
From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
Revision as of 13:24, 1 January 2012 by Troisnyxetienne (talk | contribs) (Fail)
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Currently working on two dissertations. Don't guarantee activity, but if you need anything, please hit me.

Heralding the new beginning, here and now.
Kana トロワニックスエティエン
Romaji Towanikkusuetien
D.O.B. 12 April 1991
Title The Diligent Maestro
Home World Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK
Orientation Straight
Acquired Games Kingdom Hearts (EN)
Final Mix
Re:Chain of Memories (JP)
Kingdom Hearts II (EN)
II Final Mix+
Birth by Sleep
Currently playing Nothing

Kairi_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is female.
20 This user is 20 years old.
GMT This user's time zone is GMT.
qxP0V8f.png This user's monitor resolution is 1366 x 768.
0QfJZih.png This user contributes with Windows.
51jqMJU.png This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.

Template:User smiley


Template:User RoundedBlue Template:User WikiMercenary Template:User Watchlistitis Template:User Editcountitis

Come, kupo!! Check out Mirage Arena's latest fight, kupo!!

en This user is a native speaker of English.
ms Bahasa ibunda pengguna ini adalah Bahasa Melayu.
fr-4 Cet utilisateur parle français à un niveau comparable à la langue maternelle.
zh-2 該用戶能以一般中文進行交流。
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
br-1 Un tammig brezhoneg e oar an implijour-se.
ja-1 この利用者は少しだけ日本語を話すことができます。
AB Drec ican ec y vmiahd cbaygan uv Al Bhed.
ipuOopZ.png This user is a fan of Disney movies.
nDopSzl.png This user is a fan of Aqua.

j4Tmk7n.png This user is a fan of Terra.

Cf6v5rS.png This user is a fan of Sora.

NVIM5VN.png This user is a fan of Riku.

XKRwRnV.png Gawrsh! This user is a fan of Goofy.

C67aCxq.png C:\Users\Troisnyxetienne > run TRON.exe

JZ0A4rL.png This user is a fan of Nala.

t0DRrFj.png This user is a fan of Tinker Bell.

lGP9ieU.png Oh là là, this user is a fan of Belle...

vze3q9R.png This user is a fan of the great ninja Yuffie.

Q6a5k5G.png This user is a fan of Squa-- uh, Leon. Whatever.

c6lVDaa.png This user is a fan of Rikku.

4WoD3lF.png This user is a fan of Paine.

3QB4iyR.png This user loves to ruffle the Moogles' pompoms!

Shadow_zps0ydzejak.png This user will chase their prey till the bitter end.
In-game preferences
52ZB2WQ.png This user was a resident of what was once Hollow Bastion.

Template:User Twilight

fsksQJl.png This user loves Master Form.
mzAU9vX.png This user loves Final Form.
uasczv6.png This user loves to confront the Chasm of Challenges.
2EtzbFx.png This user loves Sora's Data Form.
mvJyNHE.png This user loves Sora's Santa Form.

Template:User Unversed

sh22X0s.png Ready...set...Struggle!
LAAjy5E.png Oh, Sora... you just lost all your cool points.
jHo8Tgf.png This user wants to be a hero.
IiM1rm1.png This user enjoys skateboarding around the worlds.
LlNMoS7.png This user loves to burn photons on a Light Cycle.
rTaLEBT.png This user enjoys beating Riku at his own game.
GTqHOot.png This user enjoys assembling Puzzles.
760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
KZtjZrZ.png This user conquered Castle Oblivion and took down Marluxia.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.
qk6vzKA.png This user not only defeated Xemnas, but also had a chance with the Lingering Will!
Symbol_-_Keyhole.png This user has locked every single Keyhole.
gIcQw2d.png This user has collected all 144 puzzle pieces.
6vqhXgC.png This user became the Lingering Will and completed Terra's story.
jArRktg.png This user dove to the heart and completed Ventus's story.
LiyFa5c.png This user destroyed the χ-blade and completed Aqua's story.
AquaCharm.png This user not only completed the trio's stories, but also completed the Final Episode.
poN37ln.png This user has obtained 4 trophies in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep!
5D6Udkz.png This user loves the song Another Side.
u4lI9YK.png This user loves the song Bustin' Up on the Beach.
wRaEFfO.png This user loves the song Cavern of Remembrance.
Lg1wOCW.png This user loves the song Dearly Beloved.
mgR1lLf.png This user loves the song Disappeared.
MUPjPhE.png This user loves the song Dive Into the Heart (Destati).
Uc6Q7bc.png This user loves the song Graceful Assassin.
FO5YOBi.png This user loves the song Hand in Hand.
CwPDoNJ.png This user loves the orchestrated version of Hikari.
jJYrpGb.png This user loves Kairi's character theme.
UserBGMLaughterandMerriment.png This user loves the song Laughter and Merriment.
1ePuB5z.png This user loves the song March Caprice for Piano and Orchestra.
tflsGX8.png This user loves the song Missing You.
KT2QE1p.png This user loves Naminé's character theme.
XNYyvYF.png This user loves the song Neverland Sky.
SxD1aWF.png This user loves the song Night of Fate.
4Dq1gQV.png This user loves the song The Other Promise.
7euVUEP.png This user loves the song A Piece of Peace.
gTYgWcQ.png This user loves Riku's character theme.
fx0rSiF.png This user loves Roxas's character theme.
P6r91sg.png This user loves the song Sacred Moon.
zd3Hu7n.png This user loves the song Sanctuary.
NMy5EyS.png This user loves the ~after the battle~ version of Sanctuary.
Xsb2q89.png This user loves the PlanitB Remix of Simple and Clean.
bgCqoyA.png This user loves the song Sinister Sundown.
FvA9AAm.png This user loves Sora's character theme.
uBLrSHZ.png This user loves the song The 13th Floor.
gLuCXCY.png This user loves the song Treasured Memories.
TzZDtCc.png This user loves the song Vim and Vigor.
3u4SbQd.png This user loves the song Musique pour la tristesse de Xion.
4p3lLuc.png This user loves the song Vector to the Heavens.
kwwFst4.png iLove iRiku.

