
From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
Revision as of 22:13, 14 January 2015 by Troisnyxetienne (talk | contribs) (What about now?)
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CLICK to see where to find me most of the time!


Kairi_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is female.
20 This user is 20 years old.
GMT This user's time zone is GMT.
qxP0V8f.png This user's monitor resolution is 1366 x 768.
0QfJZih.png This user contributes with Windows.
51jqMJU.png This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.

Template:User smiley


Template:User RoundedBlue Template:User WikiMercenary Template:User Watchlistitis Template:User Editcountitis

Come, kupo!! Check out Mirage Arena's latest fight, kupo!!

en This user is a native speaker of English.
ms Bahasa ibunda pengguna ini adalah Bahasa Melayu.
fr-4 Cet utilisateur parle français à un niveau comparable à la langue maternelle.
zh-2 該用戶能以一般中文進行交流。
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
br-1 Un tammig brezhoneg e oar an implijour-se.

"I only seek to love without reservations, to touch hearts, and to give back to the Maker, above all things."

Hey everyone, Troisnyx here! I'm a long-time mod over here an inactive mod, former admin, the least of all staffers, and the Kingdom Hearts Wiki is the very first wiki on which I've edited.

I can (and I truly want to) reach out to people, but please, do not let your actions (be it to me or to others) turn me into a great white shark. Or worse, an Ankoù.

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