Forum:Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ User ID List

Revision as of 22:15, 13 April 2016 by ANX219 (talk | contribs) (im the only non admin in the group #coolestmaknae)
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Forums: Index > Twilight Town Library > Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ User ID List

Chainoffire - "Hey, wait... I'm enjoying this. You guys are something else!"
TALK - :) Eternal Flames KHD.pngChainoffirePizza Cut KHD.png 06:16, 29 April 2015 (UTC)
Eternal Flames KHD.png Hello, everyone! I decided that it might be helpful to make a user ID list for Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ! (Similar to the regular KHχ one, only with the unchained version instead.) This will make finding users to play with a lot easier, and getting content that may not be available to other unions! If you play the game and edit here, feel free to add your signature to the user ID list, just sign your name under your faction along with which version you are using (once the US version and possibly an international version releases.) Thanks! :D Eternal Flames KHD.png




File:Leopardos Union KHX.png