Template:User iAxel Red Template:User iMickey Green Template:User iKairi Red

UseriBelle.png iLove iBelle.
UseriJasmine.png iLove iJasmine.
UseriTinkG.png iLove iTink.
UseriFlounderG.png iLove iFlounder.
UseriTrinityLadder.png iGroove to iTrinityLadder.
UseriShadow.png iLove the iShadowHeartless.
UseriUnversed.png iAm an iUnversed.
Reading list

Template:User Pleasestandby Template:User Lawyer Template:User Vexenforscience Template:User Marvel Template:User Axel Wind Template:User Poke

For friends with userboxes
XionArtTalk_zpsc9015712.png This user said her name wrong again...
VenHappy_zps6432a4fe.png This user is a fellow Keyblade Master and friend of Chihuahuaman and destroyed the evil MUDKIPZ.
joshua_by_hnfnation-d2z23wf.gif This user is a trusted colleague, companion, associate, and friend of The Ever-Present Gnome.
Sora-Avatar50px-1.png _This user is a good friend of
_Dan da Man36.
SXteg.png This user is stuck at home with Erry.
This user battled their way through the End of the World to reach FinalRest.
Peace This user is friends with The Mage of Strength, Hangon.
File:Venbubble.png This user is a great friend of IceCreamRockz, who, like ICR, loves ice cream.
JFHtalk.png This user is a friend of JFHavoc, and assists in the wreaking of havoc.

Ventus's Keyblade Armor (Art).png This user is a good friend of KingdomKeyDarkside.
UserXigKoro.png This user is a good friend of Xig-Koro.
Crazy.png LegoAlchemist considers this user to be a wiki-friend, even though the two will never meet in real life and the nature of their relationship is open for debate.
UserLea.png This user is a good friend of LevL.
50px-Nathaniel_Userbox.png This user is a good friend of Nathanie- *cough* maggosh.
KH2_Riku.jpg This user understands the values of friendship and loyalty, and has become friends with Mechajin!
Yoruichi_Shihouin_by_soraxP-1.jpg This user is a good friend of OathkeeperKH.
This user is a good friend of
The ones who seek to be whole.
EgHMuJo.png This user likes to spam highly destructive spells...
Demonhead.png Through the PARADOX this user became friend of Demonic Saint.
roxas4roxas.jpg This user sits on top of the Clock Tower to eat Ice-Cream with their good friend Roxas.
UserSaxAvatar_zps8693ce95.png This user is a good friend of Saxisai.
echo.gif This user is a good friend of SquareEnixRocks.
Vanitas Sprite KHBBS.png This user is an amazing friend of SilverCrono, and aids in the goat's downfall.
SPK.jpg This user is a good friend of SilverPinkKitty.
Simba-Roar-Userbox.png This user is a friend of Soxra and just can't wait for him to be king.
After journeying through the void for time immemorial, Troisnyxetienne stumbled upon the man with obsidian wings...
iaza19276213142500.gif This user has met and befriended a Mysterious Zorua.

