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UxieLover1994 Tiempo de morder de nuevo con el poder! El tema de hoy: su sorpresa! — 01:50, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
Some of the victoms who get a warning are IPs who never return, while their victom who also got a warning is a regular editor who applies for the Heartless Manufactory. Many will never get cured, no matter how much they try to apply for the HM, because the other person never returns. Is this unfair?
I, for example, suffered an IP bully yesterday, and signed up for the HM, but my apply was deleted, plus that person will never return, as assumed. I'm willing to get rid of this warning, but with these new rules, and my rival being a one-time-only guest, it's impossible. Is there another way to get rid of a warning for the active person with the need of the guest/inactive person? This is what this talk is about.