KHWiki:Staff policy
Due to the wiki having no standard towards Staff Members and just a general rule of "Do your job well and do what you can with your rights", there is no actual ruling for those who are inactive or retired. So as per the January 2013 Roundtable, the staff, and community, have come together to create a standard for the Staff Policy, this is just the standard, basic bare-bones of what we plan tonight. A forum will be opened for those who unfortunately could not join us on the Roundtable to add their thoughts into the list.
- If you have rights, you are expected to be able to use them in accordance with wiki rules and use them whenever possible.
- Inactivity will not be tolerated if it is not excused. Inactivity is not something to be condemned for, but you must notify the community beforehand and give reasons for your inactivity if possible.
- If you are inactive, and wishing to be part of staff once more, you will have to show two months of consistent activity to regain your previous staff position.
- Staff Members are asked to be on the IRC whenever possible. Being present on one channel while not on any of the KHWiki channels is inexcusable. We always try to be there for the community
Retired Staff
Staff are regarded as retired if they declare they are or are inactive for six months+ with no edits during that time. When retired, staff members may ask for their rights back from a Bureaucrat.
Staff who are inactive may fall into one of the following categories:
Declared Retirement
A staff member notifies the community that they will retire (and henceforth be inactive) for an indefinite amount of time, with the possibility of never returning. This may be due to a number of circumstances, such as a lack of time to edit. In this case, the following regulations are observed:
- The staff member's rights are to be removed. If they do return to the Wiki, their can get their rights back instantly with no probation period.
- They should not be contacted for any Wiki matters.
- Their staff icon is to be moved to the retired staff page.
Declared Temporary Retirement
A staff member notifies the community that they are leaving the Wiki for an extended, but definite, period of time. This may be due to a number of circumstances, such as preparation for upcoming exams. In this case, the following regulations are observed:
- The staff member's rights remain intact. After a year of inactivity, their rights are removed but only after they are forewarned. At this point, the staff member may wish to declare indefinite inactivity, placing them in the "Declared Retirement" category. If they do not contact the Wiki about their plans concerning whether they will return or not, they are placed in the "Undeclared Inactivity" category.
- They should not be contacted for any Wiki matters.
- Their staff icon remains on the active staff page but it is colored in grayscale to show their inactivity.
Undeclared Inactivity
A staff member leaves or does not edit for an extended period of time without notice. This may be due to a number of circumstances, such as laziness or forgetfulness. In this case, the following regulations are observed:
- The staff member's rights are removed after six months of inactivity, but only after they are warned about the situation. If they return and want their rights back, they must undergo a two month probation period, where the user must show that they are active enough to hold their powers again.
- Their staff icon is moved to the retired staff page.