This page is a page with IRC moments that I thought were awesome, funny, or epic. Usually, the following stories are funny, so please read if you feel down. Remember: Laughter is the best medicine! c:
[ALL HAIL DOORSEY] [17:24] == Keyblade0 [4c6c221c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [17:24] <Randomnessity> .-. [17:24] <Keyblade0> ._. [17:24] <Randomnessity> Who made this? [17:26] == LegoAlchemist [47c1b8e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [17:26] <LegoAlchemist> {:| [17:26] == LegoAlchemist [47c1b8e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey [] [17:26] == Sato123|Okami [6c1922b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [17:26] == Sato123|Okami [6c1922b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey [] [17:26] <Randomnessity> lulz [17:26] == Randomnessity [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey [] [17:45] == Randomnessity [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [17:45] <Randomnessity> Again? [17:45] <Keyblade0> >.< [17:45] <Randomnessity> #enuo [17:46] <Randomnessity> Crono's old channel. [17:46] == Randomnessity [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey [] [17:46] == Randomnessity [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [17:46] <Keyblade0> >.< [17:47] == Auror [4c696ece@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [17:47] <Randomnessity> BOO [17:47] == KrytenKoro [0c350ae2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [17:47] <Randomnessity> BOO [17:47] <KrytenKoro> oh, that's what you meant [17:47] == KrytenKoro [0c350ae2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey [] [17:48] <Auror> Fuck Doorsey. [17:48] == Auror [4c696ece@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey [] [17:48] == LegoAlchemist [47c1b8e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [17:48] <Randomnessity> ._. [17:48] <LegoAlchemist> Doorsey won't be happy U_U [17:48] <Randomnessity> I'mma copy paste that on #FFWiki [17:48] * LegoAlchemist goes to tell [17:48] <Keyblade0> >.< [17:48] * LegoAlchemist is sniped [17:48] <Keyblade0> >.> [17:49] <Keyblade0> <.< [17:49] <Keyblade0> <.> [17:49] <Randomnessity> Haha. I pasted it right after you joined. [17:49] <LegoAlchemist> Oh well. [17:49] <Keyblade0> Huhwhat? [17:49] <Keyblade0> Wait.... [17:49] <Keyblade0> Whathuh? [17:49] <Keyblade0> Or #Huhwhat [17:49] == Griffen78 [47ba2189@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [17:50] <Randomnessity> [16:48] <Auror> Fuck Doorsey. [17:50] <Griffen78> I want part of this fuckin goin on [17:50] <Randomnessity> No one is having sexual intercourse. [17:51] <Keyblade0> ._. [17:51] <Keyblade0> .-. [17:52] == LightMouse [bd0d2aa4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [17:52] == LightMouse [bd0d2aa4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey [] [17:52] == Auror [4c696ece@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [17:52] <Randomnessity> lol [17:52] == LightMouse [bd0d2aa4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [17:52] == Demonic_Saint [~paradox@unaffiliated/demonic-saint/x-186367] has joined #Doorsey [17:52] <Auror> ALL HAIL DOORSEY [17:52] <Randomnessity> [16:48] <Auror> Fuck Doorsey. [17:52] <Auror> [17:52] <Auror> ALL HAIL DOORSEY [17:52] <Keyblade0> .-. [17:52] <LightMouse> Wut is a doorsey? [17:52] <Randomnessity> [16:48] <Auror> Fuck Doorsey. [17:52] <LightMouse> and HI KB0 [17:52] <Randomnessity> DoorToNothing. [17:53] <Auror> [17:52] <Auror> ALL HAIL DOORSEY [17:53] <Keyblade0> Hey, LM [17:53] == Demonic_Saint [~paradox@unaffiliated/demonic-saint/x-186367] has left #Doorsey [] [17:53] <Randomnessity> [16:48] <Auror> Fuck Doorsey. [17:53] <Keyblade0> Cool picture. [17:53] <Auror> [17:52] <Auror> ALL HAIL DOORSEY [17:53] <Randomnessity> [16:48] <Auror> Fuck Doorsey. [17:53] <LightMouse> you see it KB0? [17:53] <Randomnessity> MRS. Light Mouse?!?!?!?! [17:53] <Auror> [5:33] <Mr. Random> DTN can be a real dick sometimes. [17:53] <Auror> >:3 [17:53] <Randomnessity> I never said that. >_> [17:54] <LightMouse> Yeah [17:54] <Randomnessity> ARE YOU A GIRL OR A GUY?! [17:54] <Keyblade0> Who? [17:55] <LightMouse> A GUY [17:55] <LightMouse> I DON'T SEE THE PRONOM [17:55] <Randomnessity> Pronom? [17:55] <Keyblade0> Pronoun [17:56] <LightMouse> YEAH KB0 [17:56] <Auror> xd [17:56] <Auror> XD [17:56] <LightMouse> THANKS [17:56] <Auror> XD [17:56] <Auror> XD [17:56] <Auror> XD [17:56] <Keyblade0> ._. [17:56] <Randomnessity> ._. [17:56] <Auror> PRONOM [17:56] <Auror> XD [17:56] <Keyblade0> SPAM [17:56] <Auror> XD [17:56] <Auror> XD [17:56] <Auror> XD [17:56] <Auror> XD [17:56] <Auror> XD [17:56] <Randomnessity> So you called yourself... [17:56] <Auror> XD [17:56] <LightMouse> MY ENGLISH IS HORRIBLE [17:56] <Randomnessity> Mrs. Light Mouse. [17:56] <Auror> PRONOM! XD [17:56] <Auror> Oh. ._. [17:56] <Keyblade0> Pro-nom nomnom XD [17:56] <LightMouse> I never remember it [17:56] <Auror> Sorry, I thought Keyblade said it.... [17:57] <Auror> Sorry LightMouse. :) [17:57] <Randomnessity> Auror. [17:57] * Randomnessity kicks Auror [17:57] <Keyblade0> ._. [17:57] * Auror kicks Randomnessity and gives him a taste of his own medicine. [17:57] <Keyblade0> Wait....Auror is a guy??????? [17:57] <LegoAlchemist> -_- [17:57] <Randomnessity> No. [17:57] * LightMouse kill Randomnessity [17:57] <Auror> ._. [17:57] == LegoAlchemist [47c1b8e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey ["failure"] [17:57] <Randomnessity> STOPIT [17:57] <Auror> Wut...? [17:57] <Randomnessity> STOP BEING MEAN TO ME [17:58] * Randomnessity CRIES [17:58] == Randomnessity [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey [] [17:58] <Auror> When have I ever become a guy? [17:58] <Keyblade0> : ( [17:58] <Auror> I've had enough of Doorsey for one day. Goodbye. [17:58] == Auror [4c696ece@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey [] [17:59] == LightMouse [bd0d2aa4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey [] [17:59] <Keyblade0> Soo....G78 and LA are the only ones left... [18:00] == LegoAlchemist [47c1b8e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [18:00] <Keyblade0> ._. [18:03] == Randomnessity [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Doorsey [18:03] <Randomnessity> LOLK [18:03] == Randomnessity [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey [] [18:03] == LegoAlchemist [47c1b8e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #Doorsey [] |
Global Warming comes to the IRC
[17:25] == globalwarming [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts [17:25] <globalwarming> I WARNED YOU [17:25] == globalwarming [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] [17:25] <Sove> ._.
Random's "Show"
[16:03] <Randomnessity> This has been Fun Times with Random. [16:03] <Randomnessity> Join us next week when Random visits a farm. [16:03] <Randomnessity> With kuh-razy results! [16:03] <Satoru123> -_-
The TarNation
[21:28] <UnknownEnigma> What in tarnation [21:29] <UnknownEnigma> What is tarnation? [21:29] <Reeves|Lost> Tar Nation. [21:29] <Randomnessity> ._.
The Universe
[21:48] <UnknownEnigma> Those hotdogs aren't cooked [21:48] <Chitalian> AIN'T NO QUESTION IF I WANT IT, I NEED IT [21:48] <ErryK> Well, I'm so hot they boiled in my saliva~ [21:48] <Evnyofdeath> ... [21:49] * Evnyofdeath facepalms [21:49] * UnknownEnigma pours liquid He on ErryK [21:49] <Chitalian> o.o [21:49] == BakaKidd [4c16e72c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts [21:49] <UnknownEnigma> Are you still too hot? [21:49] <BakaKidd> heyo [21:49] <UnknownEnigma> Howdy dowdy baka [21:49] <BakaKidd> hey UE [21:49] <UnknownEnigma> I just poured liquid He on ErryK [21:50] <Evnyofdeath> He...what does that stand for? I feel like I should know... [21:50] <BakaKidd> liquid.....He?? helium? [21:50] <UnknownEnigma> Yes [21:50] <BakaKidd> XD [21:50] <Evnyofdeath> At least it wasn't Liquid Nitrogen [21:50] <UnknownEnigma> VERY cold stuff [21:50] <UnknownEnigma> Colder than Liquid nitrogen [21:50] * BakaKidd raises fist in success* bet he has a VERY squeaky voice right now.... [21:50] <Evnyofdeath> Really? Nitrogen can freeze you real quick [21:51] <UnknownEnigma> So does liquid He [21:51] <UnknownEnigma> I think it's one of the coldest substances we have closest to absolute 0 [21:51] <BakaKidd> probably is. [21:52] == Reeves|OutToEat has changed nick to DoktahReeves [21:52] == Chitalian [48e70bde@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] [21:52] <Evnyofdeath> Ya know...since its impossible to get something down to Absolute 0...what do you think would happen if we did it? [21:52] <DoktahReeves> Time and space would fold in on itself and create a wormhole that would end life-as-we-know-it. [21:53] <DoktahReeves> Duh. [21:53] <UnknownEnigma> The molecules and atoms would completely stop [21:53] <BakaKidd> like that would happen [21:53] <BakaKidd> new ice age is more likely Reeves [21:53] <@KrytenKoro> you would have to remove all energy [21:53] <DoktahReeves> Have some imagination U_U [21:53] <UnknownEnigma> The molecules would have no energy whatsoever [21:53] <Evnyofdeath> The world would probably flash freeze [21:53] <@KrytenKoro> and so there would be nothing acting against the forces of gravity [21:53] <@KrytenKoro> timespace would fold in on itself and create the Big Crunch [21:54] * ErryK is still too hot [21:54] <Evnyofdeath> Followed eventually by a big bang [21:54] <Evnyofdeath> Thus restarting the universe [21:54] <UnknownEnigma> Nothing is too hot for liquid He [21:54] <BakaKidd> dude....only way that would happen if the spirit of bruce lee collided fist with chuck norris!! DUH!!! [21:54] * KrytenKoro says that hotness is impossible unless you are a bespectacled female [21:55] <@KrytenKoro> no, it would not be followed by a big bang [21:55] <Evnyofdeath> Kryten, I like your tastes [21:55] <@KrytenKoro> first off, unlikely, second off, there's no "followed by" if time doesn't exist any more [21:55] <Evnyofdeath> Time didn't exist before the big bang either [21:55] <ErryK> What about the sun? would it freeze with one drop of Liquid He? [21:55] <@KrytenKoro> that's because there was no before [21:55] <UnknownEnigma> Who's to say that things always were? [21:56] <@KrytenKoro> Liquid HE? [21:56] <@KrytenKoro> No [21:56] <UnknownEnigma> Who's to say that things never were? [21:56] <@KrytenKoro> it has a relvant melting point [21:56] <BlackSoulBlade> G'night guys [21:56] <Evnyofdeath> Kryten, no one knows what would happen after the Big Crunch. Its all speculation [21:56] <BakaKidd> night BSB [21:56] == BlackSoulBlade [] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.0.0 Insomnia] [21:56] <BakaKidd> i have a theory.... [21:56] <Evnyofdeath> Has anyone here seen Heroman? [21:57] <UnknownEnigma> No... [21:57] <UnknownEnigma> and explain away Baka [21:57] <BakaKidd> maybe once the big crunch happens....time would repeat, as in the big bang would happen again. [21:57] <@KrytenKoro> no [21:57] <@KrytenKoro> that would violate the second law of thermodynamics [21:57] <BakaKidd> thermodynamics [21:58] == Suiseiseki [~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts [21:58] <BakaKidd> hey suiseiseki [21:58] <UnknownEnigma> Matter can neither created nor destroyed [21:58] == Tabs|Away has changed nick to Tabbeh [21:58] <@KrytenKoro> wrong [21:58] <@KrytenKoro> it can be created from energy [21:58] <BakaKidd> how do u know that koro? [21:58] <UnknownEnigma> I meant out of nothing [21:58] <Evnyofdeath> Heroman Trailer: [21:59] <UnknownEnigma> You can't make matter out of nothing [21:59] <@KrytenKoro> nope on that too [21:59] == Tabbeh has changed nick to Tabs|Away [21:59] <UnknownEnigma> Oh really now? [21:59] <@KrytenKoro> there is an imbalance between matter and antimatter when energy condenses into matter [21:59] <@KrytenKoro> very very slight [21:59] <@KrytenKoro> but enough for the material universe to exist [21:59] <UnknownEnigma> If you think about it, antimatter is "something" [22:00] <@KrytenKoro> still [22:00] <UnknownEnigma> It truly isn't "nothing" [22:00] <@KrytenKoro> it can undergo mutual annihilation with matter, return to the energy that was there, and still leave some excess matter behind [22:00] <@KrytenKoro> It's a glitch in the source code of the universe [22:00] <@KrytenKoro> my only excuse is that I was drunk that night [22:00] <@KrytenKoro> I MEAN I MEAN [22:01] <UnknownEnigma> O.o [22:01] <@KrytenKoro> that I was totally uninvolved in the phenomenon [22:01] <Suiseiseki> hello! [22:01] <@KrytenKoro> I am a regular human like yourselves [22:01] <@KrytenKoro> Let us go out and do human things together [22:01] <BakaKidd> O-M-G....they actually made an anime with the michillen tire man [22:01] <UnknownEnigma> Are you... [22:01] <UnknownEnigma> God? [22:01] <UnknownEnigma> Or some other other worldly being? [22:01] <BakaKidd> is he slendy? [22:01] <Evnyofdeath> Bakakid...thats not the Michillen Tire Man [22:01] <@KrytenKoro> I WAS NEVER HERE [22:01] == KrytenKoro [62ded5a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikia- kingdomhearts [] [22:01] <BakaKidd> i know XD |
MX is a girl!?
