This page contains a list of quotes said by Elizabeth Swann during the course of Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix.
Cutscene Quotes
Kingdom Hearts II
- "Where are you taking me!? Let me go!"
— while being carried away by a pirate. - "You can release me. You have your trinket; I'm of no further value to you."
— talking to Barbossa. - "And the blood that's to be repaid?"
— talking about the curse. - "No."
— upon saying to Barbossa that she is not the father of William Turner. - "When I was little, the ship I was on discovered Will drifting in the ocean. After we picked him up, I found he was carrying... Um...never mind."
- talking to Sora. - "It's yours. From that day we found you---drifting at sea."
— talking about Will's medallion. - "Because I was afraid that you were a pirate. That would have been awful."
— talking to Will. - "Barbossa, you coward!"
— upon being captured by Barbossa and Pete. - "They've rigged the ship with explosives! You have to throw them overboard once you get up to the deck! Who know what else they've done? Please be careful!"
- talking about the explosives. - "Sora, Donald, Goofy---bring Will back safely!"
— before Sora and company leave to get Will back. - "Will!"
— upon defeating Captain Barbossa. - "Wait, Jack! I need your help. The cursed pirates have returned. Will had to find out why, so he went to Isla de Muerta---to check on the Aztec treasure. I fear something's happened. You have to take me to him."
— talking about the return of cursed pirates and Will. - "No. Not certain. But he's been gone too long. I wanted to go with him, but he insisted I stay here. I can't just sit and wait! I've got to know if he's all right."
— talking about Will. - "Please, let's hurry after Will's ship. I fear for him."
- worried about Will Turner. - "Jack's acting as strange as ever, but at least Will's safe. Still, for some reason I feel uneasy..."
- talking about Jack Sparrow and Will Turner. - "Jack, what happened? This is horrible!"
— upon seeing Jack in his cursed form. - "I've seen cursed pirates before, so I can kind of understand. Those members of Organization XIII aren't really people. They're...something else, aren't they?"
- talking about Organization XIII. - "So that's why you went to Port Royal. And we thought you actually wanted to save everyone."
— talking about Jack. - "No one could really mean that."
— after finishing Port Royal for the second visit.