Walkthrough:Kingdom Hearts II/Agrabah

First Visit
An old enemy of ours, a parrot named Iago, takes a break on the streets of Agrabah. He then spots Sora, Donald and Goofy walking around, and appoches them from behind. Sora and Donald then prepare to attack, but Iago tries to claim that he's turned over a new leaf, yet only Goofy believes him at first. Suddenly, the quaret are ambushed by a group of Heartless known as Luna Bandits. You now have control of the party. The battle's connected to a timer, so defeat as many of the Luna Bandits as possible before time runs out.
Sora then wonders where all the Heartless are coming from. Iago is then ambushed, but his clumsy flying manages to send some crates falling... onto some of the Luna Bandits, creating a path to a run-down shop fall of garbage. The trio then run inside, with Iago not far behind. Because of this, Sora and Donald now trust Iago, yet if he wants Aladdin to also forgive him, he has to do it himself. Speaking of which; where is Aladdin, anyway? Iago thinks he's at the Palace, so let's head over there.