[20:03] <Crono|Editing> "If you wanna talk about pure darkness: Vanitas. He didn't even care about MX who gave birth to him." [20:03] <Crono|Editing> lolwhut [20:03] <Keyblade0> XD [20:03] <Keyblade0> I know [20:03] <Keyblade0> That's just wrong. [20:03] <Keyblade0> XD [20:03] <Keyblade0> But funny. [20:03] <Keyblade0> XD [20:04] <Keyblade0> He didn't even care about MX who gave birth to him. [20:04] <UnknownEnigma> MX is a women now? [20:04] <Keyblade0> MX WHO GAVE BIRTH TO HIM [20:04] <Keyblade0> WHO [20:04] <Keyblade0> HAVE [20:04] <Keyblade0> BIRTH [20:04] <Keyblade0> TO [20:04] <Keyblade0> HIM [20:04] <Keyblade0> XD [20:04] <UnknownEnigma> Madame Xehanort [20:04] <Keyblade0> XD [20:05] * Tabbeh makes this an original character and sees what happens. [20:05] <Tabbeh> c: [20:05] <Keyblade0> XDDDDDDDD [20:05] <Crono|Editing> ._. [20:05] <Keyblade0> Do [20:05] <Keyblade0> it [20:05] <Keyblade0> Put it on the Fanon Wiki [20:05] <Keyblade0> Nao [20:05] <Tabbeh> No. [20:05] <Crono|Editing> lolno [20:05] <UnknownEnigma> LOL [20:05] <Crono|Editing> Keyblade0. I am disappoint. [20:05] <Keyblade0> :c [20:05] * Tabbeh still hasn't drawn it out. [20:06] * Tabbeh will not do fanon until he actually gets bored enough of everything in the world. [20:07] <UnknownEnigma> Madame Xehanort commands you. [20:08] <Tabbeh> Well, I could make Madame Xehanort a tyrannical queen in charge of a corrupt government in the year 2581 and the main character has to, well, raw, raw, fight the power. [20:08] <Tabbeh> … |
Aqua and the Unnamed Heartless
[20:08] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: Ooh, extra BBS stuffs [20:09] <Tabbeh> if I ever do fanon [20:09] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: My, what big red eyes you have [20:09] <Crono|Editing> ???: ALL THE BETTER TO SEE YOU WITH [20:09] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: ಠ_ಠ
...they forgot.
[18:56] <Pokeblade0|Black> Oh yeah...
[18:56] <Pokeblade0|Black> Today's the next meeting right?
[18:57] <Doorsey> It is? ._.
[18:57] <Doorsey> ... oops.
[18:59] <BakaKidd> lol
[18:59] <BakaKidd> meeting fail
[18:59] <BakaKidd> schedule fail
[18:59] <BakaKidd> just fail
[19:02] <Luke|away> ...
[19:02] <Pokeblade0|Black> Tomorrow, then?
[19:03] <BakaKidd> ...
*In the other channel... the KHWiki-noticeboard channel...*
[19:03] <Doorsey> ...
[19:04] <Pokeblade0|Black> ._.
A bit of RP
[13:01] <Lukethehedgehog> [13:01] <KrytenKoro> I'm not in charge of bots, and don't know how to set them up [13:01] <KrytenKoro> DTN would be the one for that [13:02] == ErryK|FF8 has changed nick to ErryK|DDFF012 [13:02] == Dan36 [5198200d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] [13:02] <Lukethehedgehog> ¡Power Running, Power Lifting, Power Sleeping, Power Dating, Power Eating, Power Laughing, Power Spawning Babies, you will spawn lots of babies, 400 BABIES! [13:03] <Lukethehedgehog> Watch the link to understeand [13:03] <Sove> But it's still not only DTN's opinion that counts [13:03] <Keyblade0> ... [13:05] <Pea14733> ... [13:05] <Keyblade0> ._. [13:05] <Keyblade0> ._._._._._._._. [13:05] <Keyblade0> .-, [13:05] <Keyblade0> *.-. [13:06] <wolf5000> Sove you said madcow makes bot? [13:07] <Sove> Eh [13:07] <Sove> Kitty was absed on madcow [13:07] <Sove> based* [13:07] <wolf5000> What is madcow? [13:07] <Sove> A bot [13:08] <Keyblade0> A mad cow [13:08] <Keyblade0> Who as mad [13:08] <Keyblade0> Angry and crazy [13:09] <wolf5000> Sove Would you like to help me make a bot? [13:09] <Keyblade0> A cow who was very angry that he was crazy [13:09] * Pea14733 shoots KB0. [13:09] <Sove> I don't know how madcow works [13:09] <Keyblade0> ._. [13:09] <Pea14733> ._. [13:09] <Lukethehedgehog> ._. [13:09] <Sove> And I don't want to install any weird stuff on my comp [13:09] <wolf5000> :( [13:09] <wolf5000> Oh well [13:09] * Pea14733 wonders how to make a bot [13:09] <Keyblade0> Ask DTN when he is here [13:10] <Keyblade0> Oh! [13:10] <Keyblade0> When is the next meting? [13:10] <Keyblade0> *meeting [13:10] * Lukethehedgehog doesn't care about bots. [13:10] <ErryK|DDFF012> BLURDEBLUR [13:11] == ErryK|DDFF012 has changed nick to ErryK [13:11] * Lukethehedgehog wants to play Sonic Generations [13:11] * Keyblade0 wants to play Re:Coded and 012 [13:11] <Keyblade0> And FFIII for the DS [13:12] * ErryK wants to make a t-shirt for Sims 3 [13:12] <wolf5000> Pea14733 You want to learn with me? [13:12] <Pea14733> Sure [13:12] <Pea14733> :DD [13:12] <wolf5000> 8) [13:12] * Lukethehedgehog can't play Sonic Generations because: 1. He doesn't have an XBox 360 nor a PS3 and 2. It wasn't released yet :( [13:13] <ErryK> I don't say Fithos [13:13] <ErryK> I say Fetus. [13:13] <Keyblade0> ._. [13:13] <Pea14733> Fetus .... ._. [13:13] * Keyblade0 resists the urge to shoot EK [13:13] <ErryK> FETUS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC [13:13] <ErryK> derp. [13:13] * Keyblade0 fails [13:13] * Keyblade0 shoots EK [13:13] * ErryK godmods and survives [13:14] <Keyblade0> -__________- [13:14] <Keyblade0> Don't be like that guy who was banned. [13:14] <Keyblade0> *coughdcoughmcough* [13:14] <Pea14733> HM ? [13:14] <ErryK> Who was that? [13:14] <Lukethehedgehog> .-. [13:15] <Keyblade0> ._. [13:15] <Keyblade0> Really? <.< [13:15] <Keyblade0> *COUGHDCOUGHMCOUGH* [13:15] * Pea14733 shoots KB0 for the coughing. [13:16] * Keyblade0 misses it [13:16] <ErryK> Yush rly. [13:16] * Keyblade0 sees the bullet going to hit EK [13:16] <Keyblade0> WATCH OUT! [13:16] * ErryK time compresses the bullet into cotton candy [13:16] * ErryK eats cotton candy [13:16] <Pea14733> o.o [13:16] <Keyblade0> .-. [13:17] <ErryK> It tastes a bit iron-y [13:17] <Keyblade0> ... [13:17] <Pea14733> IRONY? [13:17] <Keyblade0> Iron-ish [13:18] <ErryK> brb [13:19] * Keyblade0 ties a bomb to EK's feet before he left [13:19] <Keyblade0> *tied [13:19] <Lukethehedgehog> lol ._. [13:20] * Pea14733 drops a small nuke behind KB0's back and runs away. [13:20] * Keyblade0 saw Pea running away from a person [13:20] <Keyblade0> What happened? [13:20] <Keyblade0> That wasn't ,e [13:20] <Keyblade0> *me , btw [13:21] <Pea14733> Oh really? [13:21] <Keyblade0> Yarly. [13:21] <Pea14733> Then who was that? [13:21] <Keyblade0> I dunno [13:21] * Lukethehedgehog [13:21] <Keyblade0> o. [13:21] <Keyblade0> *o.o [13:21] <Keyblade0> YOU MONSTER [13:21] <Keyblade0> WHY DIDJA DO THA PEA [13:21] * Pea14733 hears a BOOM [13:22] <Keyblade0> NNOOOO!!!! [13:22] * Keyblade0 soon sees a crispified EK [13:22] <Keyblade0> Oh. [13:22] <Pea14733> lol [13:22] * Lukethehedgehog is imortal ¡Haw Haw! [13:22] <Keyblade0> ... [13:22] * Pea14733 hears another BOOOOMM. [13:24] <Pea14733> CHAT IS DEAD [13:24] <Pea14733> ._. [13:24] <Lukethehedgehog> ¡Haw Haw! [13:24] <Keyblade0> Cause you killed Luke [13:24] <Keyblade0> YOU OMNSTER [13:24] <Keyblade0> *MONSTER [13:24] <Pea14733> OMSTER... [13:25] * Pea14733 goes to see the corpse. [13:25] * Keyblade0 sends OKH to nom Pea to death [13:26] * Lukethehedgehog repeats he's inmortal [13:26] <ErryK> FETUS [13:26] * Keyblade0 sees a crispified EK talk [13:26] <ErryK> No, I was reborn as a fetus, you dummy. [13:27] <Keyblade0> But, then, WHY are you crispified> [13:27] <ErryK> that's my old vessel [13:27] <Keyblade0> Okay. [13:27] <Keyblade0> Then [13:28] <Keyblade0> YO LEAVE MEH WIH NO OTHER CHOICE! [13:28] == Keyblade0 has changed nick to Harry_potter|God [13:28] <Harry_potter|God> ATTACK!!!!!!!! [13:28] * Harry_potter|God attacks EK [13:29] * Harry_potter|God sends an army of Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, and Lightsters to attak EK [13:29] <Lukethehedgehog> ¿Lightsters? [13:29] <Harry_potter|God> Creatures of Light [13:29] * Pea14733 shoots Luke for stealling his line. [13:29] <Lukethehedgehog> ah [13:29] <Harry_potter|God> Monsters of light [13:29] <Pea14733> *stealing [13:29] <Harry_potter|God> Born within it [13:29] <Harry_potter|God> ... [13:29] <Harry_potter|God> ? [13:30] * Lukethehedgehog is IN-MOR-TAL [13:30] <Pea14733> Not immortal right? [13:30] * Lukethehedgehog is Mephiles [13:30] <Harry_potter|God> ._. [13:30] * Harry_potter|God gives Luke his other half to become Solaris [13:30] * ErryK uses EX Burst "Blades of Revenge" [13:31] * ErryK which summons an infinite amount of blades and conjures columns of light for the finisher [13:31] * Lukethehedgehog become Solaris [13:31] <Harry_potter|God> YOU [13:31] <Harry_potter|God> MUST [13:31] <Harry_potter|God> D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DIE [13:32] <Harry_potter|God> [13:32] * Pea14733 backstabs Harry Potter God. *pwned* [13:32] <Lukethehedgehog> ¿What the... [13:33] == ErryK