User:Rebellious Treecko

From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
Revision as of 01:51, 29 July 2012 by Rebellious Treecko (talk | contribs) (userpage)
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Hello. After editing the Kingdom Hearts wiki anonymously a few times back in 2007, and lurking around here for years, I finally decided to join. I might make small edits here and there. Usually about trivial or interesting things.

I also hope to get to know some of the names on here, and also become part of the Kingdom Hearts Fanon Wiki.

Favorite enemies/worlds

Category Best Second Best Third best Fourth best
Game Birth by Sleep Dream Drop Distance Kingdom Hearts II
Story Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Graphical Style Kingdom Hearts II Dream Drop Distance Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts
Primary World Radiant Garden (BBS) Keyblade Graveyard Hollow Bastion (KH1) Traverse Town
Secondary World La Cite Des Cloches Deep Space The Grid Prankster's Paradise
Heartless Ruler of the Sky Creepworm Leechgrave
Nobody Creeper
Unversed Flood Archraven
Dream Eater Tyranto Rex Spellican Escarglow

Favorite characters

Category Best Second Best Third Best Fourth Best
Male Protagonist Sora Riku Terra King Mickey
Female Protagonist Aqua
Male Supporting Character Phoebus (if he was a party member) Jack Sparrow
Female Supporting Character Quorra (if she was a party member)
Female Bubbly Ditz
Temporary Player Character
Villain Xemnas Young Xehanort Master Xehanort Xigbraig
Minor Villain Judge Frollo ??? Scar Gantu
Recurring Boss


ipuOopZ.png This user is a fan of Disney movies.
20 This user is 20 years old.
51jqMJU.png This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
0QfJZih.png This user contributes with Windows.

Template:User Manga Template:User KHDBBSRECOOST Template:User Unversed

3Yenaui.png This user is a stowaway on an intergalactic prison ship.

XE6EF7a.png This user is adept at servicing a mainframe computer system.

Template:User Grid Template:User Radiant Garden Template:User Prankster's Paradise Template:User La Cite des Cloches

bD2Rbuy.png This user is a fan of Claude Frollo, and anyone who disagrees with them is a heretic.

DobGD0s.png This user is no more eternal than that radiance of yours...

Template:User Xehanort Template:User Xigbar Quote

Ye5BKrP.png This user doesn't use magic, they hit you with magical awesome.
92e1gTC.png This user loves Riku's Data Form.
uhE4kV8.png This user loves the song The 13th Anthology.
mnMUMJK.png This user loves the orchestrated version of Passion.
WPuM7qS.png This user loves the song Passion.
zd3Hu7n.png This user loves the song Sanctuary.
68Qbiy0.png This user loves Aqua's character theme.
UfuGwYK.png This user loves the song Darkness of the Unknown.
UdQnDIb.png This user loves the song Desire for All That is Lost.
vRd320Q.png This user loves the song Fate of the Unknown.
0cTFzTM.png This user loves the song Destati.
EahUtf2.png This user loves the song Fragments of Sorrow.
4p3lLuc.png This user loves the song Vector to the Heavens.
4Dq1gQV.png This user loves the song The Other Promise.