I edit where I want! You have problem?
Beware The Sacrifice
Tidus KHREC.png
Name TidusTehSacrificer357
Job Class Warrior/Time Mage
Hometown Melbourne
Date of Birth 19/5/98
Age 14
Weapon Brotherhood
Spells Haste, Slow, Fear
Summons Alexander, Bahamut, Chuck Norris
Limit Breaks Braver, Blitz Ace, Dragon Fang
Victory Pose Repeatedly kicking the body of the thing I just killed
Quote "Cat, help me!"
Theme Song The Worst Day Since Yesterday by Flogging Molly
Battle Theme Emil Karma
Final Boss Theme God Bound By Rules
Death Theme Ashes of Dreams
Look-Alike Owen Wilson
tidususerbox.png This user knows the Jecht Shot used by TidusTehSacrificer357.
The Smirking Ninja
"I don't care about your stories!"
—Tidus, Final Fantasy X
"Son of a sandworm! You'll pay for this!"
—Kefka, Final Fantasy VI
"We should be an encyclopaedia with a community, not a community with an encyclopaedia."
—Sorceror Nobody

"Welcome one, welcome all

I soon shall have you in my thrall

For those who wish to come and see,

Who seek my name and long to know me

For you who have answered this siren's call

You are the most important one of all.

I play Final Fantasy, yes, I do,

My name is, obviously, a clue

I am ugly, witty, sharp and cool,

Those who do not know, they are fools

I enjoy English, science, and IT

Yes, that is very much me

I am TidusTehSacrificer, and I welcome you

And to let you know, I do as I do."

- Me, while extremely tired

Hello whoever you are, I am TidusTehSacrificer357, and I welcome you to my page!

I have decided to come to this wiki. I can't say I'm "back", as I was never here, but at the Keyhole, but I'm here. Meh.

To see my page in all it's glory, see my page on the Final Fantasy Wiki!

Tidus is my favourite character, obviously. Probably because our personalities are so similar. I tend to get emotional and/or angry easy, I hate my father (he hasn't disappeared at sea yet, but I'm waiting for the day), and I love water sports.

Now, I'm one of those, "friend to everybody" types. I will reply to most people who leave a message on my page. I've played many games, too many to count, so ask, and I shall enlighten you. I'm ALWAYS up for chat, so don't be afraid to speak your mind.

I mostly follow the Final Fantasy wiki, but the Dead Space wiki is a favourite too and TES V Skyrim? Like a boss. Absolute mind-blowing, that game is.

I suck at personlization with coding, but I have really clued-up friends to help me out :D You need a strategy, some quotes, anything, I'm up for it (Unless I hate you, of course.). >:3

As you can see, I am a big fan of Final Fantasy. Most epic RPG ever made, just better than The Elder Scrolls (Skyrim is catching up fast, though).

If you need anything done, just ask and I'll be happy to point you to someone who can. >:) I'm always up for talk, so just leave a message and I'll get back to you.

I have become owner/bureaucrat of the NieR Wiki! Check it out!

Games currently playing: Final Fantasy X (Of course :D) and XII, KH II (Thinking of making a walkthrough), The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Counter-Strike (for fun, of course :D).

Playstation Network: TehBlackestEmo Youtube: TidusTehSacrificer


Come vote in my arena, the Fayth's Dream!


Talk Bubbles

TidusTehSacrificer357 - "Don't you run, needles!"
TALK - Whatever.
Hey there, y'all.

overtheoceansoraiconbys.jpg This user forged a D-Link with Luxris.
  This user has shared sea-salt ice cream with the blazing editor Chainoffire!
roxas4roxas.jpg This user sits on top of the Clock Tower to eat Ice-Cream with their good friend Roxas.