Forum:The Keyhole's Roleplay

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Forums: Index > Twilight Town Library > The Keyhole's Roleplay

Dark-EnigmaXIII - Ones born of the heart and darkness, devoids of heart...
TALK - Those who ravage all worlds and bring desolation... 17:44, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
As most of you already knows, The Keyhole will be hosting a roleplay game as our end year event, but it will last longer, of course. My presence here is simply to invite you, users of this wiki, to reunite with us and celebrate, enjoy, and have fun with us, for the success of both wikis. For those of you who might be saying "I will never go back to that *#&€*@ of wikia!, you'll find the fact that we will host it in a wiki entirely coded by Soxra off-wikia, relaxing. I'll attach a brief story explanation down there. Please have in mind that this takes place 100 years before Birth by Sleep, during the Keyblade War. Any doubts or concern can be asked to the RP staff down there. If you decided to participate, please sign in here.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully, some of you will join! ^^

Roleplay Staff:





Promotional Scan

Sign-up Sheet

User Character name Summon Alignment Specialization
Dark-EnigmaXIII Sylar Diabolos Dark Power
Soxxeh Trevor Ifrit Dark
twobecomeoneleft20px.png roxaspageicon20px.png Roxas roxaspageicon20px.png twobecomeoneright20px.png Denzel Fenrir Dark
UnknownCheisā —— YOLO Chase Quetzalcoatl Light Power
tumblr_osispiEQ831tlnss6o8_75sq.png tumblr_osispiEQ831tlnss6o5_75sq.png FINALREST tumblr_osispiEQ831tlnss6o3_75sq.png tumblr_osispiEQ831tlnss6o6_75sq.png Liberty Shiva Dark
  Life is 90% mental. The other half is physical   Sidus Maduin Dark
kovusig1.png ~Kyo-Wolfe~ kovusig2.png Kyo Leviathan Dark
*KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. Erion Lich Dark
Chitalian8 Ren Yojimbo Light Power
 RoxasNobody   Aistir Odin Light Defense
 Shadow 30pxdissiconff4kain1.png Skiá Ixion Dark Power
stormfallsigright.png KUROSHITSUJI AQUA stormfallsigleft.png Yumi Famfrit Light Magic
 Darkheart3   Cor Titan Dark Defense
Archie Wanna Talk? Arch Cait Sith Dark Defense
Luxris (talk) Lux Phoenix Light Power
 MasterVantius  Vantius Valefor Light Magic
User:OATHOBLIVION/Sig Veil Brynhildr Light

InfinityLimit Some things in life you just do.

Lidaeth Belias Light Magic
User:Chainoffire/Sig Lianxed Adrammelch Light Magic
Light Roxas Xehus Chocobo Light Magic
What mattered most   was remembered least Ignus Alexander Light Magic
Item_2384.png AS IF! Item_2384.png Ryo Anima Dark Power
SidVI Sid Cerberus Light Power
SMG2_Starbit.pngKeyblade0 11t5t1g.png Yuan Unicorn Light
 ~XiontheNobody~   Keaira Zodiark Dark
Edthehyena Edicias Nidhogg Dark Defense
SilverCrono (talk·contribs) Silva Raiden Light Power
Erry uEPKV.png Rain Fair Hecatoncheir Light Magic

Roleplay preparations - What you need

  • Basic info - Age, height, weight
  • Alignment (Light or Dark) and Specialization (Power, Magic, or Defense)
    • Your character cannot have specialization hybrids
    • No neutral/in-between characters, but characters can use Light and Darkness together in combat. However, only Light characters can use skills like Holy, while Dark characters can exclusively use skills like Shadow Flare.
    • You can't train under both Vanessa and Dummont, nor have met them before the RP starts.
  • Personality
  • Appearance
  • Journal entry
  • Two weapons
    • A Keyblade and a non-Keyblade secondary weapon (for use before the Keyblade is attained)
  • A summon from the Final Fantasy universe (if you haven't reserved one already)
    • Your summon must have an artwork available.
    • The following cannot be a summon for anyone to used, as they are NPCs:
      • Moogle
      • Bahamut
      • Gilgamesh
      • Shinryu
  • Abilities
    • A basic overview of how your character fights with each of his weapons. Try to include fighting stances, as well as preferred combat techniques. Make sure your character's fighting style lines up with your specialization. Don't go too in-depth with abilities, as most in-game abilities will be handled with Commands.
  • Backstory
    • Do not give your characters superhuman abilities (e.g. abilities like free flight), nor can they have summons or the Keyblade before the start of the Roleplay. They cannot be Keyblade Masters, and there cannot be Keyblade Masters in the roleplay canon besides Vanessa and Dummont.
    • Be detailed. The beginning of the RP is at the Land of Departure, so it must be explained how one arrived there. Just saying "X traveled there" won't cut it. You can create other characters for your backstory, but they must not get involved in the main Roleplay plot at all.
    • Be creative. Having the same story about a character mastering everything but being inclined to another in every character is boring. If your homeworld does not exist in the RP canon or the KH canon, it can never be mentioned or involved in the main RP plot, nor can any characters of that world. And remember, no matter how superior your character might be in his backstory, when the RP starts, he's gonna be in the same level as everyone else.
  • Character theme music
    • One song
For an good example of a character page, please see Chitalian8's character page.


Neumannz — Looks like I'm gonna have to jump...!
TALK — I work alone! Except when I work with Xion...which is all the time.
Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 01:01, 18 September 2011 (UTC)
"It was a long time ago, longer now that it seems..."

You're starting with the first line from The Nightmare Before Christmas? ;-)

Love the movie, I can't deny that! --Dark-EnigmaXIII 01:26, 18 September 2011 (UTC)

When does it start? SMG2_Starbit.pngKeyblade0 11t5t1g.png

Heh, this forum is so easy to miss even when I created it >_< Anyways, no conclusive date yet. Still a lot to do.--Dark-EnigmaXIII 13:41, 22 September 2011 (UTC)

BEAT*CORE*VOID*RUNNER*FATE*FLUX@21:08, 29 September 2011 (UTC)
Heh, looks interesting. Might do it, might not. Probably won't. No time. But it might be interesting to read at some point ^^