Forum:Drive Form infobox

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Logo for The Realm of Sleep Forum Archives. I decided to go KH3D and go for a slight magenta/pink accent.
Forums: Index > The Realm of Sleep > Drive Form infobox

KrytenKoro - "Hurricane beats all housing or apartments. This sucker is a Cat-6!"
So, MateusinhoEX made this awesome infobox for the Drive Forms. We've finally gotten all the bugs worked out, and it's ready to be posted. However, last time we had a Drive Form infobox, the community decided they wanted it gone.

Sooooo...have we changed our minds?

maggosh The steel is forged... "Souls as far as the eye can see..."

"If you want light to rule over all, then you must rid the world of everything else."

You're darn tootin'. Let's do this.
KrytenKoro - This is the song that runs under the credits; these are the credits, so this is where it goes. 'has nothing to do with the movie so we'll say, "Hey! Hey! Hey hey hey hey hey hey!"