KrytenKoro - Most bears were content to live their lives, mauling and eating one, maybe two humans at most. "Mass-murder," as the bears always said, "is for the sharks." But not Barry. Barry was different. He knew that one day, he would kill ALL of the humans. This is the inspiring, tear-jerking story of one bear and the dream he dared to dream. TALK -
Anything that wreathes a Keyblade in an aura of light should be covered in "other appearances" for Bladecharge, and anything that summons multiple spectral blades should be covered in Wingblade. When they get official names (like Zone of Ruin, or Master Hearts), those should be covered both as other appearances, and as see also. I'm not sure if we should have them covered as other appearances on multiple articles, though; Session seems to be a combination of both Command Styles, while Zone of Ruin seems to be a quick, temporary version of Bladecharge. Not sure about the Armor of the Master and No Heart things, though, and I have no idea how phantom Keyblades should be treated...do we have anything that summons phantom keyblades as more than a quick attack animation?