Hello everyone! I am Lightning Samurai Larxene. I am very excited to be on the Kingdom Hearts Wiki Site!!!! :)

Info about me:

Username: Lightning Samurai Larxene

Nickname: L.S. Larxene


hometown: ?

IQ: 166

Weapon: Fouvre (knives)

Spells: Lightning (mainly)

Limit: Voltic Rush

en This user is a native speaker of English.
Kairi_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is female.
LsZ7CQm.png This user is a fan of the Final Fantasy games.
kDErcyR.png This user edits the Final Fantasy Wiki.
Symbol_-_Keyhole.png This user has locked every single Keyhole.
760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.
viFYwhx.png This user took on Riku and discovered the secrets of Xion.
weWh9JY.png This user has obtained Mission Crowns!

Template:User Manga Template:User Nobody Template:User OXIII Template:User World That Never Was Template:User Pleasestandby Template:User Vexenforscience

Template:User Takeover
UserSamurai.png This user is a noble Samurai, now draw your weapon.
hIwWxNJ.png This user should warn you that they are in an EXTREMELY FOUL MOOD!
Sorcerer_zpsylntasrz.png This user is an unstoppable Sorcerer. Dare you try to break his or her poise?
JUy9SUt.png This user is a fan of Aerith.

lBdpety.png This user is a fan of the great ninja Yuffie.

Q6a5k5G.png This user is a fan of Squa-- uh, Leon. Whatever.

hkKeT3X.png This user is a fan of Yuna.