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< Template:LegendAqua
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Kana 伝説アクア
Name LegendAqua
D.O.B April 10th
Role The Puzzling Aqua owner and creator of The Quizzling Aqua Arena(as well as owner), Walkthrough maker and Moderator.
Title "LegendAqua, Decimatrix of Magic"
Nicknames M'lady, The Puzzling Aqua, Legend of Aqua, Quotage Queen, Aqua and LA
IQ Infinite * 100
Weapon Stormfall
Dual Weapons No Name and Void Gear
Battle Style Magic based attacks then reel them in and go on the physically offensive (defend if necessary)
Attributes Water and Pure
Trained Under Aqua and Remedial Lessons with Master Eraqus
Spells Raging Storm, Magnega, Thundaga, Mini, Megaflare, Seeker Mine
Summons Sebastian Michaelis, Vanitas copies, Famfrit
Favourite Kingdom Hearts Ice Cream Flavours Royalberry and Donald Fizz
Royalberry KHBBS.png
Limits Ultimate Evanescence XXVII and Heaven's Hour
Pet Stormfall Stormfall

Fairy Tail Guild Member:LegendAqua 30px-Fairy_Tail_symbol.png (changes every time!)

Status FREE!!!!!!!
Currently Playing.. Dissidia 012 (Revisit), Kingdom Hearts 2 (Walkthrough), FFVII
IRC Nicks PhantomhiveDemon, Bankai-LA, PandoraHeartsLA, LenaleeLA, LenaleeLoverLA, Road-LA, L-LA, LCie-LA, QuotageLA.
Main Theme Doubt & Trust (Main)
Innocent Sorrow (Alt)
Gekidou (Alt 2)
Battle Theme Brightdown
Ft. (Alt 1)
Feista (Alt 2)