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Episode 21: Devil's Grin

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« Kingdom Hearts Vol. 2 Episode 21 »
Publisher Tokyopop
First published 2006
Cover date 2006
Written by Shiro Amano
Letters by Jose Macasocol, Jr.
Edits by Peter Ahlstrom
Continuity Manga continuity
Chronology Kingdom Hearts


While the group and Aladdin prepare to head for Agrabah, they are interrupted by the magic Carpet and Abu, who crash onto the scene. Aladdin introduces the trio to his partner monkey, Abu, and the flying magic Carpet. The latter pleases the group, now that they can ride it to Agrabah. Abu loudly screeches, hinting that Jasmine has been kidnapped.

The scene shifts to a bound and gagged Jasmine sitting outside the Cave of Wonders next to Jafar and the Heartless. Iago asks his master if Aladdin will fall for the trap, searching for Jasmine. Jafar confirms, claiming the boy will come along with the magic lamp. Jasmine overhears, wishing Aladdin to stay away. Jafar claims that by having the magic lamp and using the powers of darkness, he will become ruler of the world. Aladdin and the group arrive, ordering Jasmine's return. Jasmine frees the rag covering her mouth, warning Aladdin it is a trap. Iago quickly steals the lamp from Aladdin, giving it to Jafar. Jafar summons the Heartless, ordering them to get rid of Aladdin and company.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Entelechies Heartless

Covers (2)

  • Front cover: Sora, holding the magic lamp, along with Donald, Goofy, and Genie
  • Back cover: A Pot Spider.


Continuity errors

  • None yet identified.

Artistic errors

  • None yet identified.

Items of note

Dubbing changes

Kingdom Hearts references

Real-world references

Miscellaneous trivia

  • Sora, Donald, and Goofy never visit Agrabah. They head straight to the Chamber of Wonders.
  • Since the trio never visited Agrabah, they never fought the Pot Centipede.
  • Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Aladdin confront Jafar outside the Chamber of Wonders and never fight the Guardian itself.


"Episode 21: Devil's Grin" is only available within the manga collection.