"I only seek to love without reservations, to touch hearts, and to give back to the Maker, above all things."

Name's Annette, but whilst I'm online I go by the name troisnyxétienne. I'm a long-time mod over here an admin (and now an IRC op), the least of all staffers, and the Kingdom Hearts Wiki is the very first wiki on which I've edited. I was also once a regular on the Kingdom Hearts Francophone Wiki.

And not to forget that I'm now in law school......

On the IRC, I either go by my usual username, or I go by the name Ankoù, which is the Breton version of the Grim Reaper — see the latter and you know something is wrong.

I can (and I truly want to) reach out to people, but please, do not let your actions (be it to me or to others) turn me into a great white shark. Or worse, an Ankoù.

Journal Entry by SSC


Troisnyxétienne -- This user is an outgoing and very friendly user on the Kingdom Hearts Wiki. As evidenced by her edits, she loves talking and helping out on the Wiki. She's quite proficient in French as shown from her name and her occasional use of French when she talks on talk pages and is also very artistic. There's nothing more to say about this person than what was stated before and that she is overall a great person to be around.

Why Kingdom Hearts?


It all started in late 2002 when I first got my PS2. I had a host of games but I wasn't at all interested in them... until one day, when my half-brother gave me a brand new Kingdom Hearts disc. I was indeed attracted to it because of the presence of Disney characters. I played it and from then on, I became more and more addicted to it. And ever since then, I tried to get every single Kingdom Hearts game available for my console. Well, I'm here now!

Why Trois, or 3?


Divide troisnyxétienne into three parts and you get trois (French for three), nyx (a girl's name, referencing night and darkness), and étienne (a guy's name, the equivalent of Stephen). The username means a lot: many things happen in threes. Good things happen in threes, bad things happen in threes, and the number three is indeed significant in the Scriptures and in events around the world. As for the second component, there is darkness in everyone's lives. Even if we don't follow the path of darkness, night is bound to fall on us at some point in time - be it through difficult economic conditions, or the loss of a family member (that's my case) - anything. And as for Étienne, well, I have un certain regard for St Stephen's martyrdom. From all these, you get one long username.

I usually shorten it to troisnyx or TNÉ, depending on the number of characters required.

Not enough for you, eh? ^_^' Here's the whole lowdown on the number 3, which I've taken for my own (part of this was calqued from Wikipedia just for kicks):

  • 3 is the first odd prime number.
  • 3 is central to Christianity, my faith (think the Holy Trinity - three persons, one God).
    • My initial username (before I went online) was TrinityKHS (from the concept of the Holy Trinity as well as the Matrix character named Trinity), but it never became used. When I first started learning French and going online, the username became ThreeNyxÉtienne, and later TroisNyxÉtienne, and it's stayed ever since.
  • Vulgar fractions with 3 in the denominator have a single digit repeating sequences in their decimal expansions, (.000..., .333..., .666...).
  • Three non-collinear points determine a plane and a circle.
  • A triangle is the most durable shape possible, the only "perfect" figure, which, if all endpoints have hinges will never change its shape, unless the sides themselves are bent.
  • Three is the atomic number of lithium. Now if anyone did experiments on alkali metals back in school, or if anyone has actually fallen in love with the song of the same title by Evanescence, you'd probably know what kind of coolness lithium has. ^_- *shot*
  • We perceive our universe to have three spatial dimensions.
  • White light is composed of the mixture of the three additive primary hues: red, yellow, and blue. (Or in computers, red, blue and green.)
  • "Three" in Chinese is almost homonymous with "life".
  • If we want to get everyone to do things together, people usually count to three or count from three, and not any other number.
  • Anything is said to happen in threes.
  • What would we do without the Three Blind Mice, the Three Little Pigs, the Three Musketeers, the three witches in Macbeth, the Three Bears who scared Goldilocks and all things that occur in threes in literature? ^_-
  • Three social values were promoted in the French Revolution and are still in use up to this very day: Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Though I must say, the events which followed the Revolution, as well as the Revolution itself, were a fiasco in themselves.

Need I say more? And I know we could go on with more and more uncanny details about the number 3, but I'll stop here, thank you very much.

Wanna link me up as a friend?


Here's my friend userbox —

Triquetra%20WHITE%20Even%20Smaller_zpsskbctwr7.png This user is Troisnyx's friend.

Perdone, the language in it is simple and I didn't think of modifying it even after I left Wikia. The code for it is as follows:


Looking for pages to visit, things I've obtained or things I've done over the past two years? Hop onto the navigational template at the bottom of the page, click a link and you're ready to go. ^_^

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