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Basic Info
- I am a very big fan of Kingdom Hearts and Pokemon, but the Pokemon part is fading. I also liked the Organization XIII since I found out about them.
My Kingdom Hearts History
- It all starts with Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. I went to some gathering and some kids had a DS. They let me play it for a bit. Funny thing is that I beat Axel (I didn't know his name at the time) and I've never played the game before. They also mentioned that they had trouble with that boss battle.
- Then, one day my dad and my little brother rented Kingdom Hearts II. We knew about Sora at this time and about Kingdom Hearts but I hadn't played it before. Since in the prologue you play as Roxas (I didn't know he was Sora's nobody), I thought you played as someone else. We never made it past the prologue.
- Some time later at the same place I rented KHII, my dad bought us Kingdom Hearts. After this, me and my brother tried to keep up with KH info. We beat KH after a while and got to know about Kingdom Hearts in full. I didn't get to play KHII again until I got it for my b-day 2 years ago. I've been trying to get a PSP since they announced BbS and still want one. Good thing that there are nice people who make walkthrough.