has changed nick to ErryK|Photoshop [13:33] <Lukethehedgehog> Fuck BOOOOOOOOOOOOM! mwahahahahahaha! [13:33] <Pea14733> ... [13:33] == Satoru123 [6c0b3309@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #KHWiki- social [13:33] <Sove> Hi Sato [13:33] <Harry_potter|God> die ek [13:33] <Harry_potter|God> OHAI S123 [13:33] <Harry_potter|God> JOIN USSSS [13:34] <Harry_potter|God> AND WE WILL DESTROY EK [13:34] <Pea14733> ErryK, Lukethehedgehog said a curse word. This incident has been logged, and will be reported. </bot> [13:34] <Harry_potter|God> Aw, damnit he is gone [13:34] <Harry_potter|God> Oh well [13:34] == Harry_potter|God has changed nick to Keyblade0 [13:34] <Keyblade0> LOL [13:34] <ErryK|Photoshop> Lulz. [13:34] <ErryK|Photoshop> FETUS [13:34] <ErryK|Photoshop> LUSEC [13:34] <ErryK|Photoshop> WECOS [13:35] <ErryK|Photoshop> VINOSEC [13:35] * Keyblade0 ignores EK [13:35] <Satoru123> ... [13:35] * ErryK|Photoshop does not care [13:35] <Lukethehedgehog> [13:35] == PhilosopherSDC has changed nick to SDC|Shower [13:36] <Lukethehedgehog> Oh hi Sato :D! [13:37] <ErryK|Photoshop> What should I use as the stencil for my new t-shirt? [13:37] <Satoru123> Luke Headgehogger XD [13:37] <Keyblade0> [13:38] <Lukethehedgehog> S123: ._. [13:39] <Keyblade0> [13:39] <Keyblade0> XD LOL [13:40] <Lukethehedgehog> This is Spartaaaaaaaa! [13:40] <Satoru123> You and these Sparta vids [13:40] <Satoru123> XD [13:41] <Lukethehedgehog> S123: Uhm... You talkting to KB0 or me? [13:41] <Keyblade0> O_O [13:41] <Keyblade0> Areound the middle [13:41] <Keyblade0> sonotpg<< [13:42] <ErryK|Photoshop> LIKE I SAID, what stencil? [13:44] <Lukethehedgehog> [13:45] <Keyblade0> [13:46] * Keyblade0 sighs [13:47] == Soxra [] has joined #KHWiki-social [13:47] == ErryK|Photoshop_ [~Erry@] has joined #KHWiki-social [13:47] <Keyblade0> The pokemon real life videos nowasays are'n as funny as the ones in the god ol' days [13:47] <Keyblade0> Hey, Soxra [13:47] * Lukethehedgehog favourited a Top 10 Sparta Remix [13:47] <Keyblade0> Hey, EK [13:47] <ErryK|Photoshop_> WE MEET AGAIN, KB0 [13:47] <Soxra> hallo [13:47] <Lukethehedgehog> Ohai Soxra! [13:47] <Soxra> HAI [13:47] == ErryK|Photoshop_ has changed nick to ErryK [13:48] <Lukethehedgehog> ErryK: You can Ghost the other nick [13:48] <Keyblade0> Yea we have [13:48] <Keyblade0> No godmodding [13:48] <Keyblade0> We shall have a duel [13:48] == mode/#KHWiki-social [+o ErryK] by ChanServ [13:48] <Keyblade0> ._. [13:48] == ErryK|Photoshop was kicked from #KHWiki-social by ErryK [Ghost] [13:48] <Pea14733> o.o [13:49] <Lukethehedgehog> lol [13:49] <Lukethehedgehog> lolol [13:49] == mode/#KHWiki-social [-o ErryK] by ChanServ [13:49] <Lukethehedgehog> lololol [13:49] <Keyblade0> And no Mod-modding too [13:49] == ErryK has changed nick to ErryK|Photoshop [13:50] <Keyblade0> Draw your weapron [13:50] <Keyblade0> *weapon [13:50] <ErryK|Photoshop> I've chosen to make a t-shirt with Edea's face on it. [13:50] <Keyblade0> Fine, then [13:51] * Keyblade0 shoots EK [13:51] * Keyblade0 is shot [13:51] * Pea14733 draws a YuGiOh card. [13:52] * Lukethehedgehog draws seven Chaos Emeralds [13:53] <Keyblade0> ._. [13:53] * Keyblade0 draws a bomb [13:54] * Satoru123 draw the Ultima Weapon Key-blade. * [13:54] * Lukethehedgehog becomes Super Luke just in time [13:54] <Satoru123> draws* [13:54] * Keyblade0 tries top throw it but notices it's about to explode [13:54] <Keyblade0> WHAT THE FU-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM [13:54] * Pea14733 uses Monster Reborn to revive KB0. [13:54] * Satoru123 uses the time break command to halt time* [13:55] * Satoru123 sneaks out the back door* [13:55] * Lukethehedgehog uses Speed Break [13:55] <wolf5000> >.> [13:55] * Satoru123 resumes time [13:55] == Lukethehedgehog has changed nick to Super [13:55] == Super has changed nick to Super_Luke [13:55] * Keyblade0 is reborn [13:56] * Pea14733 joins #KHWiki-roleplay [13:56] * Super_Luke uses Chaos...¡Blast! [13:56] * Satoru123 shoots Pea banning from #KHWiki-roleplay* [13:57] <Keyblade0> ._. [13:57] <Pea14733> Too late, Sato [13:57] <Sove> You need to fill a form to use # namespace [13:57] <Sove> >.> [13:57] <Pea14733> Wait, what? [13:58] <Sove> ## must be used instead [13:58] <Pea14733> Well then [13:58] <Sove> And we already have ##roleplay [13:58] * Satoru123 commits genocide and blows up the Iraq-ians* [13:58] <Satoru123> No more war [13:58] * Super_Luke uses Chaos Blast again [13:59] <Satoru123> Oh shoot! I forgot to save the Americans! O_O" [13:59] <Keyblade0> - ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _______-" [13:59] <Satoru123> :o Oh not good! [13:59] * Sove reverses time [13:59] <Sove> Now you can save the, [13:59] <Sove> :P [13:59] <Sove> them* [14:00] <Pea14733> Sove: That channel often has some other people. [14:01] <Satoru123> *Uses time break, dumps water on Sove, and leaves leaving them stuck* [14:01] * Satoru123 snaps fingers continuing time* [14:02] == Keyblade0 has changed nick to HARRY-POTTER|GOD [14:02] <Super_Luke> Satoru123: Time Break also slows down you. [14:02] * Satoru123 goes back to watching Re: Coded Walkthrough on You-tube [14:02] <HARRY-POTTER|GOD> DESTROY! [14:02] <Sove> Haha, mom went away for a while [14:02] <HARRY-POTTER|GOD> DESTROY! [14:02] <Satoru123> I know but I'm still faster [14:02] <Satoru123> :) [14:02] <HARRY-POTTER|GOD> DESTROYDESTROYDESTROYDESTROYDESTROYDESTROYDESTRYO [14:02] <Super_Luke> *DESTROYDESTROYDESTROYDESTROYDESTROYDESTROYDESTROy [14:02] <HARRY-POTTER|GOD> BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM [14:03] <HARRY-POTTER|GOD> NOW THERE SHALL BE PEACE [14:03] <HARRY-POTTER|GOD> THANKS YOU [14:03] <HARRY-POTTER|GOD> *THANK [14:03] == HARRY-POTTER|GOD has changed nick to Keyblade0 [14:03] <Super_Luke> Peace will not exist along with me ¡Mwahahahahahaha! [14:03] <Keyblade0> Eh. [14:03] <Keyblade0> I'm gonna play some games [14:04] == Super_Luke has changed nick to Darkspine_Luke [14:04] <Keyblade0> .-. [14:04] == ErryK|Photoshop [~Erry@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] [14:04] * Keyblade0 grabs his popcorn and watches from the sidelines [14:06] == ErryK|Photoshop [~Erry@] has joined #KHWiki-social [14:07] == Satoru123 has changed nick to S123|Re_Coded_Wa [14:07] == S123|Re_Coded_Wa has changed nick to S123|ReCoded_Wal [14:07] <S123|ReCoded_Wal> ... [14:08] <Keyblade0> S123, I say hai [14:09] == ENX [4b0b0aaa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #KHWiki-social [14:09] == ENX has changed nick to ENX|FFfanfic [14:09] <Pea14733> Hi ENX [14:09] <Darkspine_Luke> ENX! :D [14:10] <ENX|FFfanfic> Hello [14:10] <S123|ReCoded_Wal> Hey [14:10] <Darkspine_Luke> Keyblade0, You was kicked, so join back. [14:11] <Keyblade0> Huh? [14:11] <Keyblade0> Oh, I didn't notice [14:11] <Keyblade0> :I [14:11] <Pea14733> :P [14:11] <S123|ReCoded_Wal> Darkspine Luke?!!! Awww no fair [14:11] <Keyblade0> Can someone log what happened? [14:11] <Pea14733> Which of what happened? [14:12] * S123|ReCoded_Wal turns Legendary Super Satoru * [14:12] <Keyblade0> On you channel [14:12] <Keyblade0> All I remember was Luke addin ols to lol [14:12] <Pea14733> I reflected your Y powah. [14:12] <Keyblade0> lololololololololololololol [14:12] <Keyblade0> lolololololololololololololol [14:12] <Keyblade0> lololololololololololololololol [14:13] <Keyblade0> And I dunno what happened next because I was playing Mario Part 8 :I [14:13] * S123|ReCoded_Wal blasts Keyblade into Inexistence! * [14:13] <S123|ReCoded_Wal> LOL [14:13] <Pea14733> lol [14:13] * Keyblade0 grabs his popcorn and watches Gods go to war. [14:13] == S123|ReCoded_Wal has changed nick to L_Super_Satoru
