I wanted to put this discussion at the keyblade talk page but I think there there will be too much speculation. Basically I want to know if this "keyblade" seen in KH3D is really a keyblade or not. This keyblade lacks a keychain (at least I think so, it's really hard to see) but that doesn't disqualify it as keyblade (if it's really one) because we've seen that before. What could disqualify it is if it just another summoned blade or not.
The keyblade's movement is similiar to the KHII limit "Eternal Session", so it could just be an enhancened version of this move. Also summoned blades are not that rare anymore. We have the XIII Blades from the session move (which are quite similiar to Ven's Wingblades), the Bladecharge command style (which is similiar to the "Master Hearts" part of "Eternal Session" and the "Zone of Ruin" Overclock Finisher in Re:coded) and the two different blades Eraqus and Armor of the Master use. Then there are even more borderline cases, that are considered real keyblades at the moment: the summoned "Graveyard Keyblades" from KHBBS, the stolen Oathkeeper and Oblivion from the Roxas battle in KHIIFM and of course Riku's Souleater.
