I was here about four years ago and just rejoined now) but I'm wondering if we should perhaps throw in Mickey's life prior to the events of Birth By Sleep that we see in Dream Drop Distance into... well... the before Birth by Sleep section. Seems clear that he was practicing his swordsmanship after learning of the Keyblade (through Sora) and eventually came to apprentice under Yen Sid through the use of magic (and then bibbidy bobbity boo eventually he wields a Keyblade). Though I do wonder how it could be Yen Sid's Tower and simultaneously a different tower, since it's a sleeping world. Maybe Yen Sid has a lot of houses. And as an aside, I can't remember how to make those talk bubble thingies.

Firstly, please remember to sign all posts with four tildes (~~~~). Next, I agree that the info should be added. From what I understand (mind you, I haven't played the game, but I've seen videos), the game establishes that the events from Symphony of Sorcery and Country of the Musketeers occur while Mickey is training (AKA Pre-Birth by Sleep). And we have a summary of what the events of Timeless River establishes as the King's past in that section, so why wouldn't this belong?  KeybladeSpyMaster   02:32, 29 June 2014 (UTC)
As long as someone can properly write the section, I don't see a problem. Xion4ever 20:25, 29 June 2014 (UTC)
Done. I put in a bit detailing his past, which KSM edited a bit to remove something that may be speculation (which was how Mickey knows of the Keyblades). I think the reason Mickey knows about the Keyblade is because of Sora going back in time and saving Timeless River, thus setting in place a Stable Time Loop. But I can understand why it might need to be kept out. Lying Memories (talk) 05:26, 8 July 2014 (UTC)
Yeah, sorry about that. But it isn't official that the events of Timeless River made Mickey want to learn of the Keyblade. And the wiki's policy stands against speculation and assumption. Otherwise, someone was going to end up removing the whole thing; it's better that it's rewritten.  KeybladeSpyMaster   05:29, 8 July 2014 (UTC)
Nah don't worry about it. It's cool. Sometimes I end up having what I believe is canon end up mixing with what we know is canon haha. Lying Memories (talk) 05:37, 8 July 2014 (UTC)

Unchained χ History

Why was the Unchained χ history that I added for Mickey removed from the article? Diamonddeath (talk) 23:23, 8 June 2016 (UTC)