[14:14] * L_Super_Satoru puts Darkspine Luke into a brutal headlock. [14:14] <Keyblade0> Hm... [14:14] <Keyblade0> Who are you? [14:14] == Darkspine_Luke has changed nick to Ultra_Luke [14:14] <Keyblade0> Yu. [14:14] <Keyblade0> Not, who are you? [14:14] <Keyblade0> That's what I just said [14:14] <Keyblade0> Who just said what? [14:14] <Keyblade0> You. [14:14] <Keyblade0> That's what I'm asking you! [14:14] <Keyblade0> You! [14:14] <Keyblade0> Me? [14:14] <Keyblade0> Not not you him! [14:15] <Keyblade0> What's your name? [14:15] <Keyblade0> Mi. [14:15] <Keyblade0> YES!, YOU! [14:15] <Pea14733> ..... [14:15] <Keyblade0> I am Mi [14:15] <Pea14733> SPAM [14:15] <Keyblade0> Yes, he mi and I am yu. [14:15] <L_Super_Satoru> I AM Legendary Super Satoru Suckas! [14:15] <Keyblade0> XD LOL [14:15] <L_Super_Satoru> LOL [14:15] <Keyblade0> I LOVE that scene [14:15] == Ultra_Luke has changed nick to Darkspine_Luke [14:16] <L_Super_Satoru> Broly: Quit stealing my titles you hack! [14:16] <L_Super_Satoru> Go to Heck Broly! [14:16] == Keyblade0 has changed nick to SuperUltraAwesom [14:16] <SuperUltraAwesom> ._. [14:16] <SuperUltraAwesom> That was supposed to say SuperUltraAwesomeKB0 [14:16] == SuperUltraAwesom has changed nick to Keyblade0 [14:16] <Sove> 16 chars max [14:17] <L_Super_Satoru> Warning: This next scene depicts scenes of epic violence. Viewer discretion is advised. [14:17] <L_Super_Satoru> *LSS and BLSS go into a battle so intense, I can't describe what happened in words* [14:17] <L_Super_Satoru> XD [14:18] <L_Super_Satoru> FAIL [14:18] * L_Super_Satoru goes back to Re: Coded [14:20] <ErryK|Photoshop> NOW TO TEST THE T-SHIRT! [14:20] == ErryK|Photoshop has changed nick to ErryK|TS3 [14:24] == L_Super_Satoru has changed nick to Satoru123 [14:26] <Keyblade0> yOU KNOW, SOME OF THESE MINI-GAMES ARE ABSURD [14:27] <ErryK|TS3> Your existence is absurd. [14:27] <ErryK|TS3> BAZING! [14:27] <Darkspine_Luke> lolol [14:27] <Keyblade0> ._. [14:27] <Keyblade0> :| [14:27] <Keyblade0> .-. [14:27] <Keyblade0> |: [14:28] <Keyblade0> Caps fail [14:28] <Keyblade0> Who would want to go tight-balace-roping in a canyon where you can die? [14:28] <Keyblade0> :I [14:30] == wolf5000 has changed nick to wolf|away [14:30] == Pea14733 has changed nick to Pea|TWEWY [14:31] <ErryK|TS3> Argh. [14:31] <ErryK|TS3> The texture is fine [14:31] <ErryK|TS3> it's just Edea's not showing u [14:31] <ErryK|TS3> p [14:31] <ErryK|TS3> just a white silhouette of her. [14:33] <Sove> Huh? ._. [14:33] <Sove> What have you done now [14:35] <Darkspine_Luke> ¿Who knows about Sonic the Hedgehog songs? [14:35] <ErryK|TS3> I AM MAKING A T-SHIRT [14:35] <ErryK|TS3> WITH EDEA'S FACE ON IT [14:36] <ErryK|TS3> SOVE. [14:36] <Sove> :| [14:36] == SDC|Shower has changed nick to PhilosoherSDC [14:36] <ErryK|TS3> I THINK I have it [14:36] <Darkspine_Luke> Repeat ¿Who knows about Sonic the Hedgehog songs? [14:36] <PhilosoherSDC> Forgot to change nick [14:41] <ErryK|TS3> Yeah. [14:41] <ErryK|TS3> I got her on it now. [14:41] <Keyblade0> ... [14:42] <Darkspine_Luke> ¿How many times I've got to ask? [14:42] <Keyblade0> YES [14:42] <ErryK|TS3> Now to try it again. [14:42] <Keyblade0> SONIC HE'S THE FASTEST THING ALIVEEEEEEIAIVEEEEEE [14:42] <Darkspine_Luke> ._. [14:42] * Keyblade0 is shot 3 times [14:42] <Darkspine_Luke> :| [14:42] <Darkspine_Luke> .-. [14:42] <Darkspine_Luke> :| [14:43] <Darkspine_Luke> *|: [14:43] <Keyblade0> OPen your heart [14:43] * Keyblade0 rips open his heart [14:43] * Keyblade0 dies [14:43] <Darkspine_Luke> lolol |
Emoticons and butterflies
[22:33] <Chitalian> ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Y u no emoticon, my life is complete [22:34] <KrytenKoro> Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ [22:34] <UnknownEnigma> u_u [22:34] <UnknownEnigma> STOP IT [22:34] <UnknownEnigma> STOP IT 03[22:34] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Neumannz [22:34] <KrytenKoro> Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ [22:34] <KrytenKoro> Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ [22:34] <KrytenKoro> Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ [22:34] <UnknownEnigma> YouR GRANDMOTHERS DEMAND YOU TO STOP AND DESIST [22:34] <KrytenKoro> flock of butterflies, that is [22:34] <KrytenKoro> but that's enough 06[22:34] * UnknownEnigma burns butterflies [22:35] <UnknownEnigma> NO MOAR [22:35] <Chitalian> Purty [22:35] <UnknownEnigma> Burning butterflies are not pretty [22:35] <Chitalian> | ̄ ̄| [22:35] <Chitalian> _☆☆☆_ [22:35] <Chitalian> ( ´_⊃`) [22:35] <Chitalian> ^American [22:35] <UnknownEnigma> SPAM SPAM SPAM IRC DAY [22:36] <UnknownEnigma> SPAM IT MOAR [22:36] <UnknownEnigma> I DON'T CARE [22:36] <Chitalian> Calm down, they're just emoticons. [22:36] <UnknownEnigma> RAGE RAGE RAGE [22:36] <Chitalian> (ΘεΘ;) [22:37] <Chitalian> ┐('~`;)┌ [22:37] <KrytenKoro> juknow, in Japanese, Han Solo's copilot is "Kissy Idiot"? 03[22:37] * darkfalcon3274 was kicked by Neumannz (sockpuppeting ) [22:38] <Chitalian> ( ゚д゚) [22:38] <KrytenKoro> ha [22:38] <BakaKidd> sock puppet? wow... [22:38] <Chitalian> (´ー`)y-~~ look, he's smoking [22:38] <UnknownEnigma> >:| [22:38] <@Neumannz> Well yeah he was sockpuppeting [22:38] <@Neumannz> He is me 03[22:38] * UnknownEnigma is now known as BURNINGCONFLAGRA [22:38] <Sove> darkfalcon3274 was
[22:38] <Sove> [05:38] darkfalcon3274 used Tue Jul 26 02:39:28 2011 [22:38] <Sove> [05:38] darkfalcon3274 End of /WHOWAS list. [22:38] <Sove> Yup [22:38] <Sove> :p [22:39] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> CONFLAGRATION [22:41] <@Neumannz> I figured kicking me for sockpuppeting was perfectly called for [22:42] <Chitalian> So I got a 1000$ program for free because I'm a student :/ [22:42] <Chitalian> no, like a 5000$ program [22:43] <Sove> O.o [22:43] <Sove> What program? [22:43] <Chitalian> 3ds Max [22:43] <Chitalian> And it was easy [22:43] <KrytenKoro> proly ms office [22:43] <Chitalian> I feel like anyone could just pose as a student and get it free with ease ._. [22:44] <Sove> Yup [22:44] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> I GOT WINDOW 7 FOR FREE FOR ATTENDING UF AND BEING AN ENGINEER MAJOR [22:44] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> ACTUALLY, THAT WAS PROBABLY COVERED IN THE TUITION... [22:44] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> BUT NOT AN EXTRA DIME WAS PULLED OUT OF MY POCKET FOR IT [22:44] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> HARGH HARGH [22:50] <Chitalian> I like how people barely cared about Amy Winehouse before she died. [22:50] <KrytenKoro> people barely cared about Amy Winehouse [22:50] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> WINEHOUSE... HOW SAD [22:50] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> BOO HOO 06[22:50] * BURNINGCONFLAGRA PLAYS SMALL VIOLIN [22:52] <Chitalian> o.o wait when did maggosh become inactive [22:53] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> SINCE THE DAY OF RECKONING
02[23:00] * Chitalian ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 5.0/20110615151330] ) 02[23:04] * Sora1995|MT4G ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer ) 02[23:04] * BlackSoulBlade ( Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia ) 03[23:08] * Mikazuki_Neko (475c654e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #KHWiki-social [23:08] <BakaKidd> Hey Mika-chan~ [23:08] <BakaKidd> Welcome to the dead chat XD [23:09] <Mikazuki_Neko> Hey baka-sempai~ [23:10] <Sove> Mikazuki! [23:10] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> IT AINT DEAD [23:10] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> IT IS FULL OF LIFE [23:10] <Mikazuki_Neko> Sove! [23:10] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> BURNING RADIANT LIFE [23:10] <BakaKidd> IT BETTEH BE! [23:10] <BakaKidd> :3 [23:12] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> BAAAAAH [23:12] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> PACMAN FACE [23:12] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> BAAH 03[23:15] * Sora1995|MT4G ( has joined #KHWiki-social [23:15] <Sove> Whee I can't see well [23:15] <BakaKidd> wb Sora 2 [23:15] <Sove> Sun did it again XD [23:15] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> YOU BETTER BE DERN BLIND [23:15] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> YA DURN TOO'IN [23:18] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> OH GREAT... [23:18] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> TYPICAL VIDYA GAME STEREOTYPE [23:18] <BURNINGCONFLAGRA> FREAKIN' MEDIA TRUASH |
I went insane.
[22:45] <Keyblade0> MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[22:45] <Keyblade0> PREPARE TO BURN, KID
[22:45] <Baka|Cloud> ._.
[22:46] <Keyblade0> KILL!
[22:46] <Keyblade0> WOO!!
[22:46] <Keyblade0> 1913 more DP :3
Finland - 1, Smosh - 0
[17:18] <Keyblade0>
[17:18] <Keyblade0> 3:22
[17:18] <Keyblade0> *4:22
[17:18] <Keyblade0> XDDDDDD
[17:18] <Keyblade0> XDXDXD
[17:18] <Keyblade0> XD
[17:20] <Sove> As a matter of fact
[17:21] <Sove> I have never got a package with newspaper in it
[17:22] <Sove> Or then they do that when they are sent abroad
[17:22] <Keyblade0> Finland - 1 Smosh - 0
RP, abilities and EXP
[23:46] * DoctorReeves counter-strike's Keyblade0
[23:47] <Keyblade0> ._.
[23:47] * DoctorReeves has defeated (1) Keyblade0! 12 EXP recieved.
[23:47] <Keyblade0> I took a part of his arm
[23:47] * Keyblade0 has auto-revive
[23:47] <Keyblade0> Aha!
[23:47] <TaBzEe> 8D
[23:47] <TaBzEe> Infinite EXP!
[23:48] * Keyblade0 also notices he has auto-death
[23:48] <TaBzEe> Oh.
