- "I take a look at the bright sky....knowing this might be the last time I ever see it."
- —UnknownChaser
 I seek the truth of the past to find out the answer to the future.
Fumei Cheisā
The Forgotten Chaser (忘れたらチェイサー, Wasuretara cheisā?)
Birth by Sleep
The 9th of May
The Town of Ever Shining Light (これまで光輝く町, Kore made hikari kagayaku machi?) and The Land of 1000 Nights (1000夜のランド, 1000-Ya no rando?)
Resident of
The World of In-between, Land of Departure, Keyblade Graveyard, Twilight Town
Main Keyblade
In-between Hearts (イン間のハート, In-kan no hāto?)
Dual-Welding Keyblade
Shine Burst (磨きバースト, Migaki bāsuto?) and Fallen Night (フォールンナイト, Fōrun'naito?)
Weapon Type
Perfection of Light and Darkness and Completed Nothingness
Light, Dark, and Nothingness
Unknown at the time
Limit Break
Decree of the Forgotten Goddess (忘れられた女神令, Wasure rareta megami-rei?)
Final Limit
13th Slash of the Goddess (女神の13スラッシュ, Megami no 13 surasshu?)
Hangon, Riku's Love, Ammon11110, RoxasXIIILK, DarkestShadow, Dark-EnigmaXIII
About Me
Just another Kingdom Hearts fan here. I'm a more unknown/forgotten editor on the Wiki, people don't seem to talk to me that much, maybe because I don't participate in forums and such that much, that's fine with me, I could care less. I'm just here to edit and help out with whatever I can. I have an extreme hatred towards coding >.>. I'm also an Keyblade designer, you can see them all on my deviantART account. When I'm not on the wiki, I'm usually doing one or all these thing:
- Reading manga.
- Listening to MuZex.
- Drawing.
- Sleeping.
Due to school, homework, friends, life, having the world's worst internet connection and everything else going on, I can't be editing all that often on the weekdays, I'm most likely gonna edit on the weekends when I have time.
- I'm also now a moderator on our old home.
I have somewhat the basic appearance of a teenage boy, I'm around 5’10”. I'm asian with black hair (I plan to dye it sometime in the future) that, according to my friends, resemble Roxas/Ventus' hair style. My hair reaches right above eyes and I wear glasses. There's nothing that can be really said about my appearance. My basic appearance for everyday wear would be a pair of jeans and a graphic t-shirt. My most notable piece of clothing that I wear everyday would be my custom half-black/half-white jacket that I made. My accessories that I wear everyday would be a custom necklace I made, that includes 3 pendents (in order from left to right): Sephiroth's Feather from Final Fantasy, a yin-yang symbol, and Sakura's Feather from Tsubasa Chronicles.
I have a somewhat unique personality. Due to multiple hardships in my life, I have closed off nearly all of my emotions starting 3 years ago. I now have only a "happy/joy"-like and "I don't care/give a damn"-like personality. I have only demonstrated my other emotion a few times in my life since then.
My "happy/joy"-like personality is somewhat base off Sora/Roxas/Ventus, due to multiple hardship in my life I have to keep an upbeat perspective on everything. I also have a deep care for my friends, like Sora/Roxas/Ventus.
My "I don't care/give a damn"-like personality seems to be based off L from Death Note, due to the ignorance of peers in my school who think there all "cool" and "smart", thinking they can insult me and my friends, but in reality there idiots. Like L, I have been shown to be emotionless towards simple thing and not care about it. Also like L, I have a sweet tooth.
I have been shown to be quite skilled with technology, by helping out with my friends with their computer system and video games. I also shown to be quite lazy sometime, due to my "I don't care/give a damn" personality, so I'm not motivated to do much. I also have a deep respect for books and knowledge and laugh at people who insult it. Like many people, I love music, but unlike people I have a dislike for mainstream music and artist. I have been told that I'm sometime a perfectionist and control freak, which could be due to my OCD/ADHD.
I go by a simple view point in my life: "One for one", meaning that if you do something to me, I have the right to do something back to you. Which have been apply multiple times in my life. Mainly due to the the ignorance people at my schools, who try to insult me and in the end I have to insult them back, pointing out their own stupidity.
My life is heavily influence by the philosophy and teaching of Confucius.
I create and design my own custom Keyblade for the world to see. My ideas and design are based on anything that interested me, either there video game or stuff in real life. If you have a deviantART account, watch me and tell me what you think of them or on my talk page. All my Keyblade can be view here
Who I share a bond with
Project/Working On
Mostly missing information for the games, characters, etc. Also other stuff too.
Created and work on all Kingdom Hearts Re:coded commands.
Created a treasure list for Terra, Ventus, and Aqua.
Working On
Update, rework, and re-edit all the Deck commands in Birth by Sleep to the proper format.
