Forums: Index > Ansem's Computer > Notes 17, (Ability Links) - KrytenKoro
We're at 17 now, right?
Anyway, this should just be a list of every Dream Eater, in journal order, with a list of all the abilities they can provide. It might be worth noting which symbol the ability uses, too. This will not include the gates and mystery bubbles; this is just to keep track of obtainment sections. Please list the abilities in the order they appear on the "change party" screen (press X to list all abilities the Dream Eater has learned). Keep in mind that the list does not include any abilities that are currently invisible, so all hidden and disposition routes will need to be opened to get the complete listing.
Meow Wow
- Some stuff
- Leaf Bracer
Tama Sheep
Yoggy Ram
Komory Bat
Hebby Repp
Sir Kyroo
Fin Fatale
Tatsu Steed
Necho Cat
Kooma Panda
===Iceguin Ace===