[23:48] <Keyblade0> ;-;
[23:48] <TaBzEe> :\
[23:48] <Keyblade0> Crap
Twygs River
[23:02] <ErryK> RACING. NO. [23:02] <Keyblade0> ... [23:02] <ErryK> Only racing I will accept is Rumble Racing. [23:02] <Keyblade0> You remind me of the guy who posted forums on the Twilight Town Library who said [23:02] <Keyblade0> The racing is 100% impossible [23:02] <ErryK> LOL [23:03] <ErryK> I finished the first track with Terra the first time. [23:03] <Keyblade0> Something like that [23:03] <ErryK> Castle Circuit is pretty easy if you can pivot well. [23:03] <ErryK> Time to play OE Cake [23:04] <UnknownEnigma> Cake? :D [23:04] <Keyblade0> In Soviet Russia Cake eats you [23:04] == ErryK has changed nick to ErryK|OECake [23:04] <ErryK|OECake> Then I eat the cake from inside because then I wouldn't be in Soviet Russia. [23:05] <Keyblade0> WOO VICTORY LINE FIRST TRY WITH VENTUS! ON CRITICAL MODE USING BROKEN PSP THAT KEEPS TRYING TO QUIT THE GAME! YEARGH!Glorious CHAOS! 05:35, September 29, 2010 (UTC [23:05] <UnknownEnigma> Kryten Koro? [23:05] <Tabbeh> Ooh. [23:05] <Tabbeh> Civilians. [23:06] * Keyblade0 saw that ion the old wiki [23:06] <Sora1995> heh [23:06] <Sora1995> critical mode [23:06] <Sora1995> level 99 [23:06] <Keyblade0> Then someone replied to it....Many months AFTER September [23:06] <Sora1995> almost done with Ventus's story [23:06] <Tabbeh> Yeaaah. [23:06] <Tabbeh> This is just like GTA. xD [23:06] <Tabbeh> But it's coo'. [23:06] <Tabbeh> It's coo'. [23:06] <Keyblade0> LegendAqua - I am Master LegendAqua There is one way that you could win without having to worry...The 2 ways that divided the track (the one with the long bend and the one that goes striaght near the finish line) If all opponents go to the long bend then technicially you win as long as you don't screw it up(if you go to the long bend the next lap) [23:07] <Keyblade0> maggosh's reply? [23:07] <Keyblade0> WELCOME TO EIGHT MONTHS AGO [23:07] <Sora1995> lol [23:07] <ErryK|OECake> LMAO [23:08] <ErryK|OECake> Wow. [23:08] <ErryK|OECake> I made a ship of fuel(flammable material) and all that's left is water and steam [23:10] <Keyblade0> lolwut [23:11] <SilverCrono> ^ [23:12] <Sora1995> favorite character? [23:12] <SilverCrono> in wut [23:12] <Sora1995> any of the KH games [23:12] <Keyblade0> HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [23:13] <SilverCrono> uh...Isa/Saix [23:13] <ErryK|OECake> CLICK THE PICSHUR [23:13] <Keyblade0> I say....................the talking keyblad*shoe* [23:13] <ErryK|OECake> You get free awesome physics game. [23:13] <Sora1995> Isa was a pain in my ass [23:13] <Keyblade0> *shot* [23:14] * Keyblade0 has noticed UE didn't say nothings [23:14] <Tabbeh> Ooh. [23:14] <Tabbeh> A karma moment. [23:14] <Tabbeh> ... [23:14] <Sora1995> ok, favorite main protagonist [23:14] * Tabbeh fries these people. [23:14] <Sora1995> how's that [23:15] <Sora1995> or tragic her/villian [23:15] <SilverCrono> Wut. [23:15] <SilverCrono> Isa was win. [23:15] == BakaKidd [4c16e72c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #KHWiki- social [23:15] <BakaKidd> back [23:16] <SilverCrono> Lea got pwnt, like, 3 times in their one little cutscene. [23:16] <Sora1995> lol [23:17] <Sora1995> name all XIV Orginization XII members! [23:17] <Sora1995> go! [23:17] <Sora1995> ..... [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> xemnas [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> xigbar [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> xaldin [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> vexen [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> zexion [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> axel [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> saix [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> marluxia [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> luxord [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> demyx [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> larxene [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> roxas [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> xion [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> DONE [23:18] <ErryK|OECake> i messed up with marluxia and demyx's places though. [23:18] <Sora1995> you missed one [23:19] <ErryK|OECake> Moogle XV? [23:19] <Sora1995> Lexeus [23:19] <Asorailahd> !tea everyone [23:19] * [TH]RuneScript gives everyone a cup of tea, compliments of Asorailahd. [23:19] <ErryK|OECake> blarg. [23:19] <Asorailahd> Your welcome. =) [23:19] <ErryK|OECake> Lexaeus, WELL HE'S SLIENT SO SCREW HIM. [23:19] <Sora1995> XD [23:19] <Sora1995> so was Xion [23:19] <Sora1995> and Roxas [23:19] <ErryK|OECake> No she spoke. [23:19] <Sora1995> he spoke too [23:20] * UnknownEnigma does not want tea [23:20] <BakaKidd> XD [23:20] <Sora1995> when Riku fought Lexeus, he spoke before and after the battle [23:20] <ErryK|OECake> Yeah, but he died as soon as after that ._. [23:20] <ErryK|OECake> So he barely spoke. [23:21] <Sora1995> but he wasn't a mute [23:22] <BakaKidd> he was a tall shy guy [23:24] <Sora1995> who carried a giant sword [23:24] <Sora1995> reminds me of Garland from Final Fantasy [23:25] <BakaKidd> well....garland was eviler.....Lexeus was like a gentle giant so to speak [23:25] <Keyblade0> !cake everyone [23:25] <Keyblade0> ... [23:25] <Keyblade0> !tea everyone [23:25] * [TH]RuneScript gives everyone a cup of tea, compliments of Keyblade0. [23:25] <Keyblade0> So it's a bot... [23:26] <BakaKidd> wow...luv that command *drinks tea* [23:26] <BakaKidd> !kill [23:26] * Keyblade0 resists the urge to suddenly spam that command [23:26] <BakaKidd> ......... [23:26] <Keyblade0> !_! [23:26] <Keyblade0> !kill everyone [23:26] <Keyblade0> !kill everybody [23:27] <Keyblade0> ... [23:27] <Keyblade0> It doesn't work [23:27] <Keyblade0> Apparently !tea peoples work [23:27] <Asorailahd> Certain commands are blocked by Runescript, for certain purposes. =) [23:27] <Keyblade0> !spam everyone [23:27] <Keyblade0> c: [23:28] <Sora1995> XD [23:28] <Sora1995> !google google [23:28] <Sora1995> hey [23:28] <Keyblade0> !chocolate everyone [23:28] <Sora1995> google script [23:28] <Sora1995> sweet [23:28] <Keyblade0> !google google [23:28] -[TH]RuneScript- *** [ GOOGLE ]: Top google result for "google": [23:28] <Keyblade0> !google Keyblade0 [23:28] -[TH]RuneScript- *** [ GOOGLE ]: Top google result for "Keyblade0": [23:28] <Keyblade0> ._. [23:28] <Keyblade0> Someone stole my username! [23:28] <Keyblade0> - >:( [23:29] <BakaKidd> XD [23:29] <Asorailahd> You guys aren't helping my reasoning for keeping the bot. :/ [23:29] <BakaKidd> <_< [23:29] <ErryK|OECake> !google cake? [23:29] <ErryK|OECake> Cake music? [23:29] <BakaKidd> !google DuoKidd [23:29] <BakaKidd> :3 [23:29] <Keyblade0> We are doing scientifiec experiments with the bot [23:29] <BakaKidd> it's for science [23:29] <Keyblade0> !google everythinginthewholeworld [23:29] <ErryK|OECake> "User keybladeZero0 not found! " Go take that. :| [23:29] -[TH]RuneScript- *** [ GOOGLE ]: Top google result for "everythinginthewholeworld": [23:30] <Keyblade0> ._. [23:30] <Keyblade0> There a website called [23:30] <Asorailahd> !google France [23:31] <Keyblade0> !google emklfnugjeiowneajisbgnjety4s5rgha1s56ey586e1g896584YJ789Y&*u#htfno#MNI0GRH890Hh9*H(*#J^{_ ($I_)I@#)*&!%_)<L{}:{}|ESD{:GIO)Sjhbgreh4 eh544561 [23:31] <Keyblade0> c: [23:31] <Asorailahd> Good, just making sure the bot works. [23:31] <Keyblade0> Twas was for science [23:31] <Keyblade0> Hm. [23:31] <Keyblade0> Nozing [23:31] <SilverCrono> [23:31] <SilverCrono> ._. [23:31] <Sora1995> XD [23:31] <SilverCrono> WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE. [23:31] <Asorailahd> DAMMIT LEGO. WHY ARE YOU NEVER ACTIVE WHILE I'M ON. [23:32] <ErryK|OECake> Reeves? [23:32] <Keyblade0> Crono [23:32] <Keyblade0> I was hearing that music earlier [23:32] <ErryK|OECake> A goat? [23:32] <SilverCrono> !_! [23:32] <Keyblade0> I listened it from Gamefaqs Top 10 music in nonhorror games [23:32] * SilverCrono 's goat senses are tingling! [23:32] <Keyblade0> ._. [23:32] <BakaKidd> Crono: its coming for u......SlenderBen :3 [23:32] <SilverCrono> asdfghjkl;' MANY WEEKS LATER... the theme came back to haunt Crono... [12:32] <Keyblade0> Crono! [12:33] <Keyblade0> Remember zhis? [12:33] <Keyblade0> [12:33] <SilverCrono> wat. [12:33] <SilverCrono> OH GOD, WHY [12:33] <SilverCrono> THE ABYSS [12:33] <SilverCrono> IT STARES BACK [12:34] <SilverCrono> I THOUGHT I ESCAPED [12:34] <SilverCrono> BUT NOW I SEE [12:34] <SilverCrono> NONE OF US ARE SAFE [12:34] <Keyblade0> XD [12:34] <The17master> XD [12:35] <Keyblade0> Ben and Gigays bought a river [12:35] <Keyblade0> .. [12:35] <Keyblade0> Gigas [12:35] <Keyblade0> WHATEVER HIS NAME IS [12:35] <The17master> Giygas [12:35] <Keyblade0> >:3 [12:35] <The17master> IT'S A FETUS [12:36] <Keyblade0> OMG! [12:36] <Keyblade0> A Wild Giygas appeared! [12:36] <Keyblade0> XD [12:36] <SilverCrono> oh sweet Jesus fuck [12:36] <SilverCrono> the backwards version of that song [12:36] <SilverCrono> SOUNDS EXACTLY THE SAME [12:36] <The17master> ....Wut [12:36] <SilverCrono> THERE IS NO TWISTING DEATH [12:37] <SilverCrono> IT IS THE SAME FOR ALL OF US [12:37] <Keyblade0> [12:37] <Keyblade0> >:3 [12:38] <The17master> [12:38] <Keyblade0> Congratulations, you've heard what it's like in the first few seconds in hell! [12:38] <Keyblade0> :D [12:40] <Keyblade0> [12:40] <Keyblade0> XD [12:40] <Keyblade0> PFFFF-- LOL [12:40] <Keyblade0> "One day, when Mario died, he decided that he was gonna die again" [12:40] <Keyblade0> best quote EVER [12:40] <Keyblade0> XD |
Keyblade0's Creepypasta (kind of) and Dance Parties. In. London!
[23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> ._. [23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> Wait what [23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> This can't be. [23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> O.o [23:13] <BlackSoulBlade> Eh? [23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> I have 666 rupees! [23:13] * Linkblade0|TP shivers [23:13] <Baka|Cloud> ._. [23:14] <Baka|Cloud> is it wrong to hear a tune right now from zelda and not even be listening to zelda? [23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> Uh... [23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> As UE [23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> *Ask [23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> He's the zelda expert [23:15] <Baka|Cloud> well..i'm hearing it..and wondering if u cursed me XD [23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> ._. [23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> None of the grass has rupees [23:16] <Linkblade0|TP> And I'm suposedly in the sky [23:16] <Linkblade0|TP> Where heaven is. [23:16] <Linkblade0|TP> And I still have 666 puees [23:16] <Linkblade0|TP> HELP ME [23:16] <Baka|Cloud> You've met a terrible fate havent you? [23:17] * Mikazuki_Neko (475c654e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #KHWiki- social [23:17] <BlackSoulBlade> Hey Mikazuki [23:17] <BiscuitEnigma> Hi Mikazuki [23:17] <Baka|Cloud> hey Mika-chan~! [23:18] <BiscuitEnigma> >_> [23:18] * Hexedmagica ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�) [23:18] <BiscuitEnigma> Somebody wanted my help? [23:18] * Hexedmagica_ ( has joined #KHWiki-social [23:18] * Hexedmagica_ is now known as Hexedmagica [23:18] <Mikazuki_Neko> Hi BSB and Engima. Hey baka-sempai~ [23:18] <Linkblade0|TP> Yes, I have met a terrible fate, yet not meeting a terrible fate [23:18] <Linkblade0|TP> Wierd, huh. [23:18] <Linkblade0|TP> Hi Mikazuki and WB Hexed [23:19] <Mikazuki_Neko> Hello. [23:19] <Linkblade0|TP> Oh, good the grass gave out a rupee [23:19] <Linkblade0|TP> Now I have 667 [23:19] <BiscuitEnigma> -_- [23:19] <BiscuitEnigma> Crisis averted [23:19] * BEN__ (62f02803@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #KHWiki-social [23:19] <BEN__> R_hIRTjwosg/Tcahr5E7lpI/AAAAAAAAAMg/XF8Fm5jngCA/s1600/BEN.jpg K0 �03[23:19] * BEN__ (62f02803@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #KHWiki-social [23:20] <BiscuitEnigma> e_e [23:20] <BiscuitEnigma> What the heck? [23:20] <Baka|Cloud> ._. [23:20] <Linkblade0|TP> ._. [23:20] <BiscuitEnigma> Baka did you you do that? [23:20] <Sapheta> Erm, I don't recognize the code. [23:20] <Linkblade0|TP> It was for me...? [23:20] <Linkblade0|TP> ... [23:20] <Baka|Cloud> BE: that wasnt me....honest ._. [23:20] * Sapheta blames Chrono. it's always him. [23:20] <Linkblade0|TP> ,-, [23:21] <Linkblade0|TP> ^ [23:21] <KARTABS> Oh, Corno [23:21] <Sapheta> At least, it's a recurring thing. <_< [23:21] <Sapheta> Him and his silly angel thing from way back when. [23:22] <Baka|Cloud> well hey,u never know..coulda been coicidence :\ [23:22] <Linkblade0|TP> Crono's obsession with BEN... [23:22] <Linkblade0|TP> CRONO [23:22] <KARTABS> Wait, no. [23:22] <KARTABS> Can't be him. [23:22] <BiscuitEnigma> There's some serious thunder and lightning outside my house :( [23:22] <Baka|Cloud> how so? [23:22] <BiscuitEnigma> I don't like it D: [23:22] <Linkblade0|TP> Aww, Bye UE [23:22] <Baka|Cloud> D: [23:22] <KARTABS> He's obsessed with CAPTAIN PLANEEEEET (which is STUPID) and POTATOES (which are also STUPID). [23:22] <Linkblade0|TP> :( [23:22] <BiscuitEnigma> I have a laptop :3 [23:22] <Baka|Cloud> bye UE ;-; [23:22] <Baka|Cloud> oh....yay :3 [23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> Independent power sources FTW [23:23] <Linkblade0|TP> Then, who is it> [23:23] <Sapheta> NO UE NOOOO--Wait. [23:23] <Sapheta> Yay, you're not leaving. [23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> I'm not leaving :p [23:23] <Linkblade0|TP> Oh [23:23] <Linkblade0|TP> YAY [23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> Heck no [23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> Not now [23:23] <Linkblade0|TP> let's have a Dance Party. In. London! [23:23] <Sapheta> I has desktop. [23:23] * Linkblade0|TP dances [23:23] * Linkblade0|TP is shot during a riot [23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> I'm up for some DDR [23:23] <Baka|Cloud> XD |
Meanwhile, at the #FFWiki channel...
