Forum:Reminder: Featured Media voting ends on Saturday!

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Forums: Index > The Realm of Sleep > Reminder: Featured Media voting ends on Saturday!

Since we've got quite a few new people and this is finally starting up, I thought I'd make a note here. For those who don't know, we have a Featured Media section you can vote in every month to pick the next picture that goes on the wiki's front page. Nominations are closed, and we have five quality potential pics that could be the next one up. Make sure you read the rules before you vote! On Saturday at midnight, UST, I'll close out the voting and set up for next month's.

Reminder: Voting ends today. We have a tie, so make sure you cast your ballot! BebopKate 21:28, 28 February 2009 (UTC)


We had a tie between Riku and King Mickey's images, and so we will have a runoff. Old votes will not be counted; this includes nominations! So, go vote! It will end at midnight UST on Sunday night.

Once we have an image selected, I will put up April's nomination section. BebopKate 05:05, 1 March 2009 (UTC)