User:EternalNothingnessXIII/Userboxes/Favorite Quotes

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x5GnCw4.png I'm concerned about the stability of the worlds.
mBmcSME.png Don't bother. Your voice can no longer reach him where he is.
IxCUN43.png Let's go to the beach next time we get a day off.
zRudaWQ.png Hmph. For a Keyblade Master, you're not very— what's the word— good?
gFxPb5r.png I'm a bad guy, so you have to go through me!
iQFKt3L.png You... had enough? 'Cause I'm willing to... call it a draw if you are.
aeiM23q.png A window of opportunity can open and close in the blink of an eye.
U0MtxaW.png Soon the emptiness will shatter your heart— here in this world of nothingness!
zGPmK7U.png Roxas, Nobodies like us are only half a person. You won't disappear, you'll be whole!
EiKw13T.png You're right, light and darkness are eternal. Nothing probably goes on forever, too.
mj9qiop.png You can have those losers. Already forgot 'em.
WT4PTv5.png Unbelievable... This guy's a lot stronger than what I fought before!
GDAuCTU.png Whew, you can talk!
n9xo0ay.png Exactly what I said, idiot. The Terra you know will be gone forever.
NdwtsZf.png Somebody tell me how I got so SMALL!
XKiYV62.png What's wrong? Giving up already?
HUTaJeO.png I am Vexen. I have come to collect your debt, Sora.
NwfRElt.png When Kingdom Hearts is ours, we can exist fully and completely.
L2FRrgs.png Unlike me, you have a heart. And you're powerless to control it.
fYfM3dZ.png I've been to see him. He looks a lot like you.
NI3XLJe.png I thought perhaps it might be you.
wtRhWxR.png But if you can, it'd be great if you could go along with them and help Sora find Jasmine.
AYJlYRT.png I told you before, I'm not leaving without Belle.
apVkTvm.png Uh, earth to Al. Hello? You still have one wish left.
CE66QgB.png Hey there, Donald. Good morning
ZvflGuX.png Well, that's just something you'll have to find out for yourselves.
OkcC8Cc.png Who you callin' a shrimp, panda lips? I'm a bona fide guardian dragon!
HzhjxyC.png Great job! So you found Wendy?
F3kX951.png Fear and doubt are signs of a strong heart.
YvDnNPv.png Stay here... and try not to do anything stupid.
5MI2iW7.png I know the nesting grounds are secret, but I trust them.
V6Ic1Ol.png I feel... cold.
ydTMuWc.png Disguised in shadows, the rogue racer reigns! I am Captain Dark!
RE6rHWf.png Only a precious few are granted Light Cycle battle privileges.
mZsOUgW.png Such disgusting attire. I know what you are.
nDbfsQw.png Hold it right there. Why don't I know you? What section are you from?
fYyRrYK.png Hey, lemme guess, you're trying to put the kibosh on the darkness inside you. Am I right? Of course I'm right.
dvpd5kz.png Well... um, let's see... right about now, he's probably attacking the palace.
0JMXq7J.png Genie! My final wish! I want you to make me an all-powerful genie!
joA5dET.png Very well, I'll stop. Just as soon as the castle belongs to me!
yCqglKe.png I still haven't located the password to the dataspace.
m6T9xbe.png I'll never forget what they did to me...
L4He8GG.png You can sign up for a tournament here. You can enter as many times as you want.
JOkP49q.png Hey, you! Seen any bad guys around here?
F2hlH6U.png I ordered you to bring me Snow White's heart!
KTX2Nf2.png Go on. Tell them who's responsible for Mufasa's death!
ckmMhZN.png Aren't you tired of following your dear daddy's orders?
sFGiIYR.png You'll have a better view from higher up.
ueoae8d.png The castle's supposed to be guarded by magic, an' crawling with monsters.
OOFsOZG.png He didn't offer his name. He was rather rude.
709uSTn.png There are just some things we need to keep separate from the world at large.
ohTR2Cc.png You do and you'll be sorry! Now bring it over here.
qOFmbBf.png Oh, really? With this big block? You think so?
qlIOjE4.png Why? Because it's Windsday, of course!
1nEeDwj.png Cricket's the name. Jiminy Cricket, at your service.
RyBbu0t.png We're friends— good friends.
IiuW3Z4.png Whoa... Watch it, soldier!
UnvqUmg.png It was such a curious book, I asked Cid to repair it for me.
lac3a18.png Ya gotta have heart and care about people.
3cet0b2.png But I wonder, how do I say goodbye to myself?
jCbbdhh.png What are we gonna do if that beast comes here?
5vNSiE4.png Today's the festival. And look, I'm the King of Fools!
GkPLvnV.png Oh ho ho! He ran away!
BtkFNTP.png Well, according to my list, Sora, seven years ago you told everyone you did not believe in Santa Claus.
0AbAQiC.png Ye can tell me, lad. You came here from another world, didn't ye?
4Pr0SvQ.png You made quite a splash! That was fantastic!
VIlR9sh.png You've gotten mighty good at bouncin', Sora!
cBSuee3.png My trident also holds the power to reveal the Keyhole. Will you do it?
RnTRUDX.png It wasn't your blood they needed... it was my father's blood---My blood.
FaKoyPS.png Court is now in session!
F6L1yze.png Maybe... it's time I shaped my own story.
iWkyR04.png We may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other.
kT2K7cw.png Why does looking at you always tick me off?
h6hH2mf.png Defeating me is meaningless. You know that more than anyone, Cloud.
gfAQMFU.png Let me win, and I'll make it worth your while.
F46aSoq.png Stop by once me and him are both heroes!
fXiyfBk.png It wasn't easy, but you made it easier.
k7xoKqV.png I can see you...
DTKF75b.png Hey, starting to get warmed up here...
y75tlAb.png Can you feel it? The moon's power?
OQ0XBPj.png I'm... the chosen one!
IefyOZG.png The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all.
xIR9THP.png These suits of armor appear impassable.
GTGhNya.png The cards you see will be the key
vSubzTb.png Wait a minute! What happened to my home? My island? Riku! Kairi...
DF64Cfr.png Navigation failure. Do not engage hyperdrive. Repeat. Do not engage—
Yvci2UD.png As soon as the trouble started, I made sure to seal this room.
NZVuHpz.png Gawrsh, is that all that's left of the worlds taken by the Heartless?
rALGYz5.png Careful. This is the last haven you'll find.
E2UTeKf.png This sure is a spooky place.
tqg51Fo.png So many books, but not one on how to banish the darkness. Maybe it's hopeless...
oSIMruP.png You won't need a home anymore where you're going!
jQ9i4p7.png The six traitors were operating a laboratory that churned out those cursed shadows.
U4VbU7N.png What's going on? Everything's black and white.
FoHtmKM.png I'm sure I don't know this place, but it's starting to feel like it's familiar to me...
jSxMO34.png Are you prepared for what lies ahead?
7Kgwj5X.png ...I hereby grant Ursula (UNINTELLIGIBLE TEXT) for all eternity.
gEXlVk6.png Someone has released Aurora's heart. Tell me, child, was it you?
I9M5A7J.png They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what.
jpxfSkX.png I see... Your Wayfinder broke.