[22:38] <DrakeyC> oh Xep, they're all petty
[22:38] <DrakeyC> Look at Kalia and Porche, they did what Danielle told them to do
[22:38] <DrakeyC> Jeff was smart in getting rid of Danielle
[22:38] <DrakeyC> She proved repeatedly she can't be trusted
[22:39] <DrakeyC> But unlike others who can't be trusted like Adam or Shelly, she's good in competitions
[22:41] * DrakeyC screencaps his arena
[22:41] <DrakeyC> BH voting for Vaan
[22:41] <DrakeyC> This must be memorialized
[22:41] <DrakeyC> Iwanted to vote for the pirate hat, but THE BRAIN BLEACH POWER OF THE GOLDEN THONG, IT DRAWS ME IN!!! CANNOT... resist.... no... Jimcloud
[22:42] <Jimcloud> ._.
[22:42] <Koharu> ._.
[22:42] <Kirbyblade0|AR> ._.
[19:09] <Sove> [01:42] * UnknownEnigma ( has joined #KHWiki-social
[19:09] <Sove> [01:43] <BlackSoulBlade> Hey DTN, UE
[19:09] <Sove> [01:43] <UnknownEnigma> Hi
[19:09] <Sove> [01:43] <UnknownEnigma> Good KB0 is not here
[19:09] <Sove> [01:43] <UnknownEnigma> No Skyward Sword spoilers for me
[19:09] <Sove> [01:47] * Daiton|away is now known as Daiton
[19:09] <Sove> [01:51] <FFblade0> WB Tabbs, hi BSB, HI DTN, hi UE and WB Daiton
[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <FFblade0> :I
[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <FFblade0> I DON'T GIVE SPOILERS FOR SKYWARD SWORD
[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <Daiton> Yo
[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <UnknownEnigma> I don't want to know anything about it.
[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <Daiton> But I do give spoilers!
[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <UnknownEnigma> I anything game wise
[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <FFblade0> Besides I don't know ANYTHING besides the Lady's name.
[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <BlackSoulBlade> In SS
[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <UnknownEnigma> Stuff like, how many hours of gameplay is okay
[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <BlackSoulBlade> You get...
[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <BlackSoulBlade> A SWORD
[19:09] <Sove> [01:52] <UnknownEnigma> Leaving
[19:10] <Sove> [01:52] <BlackSoulBlade> AND A SHIELD
[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <FFblade0> ._.
[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <FFblade0> XD
[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <BlackSoulBlade> AND GREEN CLOTHES
[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <BlackSoulBlade> OMG SPOILERS
[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <Daiton> Like 5000+ hours of gameplay!
[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <FFblade0> XDXDXD
[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <BlackSoulBlade> *9000+
[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <FFblade0> IT'S OVER 9000!
[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <Daiton> IT'S OVER 9000!
[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <Daiton> gah you beat me to it!
[19:10] <Sove> [01:53] <FFblade0> :D
[19:10] <Sove> [01:54] <FFblade0> OMG SPOILER!
[19:10] <Sove> [01:54] <FFblade0> There's a evil orange in the game
[19:10] <Sove> [01:54] <FFblade0> ;)
[19:10] <Sove> [01:54] <Tabzee> SECRET DUNGEON
[19:10] <Sove> [01:54] <Daiton> And a bomb that float on the wings of a butterfly!
[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <FFblade0> And the main enemy is a female. Who is it? ZELDA TURNS EVIL
[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <BlackSoulBlade> ANOTHER SPOILER
[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <FFblade0> </spoilers>
[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <BlackSoulBlade> You play tennis with the boss
[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <Daiton> You beat him with a jar!
[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <FFblade0> Ohwait! MOAR SPOIELRS
[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <FFblade0> The only way to beat the final boss is to...
[19:10] <Sove> [01:55] <FFblade0> PLay tic tac toe with her.
[19:10] <Sove> [01:56] <FFblade0> Be lucky and you save Hyrule again! Yay!
[19:10] <Sove> [01:56] <BlackSoulBlade> HIT IT WITH A SWORD
[19:10] <Sove> [01:56] <BlackSoulBlade> FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE
[19:10] <Sove> [01:56] <Daiton> SAVE S/H/IT WITH THE POWER OF LOVE!
[19:10] <Sove> [01:56] <FFblade0> Another spoiler? Ya know it.
[19:11] <Sove> [01:56] <FFblade0> YOU GET 3 SWORDS
[19:11] <Sove> [01:57] <FFblade0> A reguler one, master sword, and a UMBRELLA KEYBLADE
[19:11] <Sove> [01:57] <FFblade0> >:D
[19:11] <Sove> [01:57] * UnknownEnigma is now known as UnknownbEnigma
[19:11] <Sove> [01:57] <UnknownbEnigma> Silence!
[19:11] <Sove> [01:57] <UnknownbEnigma> Or I'll keel you!
[19:11] <Sove> [01:57] <BlackSoulBlade> You'll also have something following you that you may or may not want to strangle
[19:11] <Sove> [01:59] <FFblade0> TEH ULTIMATE SPOILERAH!
[19:11] <Sove> [01:59] <FFblade0> The cloud of Darkness appears in the ga*shot*
[19:11] <Sove> [01:59] <FFblade0> Okay. Yes we had some fun with that. TIme to get back to work.
[19:11] <Sove> [02:00] <FFblade0> Or back to killing random enemies, getting the last treasure chests, defeating Xande, and CoD
[19:11] <Sove> [02:00] <FFblade0> ...again -_-"
[19:11] <Sove> [02:01] <UnknownbEnigma> Good
[19:11] <Sove> [02:01] <UnknownbEnigma> Git
[19:11] <Sove> [02:01] <UnknownbEnigma> Go to do your errands
[19:11] <Sove> [02:02] <FFblade0> Why did I say again? Because I died in the World of Darkness
[19:11] <Sove> [02:03] <FFblade0> AND NO SAVE POINT. >:(
[19:11] <Sove> [02:03] <BlackSoulBlade> LOL
[19:11] <Sove> [02:03] <BlackSoulBlade> Don't you just love FF3s complete lack of save points?
[19:11] <Sove> [02:03] <DoorToNothing> FFIII thoughts:
[19:11] <Sove> [02:03] * FFblade0 is now known as Fblade0|3
[19:11] <Sove> [02:03] <DoorToNothing> "Oh hey, where is the save poOH I FORGET THERE AREN'T ANY"
[19:11] <Sove> [02:04] <DoorToNothing> ... That pretty much summarizes my entire experience with FFIII.
[19:11] <Sove> [02:04] <BlackSoulBlade> I managed to beat FF3
[19:11] <Sove> [02:04] <UnknownbEnigma> No save points FTW
[19:11] <Sove> [02:05] <UnknownbEnigma> I mean-
[19:11] <Sove> [02:05] <UnknownbEnigma> FTL
[19:11] <Sove> [02:05] <BlackSoulBlade> And by 'managed' I mean 'down to one ninja, and this turn will make or break this fight'
[19:11] <Sove> [02:05] <BlackSoulBlade> Toss shuriken
[19:11] <Sove> [02:05] <BlackSoulBlade> Win
Special Thanks to Sove for logging this for me.
The Expectation
[21:16] <Sora1995|Cloud> RL might get on today
[21:17] * Soxra ( has joined #KHWiki-social
[21:17] * Pokeblade0|XD expects someone to say "YAY! YES!! WOO~~!!!!!"
[21:17] <Pokeblade0|XD> WB Soxra
[21:17] * Sora1995|Cloud looks at Sove
[21:17] * Pokeblade0|XD glares at Sove
[21:17] <Sove> ._.
Today's Main Topic: Buttpockets
[17:16] <Sove> Finland [17:16] <UnknownEnigma> DANG IT [17:16] <Sove> DumbassEnigma [17:16] <ErryK> XD [17:16] <UnknownEnigma> Close enough [17:16] <UnknownEnigma> >:O [17:16] <UnknownEnigma> SIR [17:16] <UnknownEnigma> I AM OFFENDED [17:16] <Sove> And I just ragequitted from BF3 beta [17:17] <UnknownEnigma> /jk [17:17] <Sove> People killing me from nowhere [17:17] <ErryK> dodododododododododododododo</endsingingnascentrequiem> [17:17] <UnknownEnigma> That's how it works in real war [17:17] <Keyblade0> XD [17:17] <Keyblade0> XD [17:17] <Keyblade0> XD [17:17] <UnknownEnigma> You get killed from no where [17:17] <Keyblade0> Sove++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [17:17] <Keyblade0> if we had karma. [17:17] <ErryK> Sove, go play ACB~ [17:17] <Keyblade0> Meh.
