FenrirStd_zps5e9ep1ey.png This user is a proud wielder of the Fenrir.


To use this template, paste the following code into your user page:

{{User Fenrir}} (Random)
{{User Fenrir|1}}
FenrirStd_zps5e9ep1ey.png This user is a proud wielder of the Fenrir.
{{User Fenrir|2}}
FenrirTR_zpsqnd2epds.png This user is a proud wielder of the Fenrir.

{{User Fenrir|3}}
FenrirSP_zpsngq6dwyj.png This user is a proud wielder of the Fenrir.

{{User Fenrir|4}}
FenrirHT_zpsthoahstj.png This user is a proud wielder of the Fenrir.