User talk:DoorToNothing

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Room Core.png
DoorToNothing Heartless Emblem.png — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along!

Keyblade-Blk.png Hi there! I used to be a major editor and administrator of the Kingdom Hearts Wiki until a lengthy absence. I don't intend to become a full-time editor again but I thought I would leave this open. Community first, right? I'm no longer IRC active so if you have any messages for me, drop 'em here.

a note.

  • waves.* --DTN Room Core.png 12:37, 26 December 2014 (UTC)
OMG what's going on, are you this year's Christmas present? I'm really glad you've returned, welcome back:D --ShardofTruth 14:11, 26 December 2014 (UTC)
IT'S A WILD DOORSEY. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 15:18, 26 December 2014 (UTC)
Oh looky who's come back. Merry Christmas to us. Eternal Flames KHD.pngChainoffirePizza Cut KHD.png 17:01, 26 December 2014 (UTC)

OH. MY. FREAKING. GOD!! O__O DOORTONOTHING-SENPAI?! IT'S REALLY YOU! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! It's been years since you left the wiki, and that was before the move. I can't believe, after all this time! You're no longer retired, but still inactive? You're really coming back to the wiki?! This is like a Christmas miracle! I never expected you to come back after you left. So many of the veteran users from the old wiki just up and left. I'm in shocked... Oh! Merry belated Christmas! :)--NinjaSheik 21:09, 26 December 2014 (UTC)

It's about damn time. Welcome back, DTN. ^_^ the lolkick shenanigans live again! Xion4ever 02:07, 27 December 2014 (UTC)
wait this is precious LOL omg hearts, many of the hearts.
I'll be around a little! Missed y'all mm. --DTN Room Core.png 08:47, 28 December 2014 (UTC)

An Apology

Nobody.pngEternal Nothingness XIIINobody.png Am I...the one who did this to you?
Oathkeeper & Oblivion KHD.png Hello, DoorToNothing. I truly am delighted to see that you have returned! I wanted to offer you my sincerest apologies for the way I behaved in the past; I know my behavior was a big contributor to your decision to leave, and I am truly sorry. I've wised up a bit as a person and editor over the years, however, so I do hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I'd like nothing more than to say our past is simply water under the bridge. Again, I am very, very sorry for the way I acted in the past (I've recently been diagnosed with a mental disorder, which may have contributed to some of my past behavior), and I hope you can forgive me. If you ever find the time to start editing here again, I look forward to working with you and hopefully turning over a new leaf! I hope your life has been going well and that things are A-OK on your end!

Room Core.png
DoorToNothing Heartless Emblem.png — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along!

Keyblade-Blk.png I have literally forgotten how to format (LOL). Don't sweat it, we were both young and cared too much about silly online things. You're a cool guy, glad you're still around! Don't sweat it. Hope things are good with you, seriously.
Symbol - Identity Disk.png
FA icon.png If it's any consolation, I've forgotten how to code, by and large. Pretty much the only thing I can handle right about now is the Userbox section... sigh.

That aside, hope things are going well in med school! Since we last spoke I graduated in law and now have solicitor's qualifications, but I think so little of them because I never wanted to get into law in the first place. On that regard, as well as because of many other things that have happened, I'm just trying to heal.

Anyway. I'm probably rambling about now, but just wanted to say that your message put a smile on my face this morning.

I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! TroisNyxÉtienne — 07:19, 4 July 2015 (UTC)

Naminé (Live talk sprite) 3 KHCOM.gif
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - Don't worry. You might forget about me...But, with our promise, I'll come back.
Long time no see! :D Welcome back (again)! I hope you'll be sticking around!
KrytenKoro - And when you see me standing there, you'll know you've got a friend with a rock, I mean a big-ass rock.

DOOOOOOORRRRRRSEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 04:51, 5 July 2015 (UTC)

YES YES HELLO AGAIN TO ALL OF YOU GLORIOUS MEMERS also I love what's been done with the site~*~*~ --DTN Room Core.png 05:28, 5 July 2015 (UTC)