[17:18] <UnknownEnigma> no [17:18] <Lunchblade0> (BBB~) [17:18] <UnknownEnigma> Get out [17:18] <UnknownEnigma> Go have your PB&J [17:19] <ErryK> This is what FF13 would sound like if the composer was the one who composed FFXII [17:19] <ErryK> INTERNET, RANDOMLY LAGGY?! [17:21] * Pea|Dissidia is now known as Pea|Sleep [17:21] <ErryK> -_- [17:21] <ErryK> Seriously, what is making it so slow? [17:22] <ErryK> I'll probably go sleep now. [17:22] <UnknownEnigma> No [17:22] <UnknownEnigma> I know [17:22] <UnknownEnigma> SOLAR FLARE [17:22] * Lilienne ( has joined #KHWiki-social [17:22] <UnknownEnigma> Joking again [17:22] <UnknownEnigma> I have no clue [17:23] <Lilienne> Hello [17:23] * Daiton (~Daiton@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) [17:23] <UnknownEnigma> Hi... [17:24] <UnknownEnigma> Who are you? [17:24] <Lilienne> Hello? [17:24] * Daiton (~Daiton@ has joined #KHWiki-social [17:24] <UnknownEnigma> Yes [17:24] <UnknownEnigma> I said hello [17:24] <UnknownEnigma> Who are you? [17:24] * ErryK kicks the bucket [17:24] <UnknownEnigma> I've never seen you before. [17:24] * UnknownEnigma glares at stranger suspiciously [17:25] <UnknownEnigma> Do not mind the strange corpse in the corner. [17:25] <ErryK> Less that 48 hours to spend on fun stuff. [17:25] <ErryK> <_> [17:25] <UnknownEnigma> Ah! [17:25] <ErryK> than* [17:25] <UnknownEnigma> Go back to dying [17:25] * ErryK kicks UE's bucket. [17:25] <ErryK> You're dead too! [17:25] <UnknownEnigma> What? :/ [17:25] * UnknownEnigma does not have a bucket [17:26] <ErryK> Yes you do. [17:26] <ErryK> You hobo. [17:26] <UnknownEnigma> No... [17:26] <UnknownEnigma> I have [17:26] <UnknownEnigma> A PALE! [17:26] * UnknownEnigma pales ErryK [17:26] <ErryK> Pail. [17:26] <UnknownEnigma> PAIL [17:26] <UnknownEnigma> Yes [17:26] <UnknownEnigma> I said that >_> [17:27] <ErryK> No you did not. [17:27] <UnknownEnigma> <_<` [17:27] <UnknownEnigma> Yes, [17:27] <UnknownEnigma> I did [17:27] <ErryK> No you did not. [17:27] <ErryK> What's up with Youtube? There's no comments. [17:27] <UnknownEnigma> Regardless, [17:27] * UnknownEnigma PAILS ErryK [17:27] * ErryK rings UE's bell. [17:28] <UnknownEnigma> >:( [17:28] <UnknownEnigma> Don't touch m'bells [17:28] * Lilienne ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [17:28] <UnknownEnigma> They're my bells [17:28] <UnknownEnigma> Only I can touch'em [17:28] <UnknownEnigma> Nice bells... [17:28] <UnknownEnigma> It will be okay [17:28] <UnknownEnigma> No stranger will ever touch you again [17:28] <UnknownEnigma> Nicy shiny brass bells. [17:29] * ErryK sits on the bells and breaks them [17:29] <UnknownEnigma> >:( [17:29] <UnknownEnigma> Touch my bells again and see what happens [17:30] <ErryK> Okay fine. [17:30] <UnknownEnigma> e_e [17:30] <UnknownEnigma> Bettuh watch yo self foo' [17:35] * ErryK sits on the bells and watches self. [17:36] * Lilienne ( has joined #KHWiki-social [17:36] <Sove> Hi Lilienne [17:36] * Tabzee ( has joined #KHWiki- social [17:37] <ErryK> "Are you going to Walton Street?" "Do I look like A to Z?" "Are you going there or not?" "If I'm going there, I'm going there. Now sit down, you're causing obstraaaactions." [17:41] * Lilienne_ ( has joined #KHWiki-social [17:41] * Lilienne ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) [17:41] * Lilienne_ is now known as Lilienne [17:43] <ErryK> Vehicle slumberality. [17:45] <Lilienne> Oh. @UnknownEnigma Hi... [17:46] <UnknownEnigma> hi.... [17:46] <UnknownEnigma> Again [17:46] <UnknownEnigma> Now... [17:46] <UnknownEnigma> Who are you [17:46] <Lilienne> Why was I not notified of this!? [17:46] <Lilienne> I. [17:46] <UnknownEnigma> Identify yourself [17:46] <Lilienne> am Lilienne. [17:46] <UnknownEnigma> I can see that [17:46] <Lilienne> Okay... [17:46] <Tabzee> And not Lillinne. [17:46] <Tabzee> Oh, buttpockets. [17:46] <Lilienne> :p [17:47] <UnknownEnigma> I hate butt pockets [17:47] <UnknownEnigma> I never usem [17:47] * Tabzee gives UE butt pockets. [17:47] <UnknownEnigma> Your stuff gets farted on and squished [17:47] * UnknownEnigma refuses [17:47] * Tabzee keeps his wallet in his butt pocket. [17:47] <UnknownEnigma> No! [17:47] <UnknownEnigma> My pants and shorts already have them [17:48] <UnknownEnigma> Ew... [17:48] <Tabzee> :} [17:48] * Lilienne shakes head... [17:48] <UnknownEnigma> Now your butt looks disproportional [17:48] <UnknownEnigma> And fat [17:48] <UnknownEnigma> Fat buttcheek [17:48] <UnknownEnigma> DISPROPORTIONAL [17:48] <Tabzee> And that's why I keep my house keys in my other butt pocket. [17:48] * Lilienne facepalms. [17:48] * Tabzee , for the record, doesn't actually use his butt pockets. [17:48] <UnknownEnigma> Now your other butt looks like a disfigured pin cushion [17:48] <Tabzee> :o [17:49] <Lilienne> other butt? [17:49] <Tabzee> I have TWO butts? [17:49] <Tabzee> AWESOME. [17:49] * UnknownEnigma facepalms [17:49] <UnknownEnigma> I meant butt cheek [17:49] <Tabzee> Oh. [17:49] <Tabzee> :| [17:49] <UnknownEnigma> Ugly asymmetrical butt [17:49] <UnknownEnigma> Bleh [17:50] * Tabzee gives it to UE. [17:50] <UnknownEnigma> Chairs were not made for those [17:50] <Lilienne> Isn't it more attractive if it's asymmetrical? [17:50] <Lilienne> Then they look different... [17:50] * UnknownEnigma punts it across the IRC and hits ErryK [17:50] <UnknownEnigma> No [17:50] <UnknownEnigma> They are not even! [17:50] * ErryK is not hit [17:50] <UnknownEnigma> The must be perfect! [17:51] <Tabzee> Lopsided butt? [17:51] <UnknownEnigma> No! [17:51] * ErryK throws a cantaloupe at UE [17:51] <UnknownEnigma> Must be even! [17:51] * UnknownEnigma catches and eats [17:51] <Tabzee> Oh, ok. [17:51] <UnknownEnigma> Mmm [17:51] <Lilienne> Yes! [17:51] * Tabzee gives UE a lopsided butt. [17:52] * UnknownEnigma punts it across the IRC hitting Sove with a lopsided disembodied butt [17:52] <Lilienne> A glue-on lopsided butt? [17:52] <UnknownEnigma> >:/ [17:52] <UnknownEnigma> No [17:52] <Tabzee> Sounds lovely. [17:52] <UnknownEnigma> Even! [17:52] <Lilienne> can you adjust the size? [17:52] <UnknownEnigma> 50/50 [17:52] <Lilienne> ... [17:52] <Tabzee> 49/51 [17:52] <UnknownEnigma> No [17:52] <Tabzee> :o) [17:52] <UnknownEnigma> 50/50 [17:52] <Tabzee> 49/51 [17:52] <UnknownEnigma> ARRRGH [17:53] <UnknownEnigma> It must be even! [17:53] <UnknownEnigma> EVEN EVEN EVEN EVEN EVEN EVEN [17:53] <Tabzee> And not odd. [17:53] <Tabzee> 48/52 [17:53] <UnknownEnigma> Correct not odd. [17:53] <Tabzee> :o) [17:53] <Tabzee> 48/52 [17:53] <Lilienne> 90/10 [17:53] * UnknownEnigma facepalms [17:53] <Tabzee> xD [17:53] <UnknownEnigma> ._. [17:53] <UnknownEnigma> ---> 90/10 [17:53] <UnknownEnigma> HECK NO [17:53] <Tabzee> One huge cheek and one's super scrawny. [17:53] <UnknownEnigma> That's like basket ball next to a golf ball [17:54] <Lilienne> 80/80/80/1000000... [17:54] <Tabzee> ._____. [17:54] <Tabzee> YOU DON'T HAVE THAT MANY [17:54] <UnknownEnigma> e_e [17:54] <Lilienne> XD [17:54] <UnknownEnigma> I have no idea what "that" would be [17:54] <Tabzee> OH GOD I JUST IMAGINED HOW THAT WOULD WORK [17:54] <Tabzee> THANKS A BUNCH LILIENNE [17:54] <UnknownEnigma> xD [17:54] <Lilienne> That's like the sun compared to the earth. [17:54] <UnknownEnigma> You have one master cheek [17:54] <Tabzee> Three earths. [17:55] <Tabzee> And then the master cheek. [17:55] <Tabzee> With a pretty little crown. [17:55] <UnknownEnigma> And three proportional ones supplementing the main ones girth [17:55] <Lilienne> MANY WELCOMINGS. [17:55] <Lilienne> ... [17:55] <UnknownEnigma> AAGH [17:55] <UnknownEnigma> Where's the mind bleach!? [17:55] <UnknownEnigma> How did we get into this conversation? [17:56] <Lilienne> You can buy it at 7-11. [17:56] * UnknownEnigma points to Tabzee [17:56] <UnknownEnigma> You and your butt pockets! [17:56] <Lilienne> It's $4.99 [17:57] * UnknownEnigma doesn't live near a 7-11 [17:57] <UnknownEnigma> :) [17:57] <Lilienne> ...would anyone like some? [17:57] <UnknownEnigma> :(* [17:57] <Lilienne> I shall offer free samples. [17:57] * Tabzee lives near a 7-11. [17:57] <Tabzee> :oD [17:57] <Lilienne> ;________________; [17:58] <Lilienne> Hah? [17:58] <Tabzee> Yeah. [17:58] <Tabzee> Hah. [17:58] <Lilienne> So I'm working at 7-11 then... [17:59] <Lilienne> FREE SAMPLES FOR ALL. [17:59] <Lilienne> like Costco. [17:59] <Tabzee> Eh, Costco. [17:59] <Lilienne> ? [17:59] <Tabzee> Don't like Costco. [18:00] <Lilienne> Why not? [18:00] <Tabzee> End up buying stuff I don't need. :u [18:00] <Lilienne> You can eat free lunch there though [18:00] <Tabzee> I like Whole Food's more. [18:01] <Lilienne> mm. [18:01] <Lilienne> BUCKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW! [18:02] <Lilienne> bokbok? [18:02] <Tabzee> ... [18:02] <Tabzee> BUCKET [18:03] <Lilienne> CEYLON TEA. [18:03] <Tabzee> BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET [18:04] <Lilienne> CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON [18:04] <Tabzee> BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET BUCKET [18:04] <Lilienne> CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON... [18:04] <Lilienne> ...CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON... [18:04] <Lilienne> ...CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON... [18:04] <Lilienne> ...CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON CEYLON V [18:04] <Lilienne> OH SHOOT. [18:04] <Tabzee> WHAT IS THIS [18:04] <Lilienne> that was long. [18:04] <Tabzee> YES IT WAS [18:05] <Lilienne> ...\ [18:05] <Lilienne> I disagree. [18:05] <Tabzee> Too small for your liking? [18:05] <Lilienne> Of course. [18:06] <Daiton> That's what she said! [18:06] <Tabzee> Daiton, so mature. [18:06] <Daiton> trolol [18:06] <Tabzee> Then again, I was poking at that, so yeah. [18:06] * Lilienne facepalms [18:06] <Lilienne> again [18:06] <UnknownEnigma> LAAAA [18:06] <UnknownEnigma> What are these shenanigans!? [18:07] <Daiton> Cool story bro [18:08] <Lilienne> my mind is not usually this innocent... [18:08] <Lilienne> SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOES. [18:08] <Lilienne> ? [18:09] <Daiton> lolwut? [18:10] <Lilienne> lolwutermelon! [18:11] <Tabzee> That's a pear [18:11] <Daiton> roflcopter [18:11] <Tabzee> not a watermelon [18:11] <Lilienne> Why is it a pear? [18:11] <Lilienne> my universe is disentegrating... [18:11] <Daiton> It's not he is lying. [18:11] <Daiton> *she [18:11] <Daiton> *it [18:12] <Daiton> *tabbeh [18:12] <Tabzee> What [18:12] <Tabzee> you've never seen the lolwut pear? [18:12] <Lilienne> Are apple-pears pears or apples? [18:12] <Tabzee> You're all losers :u [18:12] <Daiton> Oh the pear with teh mouth? [18:13] <Tabzee> Yes, that. [18:13] <Lilienne> Apples are pears? [18:13] <UnknownEnigma> 0_0 [18:13] <UnknownEnigma> 0u0 [18:14] <UnknownEnigma> 0_0 [18:14] <Lilienne> O_O [18:14] <UnknownEnigma> 0u0 [18:14] <Lilienne> o_o [18:14] <Tabzee> 0_0 [18:14] <UnknownEnigma> 0u0 [18:14] <Tabzee> 0u0 [18:14] <Lilienne> 0.o [18:14] <UnknownEnigma> 0u0 [18:14] <Lilienne> OWO [18:14] <Tabzee> C-C-COMBO BREAKER [18:14] <UnknownEnigma> That's STUPID [18:14] <Lilienne> LIMIT BREAK! [18:14] <Tabzee> ... [18:14] <Tabzee> Get out [18:14] * Tabzee gets out [18:14] <Lilienne> No! Don't leave! [18:15] <ErryK> Do I look like A to Z? [18:15] <Lilienne> You look like R? [18:15] * Tabzee ( has left #KHWiki-social [18:15] <UnknownEnigma> lol |
