Forum:New Community Page: Image Requests

Revision as of 03:31, 1 July 2014 by Xion4ever (talk | contribs) (Done = sleep)
Logo for The Realm of Sleep Forum Archives. I decided to go KH3D and go for a slight magenta/pink accent.
Forums: Index > The Realm of Sleep > New Community Page: Image Requests


We have different image projects running at the wiki (Enemy Image Project, Project Image Renovation 1, 2) and different templates for misnamed, wanted or unsatisfying images as well. In order to get things a bit more centralized and editor friendly a page for all these problems would benefit the wiki.

Page Concept (in similiar fashion to the Zelda Wiki)

A large number of the images on Kingdom Hearts Wiki are in need of improvement. Chiefly, there are a lot of images needing background transparency, a lot needing lowercase file extensions, and a lot to be cropped from the black portions remaining from screenshots. There are also numerous low quality images needing to be replaced. All users are free to, and encouraged to, place image requests on this page, as well as carry out the tasks needing to be done. Just add the images to the correspond gallery.

Background Removal (Transparency)

This is where you can request for image backgrounds to be removed and made transparent. Images that have had their backgrounds removed incorrectly can also be placed here.

Misnamed Files and Capitalized Extensions

Category:Images with Bad Names
If an image doesn't follow the name convention, needs to be converted to the .png format or has a capitalized extensions, put it here.

Low Quality Images

Category:Unsatisfying Images
This section is for low quality images that need replacing, images that are watermarked or images that spot other errors like missing parts, reduced color fidelity or bad transparency. Normally we prefer ingame screenshots and press or website material from the English game version over scans and youtube screenshots but keep in mind that it's not always possible to get higher quality images due to console restrictions, material availability or other technical circumstances, so be reasonable if you put an image here.

Other Requests

Category:Articles in need of images
This section is for image editing requests that don't fit into the categories above. Stating for which purpose or page directly the images are needed is always a good idea, if the images are for your personal userspace or talk templates please don't use this page and ask editors, who make these images, directly. For this section, add the image, make your request and sign your post with ~~~~.

Kingdom Hearts 3D Trophy images

Most of the KH3D's trophy images are still missing, please add them. --A Concerned User


ShardofTruth Once you believe, truth and lie are quite the same thing. — 21:43, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
  Because this is still in concept stage there are no example images there yet. It would also be a good idea to rewrite our image policy here and here to match our new standards, the naming policy could also be moved on one of these pages instead. The introduction is a blatant rip-off of the Zelda Wiki, any help with rewriting the sections is greatly appreciated.