Attack Commands
Magic Commands
Friendship Commands
Movement Commands
Defense Commands
Reprisal Commands
Update and rework on all the Commands in Re:coded.
Attack Command
Magic Command
BbSFM recoloration for the Unversed.
- Missing boss stats for BbS.
- Missing stats for Unversed.
Replace "360-degree" with "360°" for all Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days weapons.
- Fine a quick EXP gain for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Get a userbox.
Get a info box.
Get a profile picture for my info box.
Get a talk bubble.
Get a signature thing.
Get a "this user is friend with UnknownChaser" box-thingy.
- Edited
10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 times.
- Edited mainstreamly
10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 1750, 2000, 3000 times
- Memorize/learn the coding (probably never gonna finish this.....(I swear these things are mortal enemy)).
- Be a feature user one day (give me a few years for this ha-ha).
- Be recognize as an awesome user....
- Other goals....
Achievement/Goals/Progress In KH
Kingdom Hearts
Show Achievement
- Finish the story.
- Beat the game,
- Complete Jimmy Journal.
- Reach lvl 99 for Sora.
- Lock all the Keyholes.
- Beat all the "secret" bosses.
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Show Achievement
- Finish the story.
- Beat the game.
- Complete Jimmy Journal.
- Reach lvl 99 for Sora.
- Lock all the Keyholes.
- Beat all the "secret" bosses.
- Beat the Unknown.
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Show Achievement
- Beat both story.
- Complete Sora Journal and Riku D-Report.
- Reach lvl 99 for both Sora and Riku.
- Unlock all possible card for both Sora and Riku.
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Show Achievement
- Beat both story.
- Complete Sora Journal and Riku D-Report.
- Reach lvl 99 for both Sora and Riku.
- Unlock all possible card for both Sora and Riku.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Show Achievement
- Reach Day 359.
- Beat the game on Proud Mode.
- Unlock all the Secret Report.
- Unlock all character in Mission Mode.
- Reach lvl 100 (reach lvl 65 by myself, then got lazy use AR code for exp gain).
- 999 Mission Crowns (got 400 be myself, then got lazy and use AR).
- 999 Silglis (got 100 by myself, then got lazy and use AR).
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
Show Achievement
- Beat the Final Episode.
- Beat all 3 character on Critical Mode.
- Terra, Ventus, Aqua to lvl 99.
- Beat the Vanitas Remnant with Terra, Aqua, and Ventus.
- Beat the Unknown with Terra, Ventus, and Aqua.
- Lvl 30 Mirage Arena for Terra, Ventus, and Aqua.
- Ultima Weapon for Terra, Ventus, Aqua.
- Void Gear for Terra, Ventus, and Aqua.
- No Name for Terra, Ventus, and Aqua.
Show Progress
- 99% for my Trinity Archives.
- Terra journal at 98%.
- Ventus journal at 98%.
- Aqua journal at 98%.
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Show Achievement
- Beat the game on Critical Mode.
- Unlock the secret ending.
Show Progress
- Sora at lvl 71. -last updated -2-19-2011-
- 22/30 Trophies.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Show Achievement
- Beat the Final Episode.
- Beat the Secret Episode.
- Beat all 3 character story on Critical Mode.
- Defeated the Unnamed Heartless.
Show Progress
- Terra at lvl 40.
- Ventus at lvl 38.
- Aqua at lvl 42.
- "Nobody Who Is Somebody"
- "I travel between Light and Darkness...only to find Nothing"
- "One day we will have our Sanctuary where it will be Simple and Clean and fill with Hikari, because our Passion will take us there."
- "We live in a reality that is base off our fantasy, but our fantasy has gone into darkness and so has created what is now our reality, but we can undo it with what is left of the light in our fantasy."
- "We once created a world called Paradise, but we damn it into a world, now know as Hell."
Talk Bubble
Nearly all my talk bubble are made by me (except for my first, that was made by Hangon). All my talk bubble are based off of various anime/video game character or other elements, because I feel that Kingdom Hearts-related talk bubble are over use and what not.
Gift bubble
UnknownCheisā —— Red like Roses
☆♪♫☆♪♫☆~~MuZeX ReMeX~~☆♪♫☆♪♫☆
Dearly Beloved (Trance Remix)
Simple and Clean (Music Box Version)
Passion (Remix)
Simple and Clean (Rising Sun Rock Remix)
<youtube width="160" height="120">my_W9ZHIUFI</youtube>
<youtube width="160" height="120">_nSMu88w2k8</youtube>
<youtube width="160" height="120">PcGVdPwLFew</youtube>
<youtube width="160" height="120">wmhl2W-kuBc</youtube>
External Link
Links to my template pages
User boxes
These are what I have so far, I might add more in the future, depends on how lazy I am at the time....
Also my user-friend-box-thingly can be found here: {{User UnknownChaser}}
Thanks to RoxasXIIILK for helping me make it, so add it if we're friends and I'll add yours.