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< KHWiki:Traverse Town‎ | 1st District
Revision as of 16:31, 12 October 2011 by Troisnyxetienne (talk | contribs) (One word. Other than that, it's good.)
Traverse Town

Welcome to Cid's Accessory shop!
Here, you can discover every aspect about the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, from its founding, to how to create your very own userpage!

The Kingdom Hearts Wiki Site Map - A page which can direct you to nearly all of the site's content.
About the Kingdom Hearts Wiki - The About page will give the basic history of our wiki.
Manual of Style - The Manuel of Style will guide you in writing articles.
Editing Help - Additional help concerning page editing.
Guide For New Members - New to the wiki? Here's a quick guide to how we operate.
Userpage Help - A guide to help you with constructing your Userpage.
Trinity Report - The Trinity Archives show all of the latest Kingdom Hearts and wiki news.
Copyrights - A simple outline about the wiki's legal policy.
Staff - Find out who to call if trouble shows up.
IRC - Find out what the IRC is for.
Roundtable - Need to discuss a wiki-wide change? Bring it up at the next Roundtable.

Traverse Town
First District
At the Accessory Shop, you can discover a plethora of information about the wiki.

Visit the Accesory Shop!

At the Item Shop, you can learn of our most popular content.

Visit the Item Shop!

At the Restaurant, you can learn about the inner workings of the wiki's community.

Visit the Restaurant!

At the Mailbox, you can learn how to address any technical difficulties you experience.

Visit the Mailbox!

Second District
At the Gizmo Shop, you can learn about some of the projects specific users have taken up.

Visit the Gizmo Shop!

At the Hotel, you can browse various areas of the wiki that need improvement.

Visit the Hotel!

At the 2nd District shops, you can browse the wiki's official projects.

Visit the Shops!

Third District
At the Fountain, you can vote in everyone's favorite tournament, the Mirage Arena!

Visit the Fountain!

At Merlin's House, you can browse the most important forum threads.

Visit Merlin's House!

At the Vacant House, you can learn all about the wiki's IRC channels.

Visit the Vacant House!

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