Origins of the Legendary Toe-Nail Sword
[18:39] <Satoru123> Or in my case "Waltz of the Danged" [18:39] <UnknownEnigma> Zim is ready to unleash SCREAMING TEMPORAL DOOM! [18:41] <Satoru123> Oh and BTW Mojo Jojo has special brain issues. So yeah XD [18:41] == Tabbeh has changed nick to Tabs|Away [18:42] <Satoru123> C'mon HKH, I'm tired of waiting [18:42] <UnknownEnigma> Mojo Jojo is... [18:42] <UnknownEnigma> Special >_> [18:43] <Satoru123> Mojo Jojo is a CRACKHEAD! XD [18:43] <UnknownEnigma> Mojo Jojo has had many cracked heads. [18:44] <Satoru123> Not what I meant. [18:44] <Satoru123> -_-" [18:44] <UnknownEnigma> Its true no? [18:45] <Satoru123> LOL [18:46] == Tabs|Away has changed nick to Tabbeh [18:46] * Satoru123 throws his moon-blade which swerves into himself, slicing himself in half* That shouldn't have happened. O.o [18:46] <Tabbeh> Cool. [18:47] <Satoru123> You're messed up Tabs [18:47] * Tabbeh notes that when he says "cool", it usually means he doesn't care. [18:47] <DoorToNothing> Says the person throwing a "moon-blade" at themselves. [18:48] <UnknownEnigma> Moon-blade? [18:48] <Satoru123> It's nothing never mind. [18:48] <UnknownEnigma> You mean a giant sharp boomerang? A.K.A. toenail? [18:48] <DoorToNothing> Sure, let's go with that. [18:48] <Tabbeh> Toenail? [18:48] <UnknownEnigma> Yes [18:48] <DoorToNothing> Satoru cut himself in half with a giant toenail. [18:48] <Tabbeh> Ew, did you like bite it off? [18:48] <DoorToNothing> This could have been avoided if he practiced proper hygiene. [18:48] == Mikazuki_Neko [] has joined #KHWiki-social [18:49] <UnknownEnigma> The original zelda boomerangs looked like toenails (or fingernails take your pick) [18:49] <Satoru123> No, it's a very long sword with the edge curved into the shape of a crescent moon. [18:49] <UnknownEnigma> I'm glad I wear glasses when clipping my nails. I would hate to have a nail fling into my eyes. [18:49] <Tabbeh> So it's a very long toenail. [18:49] <DoorToNothing> Precisely, yes. [18:50] <UnknownEnigma> Eww... [18:50] <Tabbeh> Eww. [18:50] <Tabbeh> So you bit off your toenail? [18:50] <UnknownEnigma> They get creepily curvy when they are long. [18:50] == Prodi [] has joined #KHWiki-social [18:50] == wolf5000_ [~chatzilla@] has joined #KHWiki-social [18:51] == UnknownEnigma has changed nick to UE|DINNER [18:51] == wolf5000 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] [18:51] <DoorToNothing> Obviously, curvy enough to be used as a sword. [18:51] == wolf5000_ has changed nick to wolf5000 [18:51] <Tabbeh> ._. [18:51] <Tabbeh> Toenail sword? [18:51] <DoorToNothing> Yes. [18:52] <Satoru123> OMGoodness, my dog got attacked [18:52] <DoorToNothing> Almost as practical as the Onion Sword. [18:52] <DoorToNothing> By a toenail sword? [18:52] <Satoru123> NO NOT A TOENAIL SWORD [18:52] == ErryK|APB [~Erry@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] [18:52] <Satoru123> By another dog [18:52] <DoorToNothing> WELL YOU BETTER CHECK JUST IN CASE, MAN. [18:52] <DoorToNothing> THE OTHER DOG MAY HAVE HAD A TOENAIL SWORD. [18:52] <Tabbeh> By another dog with the ability: Wield Swords ? [18:52] <Satoru123> IT'S NOT A FREAKING TOENAIL SWORD! [18:53] <Tabbeh> YES [18:53] <Tabbeh> YES IT IS. [18:53] <Satoru123> It's like a moon themed keyblade okay [18:53] <Tabbeh> ... [18:53] == Prod[a] [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] [18:53] <DoorToNothing> THE OTHER DOG USED HIS TOENAIL SWORD. [18:53] <Tabbeh> So you put... the toenail... on the handle... [18:53] <DoorToNothing> ... I'm not even sure how Keyblades got involved in this. [18:53] <Tabbeh> The keychain... is a fingernail? [18:53] <DoorToNothing> Sure. [18:53] <DoorToNothing> Almost as strong as the Wooden Stick Keyblade. [18:53] <Satoru123> NO YOU IDIOT [18:54] <DoorToNothing> HEY MAN. [18:54] <Tabbeh> ;-; [18:54] <DoorToNothing> WE'RE JUST TRYING TO EDUCATE YOU ON THE MAGNIFICENCE OF THE TOENAIL SWORD. [18:54] * Tabbeh 's feerings are hert. [18:54] <DoorToNothing> Y U NO APPRECIATE HELPERS? [18:54] <Satoru123> It doesn't have a keychain, but the end of the handle has a crescent moon. [18:54] <DoorToNothing> So a toenail. [18:55] <Satoru123> Listen carefully. It's not a toenail sword. [18:55] <DoorToNothing> The end of the handle is a toenail. [18:55] <DoorToNothing> YES. [18:55] == Neumannz [] has joined #KHWiki-social [18:55] <DoorToNothing> YES IT FRIGGIN' IS, ODION. [18:55] <DoorToNothing> IT'S A FRIGGIN' TOENAIL SWORD, ODION. [18:55] <Satoru123> My goodness you people are SLOW [18:55] <Satoru123> NO IT"S NOT [18:55] <Tabbeh> Sato: you're feeding the trolls [18:55] <Tabbeh> ... [18:55] <DoorToNothing> I'm not slow. [18:55] <Satoru123> If only I had a picture. [18:55] <DoorToNothing> I have Toenail Sword equipped. [18:55] <Tabbeh> Yooooou've been troll'd, you've been trolled! [18:55] <DoorToNothing> Which provides +1000 speed. [18:55] <Tabbeh> You have probably been told [18:55] <Satoru123> Screw this [18:55] <Neumannz> odion? [18:55] <Satoru123> I'm done [18:55] <Neumannz> facewhip? [18:55] <Tabbeh> Don't reply to this guy, he is just getting a rise [18:56] <Tabbeh> Out of you, yes it's true [18:56] <DoorToNothing> Say hi to the gummy bears for me! [18:56] <Tabbeh> You respond and that's his cue [18:56] <Tabbeh> To start trouble on the double [18:56] <Neumannz> DID SOMEBODY SAY [18:56] <Tabbeh> As he strokes his manly stubble [18:56] <Satoru123> ... [18:56] <Neumannz> GUMMY BEARS? [18:56] * DoorToNothing attacks Odion with his Toenail Sword. [18:56] <Tabbeh> </Successful troll is successful> [18:56] <Satoru123> (Let it go Sato. You know this guys are idiots.) [18:56] <Satoru123> these* [18:56] <DoorToNothing> Yes. [18:56] <DoorToNothing> Idiots with Toenail Swords. [18:56] <Tabbeh> I dunno. [18:57] <Tabbeh> I think the person responding is the idiot. :d [18:57] <Satoru123> Tabs shut it [18:57] <Satoru123> For I report you [18:57] <Tabbeh> Report for... [18:57] <Tabbeh> ... what? [18:57] <DoorToNothing> For wielding of the Toenail Sword. [18:57] <Tabbeh> ._. [18:57] <Tabbeh> Hey, Door was doing it too. [18:58] * DoorToNothing was also wielding this Toenail Sword you speak of. [18:58] * Tabbeh pleads the 5th and gets it over with. [18:58] <Satoru123> It's not a toenail, it's a crescent moon sword. Stop calling it a toenail Sword [18:58] <DoorToNothing> Here, Satoru123, let me go get a responsible channel operator to solve the situation. [18:58] == mode/#KHWiki-social [+o DoorToNothing] by ChanServ [18:58] * DoorToNothing arrives. [18:58] <Satoru123> You gotta be kidding me [18:59] <Satoru123> How is kicking me gonna solve anything. [18:59] == Tabbeh was kicked from #KHWiki-social by DoorToNothing [Trolling is bad.] [18:59] == Tabbeh [] has joined #KHWiki-social [18:59] == DoorToNothing was kicked from #KHWiki-social by DoorToNothing [Trolling is bad.] [18:59] == DoorToNothing [] has joined #KHWiki-social [18:59] <DoorToNothing> The end. |
The Gross Stat
[2011-09-09 22:55:07] <ErryK|ACB> Oh, gross.
[2011-09-09 22:55:08] <--| ErryK|ACB has left #KHWiki-social
[2011-09-09 23:05:14] <DoorToNothing> I'm gross.
[2011-09-09 23:05:16] <DoorToNothing> ...
[2011-09-09 23:05:17] <DoorToNothing> Yay?
[2011-09-09 23:05:21] * DoorToNothing earns +1 Gross.
Meanwhile, again at #FFWiki and #Freenode...
21:31:04 <BlueHighwind> gotta be quicker than that
21:31:16 <BlueHighwind> o o
21:31:18 <BlueHighwind> ~~~
21:31:26 <BlueHighwind> O O
21:31:27 <BlueHighwind> ~~~
21:34:32 <BlueHighwind>
21:34:56 <BlueHighwind> ⇔
21:35:56 <BlueHighwind> :∠ o o o o o o o
21:36:43 <BlueHighwind> —
21:36:46 <BlueHighwind> | |
21:36:49 <BlueHighwind> no
21:36:57 <BlueHighwind> ——
21:37:00 <BlueHighwind> | |
21:37:02 <BlueHighwind> NO!
21:37:04 <BlueHighwind> —
21:37:07 <BlueHighwind> no!
21:37:08 =-= TBS|Away is now known as TheBlackShadow
21:37:10 <BlueHighwind> crap
21:37:15 <BlueHighwind> —
21:37:18 <BlueHighwind> | |
21:37:20 <BlueHighwind> crap
21:37:27 <BlueHighwind> anyway
21:37:35 <Ark> I have a challenge for you, Blue. See if you can post six consecutive lines of the same text in #freenode
21:37:54 <Sorceror_Nobody> Oooh
21:38:07 <BlueHighwind> okay, you want to see?
21:38:12 <Sorceror_Nobody> Now that would be impressive
21:38:16 |<-- BlueHighwind has left freenode (Killed (idoru (Spam is off topic on freenode.)))
21:38:24 <Ark> XD XD XD
21:38:27 <Sorceror_Nobody> Wow
*...meanwhile, in #freenode...*
21:38:20 <BlueHighwind> I've been given a challenge
21:38:21 <BlueHighwind> I've been given a challenge
21:38:22 <BlueHighwind> I've been given a challenge
21:38:22 ⇐ BlueHighwind (182e9b01@gateway/web/freenode/ip. quit: Killed (idoru (Spam is off topic on freenode.))
21:38:56 <+jbroome> I'd say he failed
21:39:31 <Athanasius> haha