KHWiki:End of Year Event 2014
Welcome to the Kingdom Hearts Wiki's 2014 End of Year Event!
This year, we will be hosting a competition along with The Keyhole. The event will comprise of two contests!
If you have any questions or concerns, please notify TheFifteenthMember, who is in charge of the event.
User Trivia
- What is it?
The user trivia is a contest where we test how well we know each other! Users will each submit an interesting, obscure fact about themselves. Then, users will randomly be put into two groups. Users from the opposite group will have to try to match up the right trivia pieces to the right user. At the end, the scores will be counted up and the group that was most accurate will win the contest! Plaques will be rewarded as appropriate.
- Do's and Don'ts
Try to be creative with your user trivia! While we don't expect people to share anything they're uncomfortable with, it will be much appreciated if your fact is fun, interesting, or unexpected! Let's try to avoid "my favourite colour is pink!" (my favourite colour is actually green though!).
It should go without saying that users must not tell people from the opposite group their fact and spoil the contest for everyone else. Also, for obvious reasons, you must be a recognised member of either community to sign up!
- How does it work?
We are currently in the first stage of the contest: submitting our user trivia. If you are a recognised member of either Wiki and you wish to submit a piece of user trivia, you must email "" with the subject line "User Trivia", stating your username and your fact. The deadline for this is the 7th December 2014; any emails sent beyond that point will not be valid!
After the 7th, we will move into stage two, where we shall be put into groups and begin matching up each other's trivia. This will last until the 27th of December. More details surrounding this will be released later on.
In the end, the contest's results shall be released in the third issue of the magazine!
has the job of handling all emails pertaining to the user trivia. For obvious reasons, he can not participate in the actual event.
- 25 November: The contest begins! Submit your trivia quickly before the 7th!
If you wish to participate and be part of a group, sign your name here ASAP.
- TheFifteenthMember 21:03, 25 November 2014 (UTC)
21:06, 25 November 2014 (UTC)
- Aixon 21:47, November 25, 2014 (UTC)
- TheSilentHero
ANX219 18:22, 26 November 2014 (UTC)
- ShadowsTwilight
18:55, 28 November 2014 (UTC)
- RikutheBloody
10:51, 30 November 2014 (UTC)
- RoadToDawn
- User:Coldasfire/sig322:35, 30 November 2014 (UTC)
- What is it?
This is an individual contest, where users will design their own Kingdom Hearts world adaptation from an unused Disney/Square Enix property. The user can be as concise or detailed as they wish, but each entry must be above the 50-word limit.. After the deadline, all entries will be "locked" and we shall undergo a voting week where people will vote on their favourite sketch. The sketch with the most votes will be the winner! Plaques will be awarded to the winner, the runner-up, and everyone else who participated!
- Do's and Don'ts
Users will vote on sketches based on how interesting it is and how much they enjoyed reading it. When writing your design, be creative, be imaginative, make sure your idea still fits into the KH universe, and keep an appealing presentation. You may wish to draw pictures and sketches to grab the attention of your voters! For some ideas to get you started, you could think about the world's story, setting, gameplay, map, and enemies. While writing, you are allowed to ask for other people's comments or opinions in order to improve.
Everyone is welcome so get involved! Even if your entry is only a paragraph or two, don't be put off and be sure to submit it anyway! The more entries, the merrier!
Your entry may be hosted anywhere: in your userspace, on any Wiki, or any other external website. Just be sure that you have an account on either the KHWiki or the Keyhole, and that you can provide a viewable link to your work at all times.
Your entry must have been created for the purpose of this contest. You will be disqualified if it is found out that your sketch was written for a previous competition!
- How does it work?
Start designing your world now! Add your name to the sign-up as early as you can; it does not matter if you haven't completed your sketch yet. The deadline for the submission process is the 21st of December. After that, no more entries can be posted and no changes can be made to them.
The voting week will be between the 22nd and 27th of December. More details surrounding that will be released later.
- November 25: The competition starts! Get designing, guys!
If you are submitting an entry, post your name and a link to your work here.