User:Troisnyxetienne/Talk Template Archive/Avatars

< User:Troisnyxetienne‎ | Talk Template Archive
Revision as of 10:34, 8 April 2011 by Troisnyxetienne (talk | contribs) (→‎CGI: First Ven CGI image. :D)

A list of avatars which I made on my own (Paint, PowerPoint and GIMP !).

As the majority of these images are hosted on Photobucket, let me remind you that these images are compatible with User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate2. That means use on talk templates is still possible, but you cannot use {{TalkTextTest2}} to store the images you need. Many of them were initially hosted on KHW but voted for deletion because of disuse, so if you feel like using them, do ping me or any one of the regulars on our talk pages and we'll help you with a talk template.

You're also welcome to request for images at the bottommost section of this page (or on the discussion page), though there's no guarantee that they'll be done instantly as I have exams coming up, along with real-life complications. Rest assured, though, that I'll be getting back to work on uploading after May 13th. It all depends on the character, at the end of the day !

Coming soon : Roxas in-engine and the remaining artwork bits.


Original Characters

SoraArtworkTalk2.png SoraArtworkTalk3.png SoraArtworkTalk5.png SoraArtworkTalk6.png SoraArtworkTalk7.png SoraArtworkTalk11.png SoraArtworkTalk12.png SoraArtworkTalk13.png SoraAtlArtTalk.png SoraLionArtTalk.png RikuArtworkTalk.png File:KairiArtworkTalk.png KairiArtworkTalk2.png KairiArtworkTalk3.png File:KairiGrandmaArtTalk.png DizArtTalk.png VexenArtTalk.png ZexionArtTalk.png AxelArtworkTalk.png File:RoxasArtworkTalk.png XionArtTalk.png HoodTalk.png VenArtTalk2.png VenArtTalk1.png AquaArtworkTalk.png VaniArtTalk.png

File:RikuArtworkTalk2.png File:RikuArtworkTalk3.png File:RikuArtworkTalk4.png File:RoxasArtSad.png File:SoraArtworkTalk1.png File:SoraArtworkTalk4.png File:SoraArtworkTalk8.png File:SoraArtworkTalk9.png File:SoraArtworkTalk10.png File:OletteArtworkTalk.png File:XehHoodArtTalk.png File:VenArtTalk.png File:VenArtTalk2.png File:IenzoArtTalk.png File:SaixArtTalk.png File:IsaArtTalk.png File:LeaArtTalk.png File:DemyxArtTalk.png File:MarluxiaArtTalk.png File:LarxeneArtTalk.png

Final Fantasy

CidArtworkTalk.png SelphieArtTalk.png YuffieArtworkTalk.png YunaArtTalk.png PaineArtTalk.png
File:RaiArtworkTalk.png File:SeiferArtworkTalk.png File:FuuArtworkTalk.png File:ViviArtworkTalk.png File:LeonArtworkTalk.png File:AerithArtTalk.png File:CloudArtTalk.png File:WakkaArtTalk.png


DonaldArtworkTalk1.png DonaldArtworkTalk2.png DonaldBirdArt.png DonaldSquidArtTalk.png GoofyArtDetermined.png PanArtworkTalk.png

File:DonaldArtTalk2.png File:DonaldArtAngry.png File:DonaldArtDetermined.png File:MickeyArtTalk.png File:MickeyArtAngry.png File:MickeyArtAngry2.png File:GoofyArtAngry.png


These'd be perfect for anyone seeking the perfect Halloween theme... without wanting to use a single character ! Enemies would do the trick !

SoldierArtTalk.png GuardArtTalk.png
File:ShadowArtTalk.png File:PirateArtTalk.png File:WizardArtTalk.png File:ScrewArtTalk.png File:SearchArtTalk.png File:WightArtTalk.png File:VeilArtTalk.png


Finally, after a long wait, Nobodies get their own talkboxes. Feel free to use them !

DancerArtTalk.png DuskArtTalk.png


In light of the upcoming English release of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, I decided to add more colour to the selection with... you guessed it, Unversed. But not all Unversed make the cut.



SoraCGI1.png DarkRikuTalk2.png DarkRikuTalk1.png KairiCGITalk.png TTRoxasTalk.png NamineCGITalk.png AquaCGIShocked.png AquaCGITalk4.png AquaCGITalk5.png AquaCGIAngry.png VenCGITalk.png VenArmourCGITalk.png

File:SoraPrototype.png File:SoraCGI2.png File:SoraKH2endTalk.png File:RikuPrototype.png File:RikuPrototype2.png File:RikuEndTalk.png File:KairiTalk.png File:KairiTalk3.png File:TerraCGITalk.png File:AquaCGITalk.png File:AquaCGITalk2.png File:VanitasCGITalk.png File:DonaldCGITalk.png

In-engine renders

Original Characters

SoraTalk1.png SoraTalk2.png SoraTalk3.png SoraAngryTalk.png RikuTalk1.png TerraTalk1.png TerraTalk2.png TerraEnragedTalk.png TerraArmourTalk.png TerraLSTalk.png XehaTalk.png ZexionTalk.png AxelPrototypeAngry.png XionTalk.png File:XionTalk2.png NaminTalk.png

File:NamineSprite.png File:XemnasTalk.png File:AxelPrototypeSmall.png File:AxelPrototypeHappy.png File:LarxeneTalk.png File:RoxasTalk.png File:SoraHalloweenTalk.png

Disney Characters

MickeyShocked.png MickeyBBSStarFr.png OrgMickeyTalk.png JiminyTalk.png DaisyTalk.png HerculesTalk.png AladdinTalk.png ArielTalk.png BambiTalk.png KangaTalk.png WRTalk.png HadesTalk.png

File:BelleTalk.png File:DonaldTalk1.png File:DonaldTalk2.png File:MickeyBBSHappy.png File:MickeyKH2Angry.png File:MickeyKH2Talk.png File:MickeyOrgXIII.png File:MickeyReChainHappy.png File:MickeyTRTalk.png File:NalaTalk.png File:TigrouTalk.png File:UrsulaAngryTalk.png

Final Fantasy

LeonTalk1.png CidTalk.png WakkaTalk.png WakkaTalk.png SelphieTalk.png


ShadowTalk.png NeoshadowTalk.png SoldierFMTalk.png CrimJazzTalk.png SilverRockTalk.png LanceWarriorTalk.png BlizPlantTalk.png FirePlantTalk.png AirVikingTalk.png RunemasterTalk.png SpringMetalTalk.png CannonGunTalk.png CannonGunFMTalk.png


FloodTalk.png RHCTalk.png YMTalk.png BSSTalk.png MedBottleTalk.png ChronoTwisterTalk.png

Non-KH related



Final Fantasy

YunaTalk1.png YunaPsychTalk.png LuluTalk.png KimahriTalk.png Rikku1.png Rikku2.png Rikku3.png PaineFFX2Talk.png VanilleTalk.png VanilleHappy.png SerahTalk.png LightningTalk.png

Spyro the Dragon

SpyroTalk1.png SpyroTalk2.png SpyroTalk3.png KidSpyroTalk.png SparxTalk1.png ZoeTalk.png

Code Lyoko


Super Mario

WeegeeTalk.png PeachTalk.png MarioDaisyTalk.png YoshiTalk.png ToadTalk1.png ToadTalk2.png GoombaTalk.png BirdoTalk.png BabyMarioTalk.png MarioTalk.png BabyLuigiTalk.png LuigiTalk.png LuigiTalk2.png LuigiShocked.png MarioDaisyTalk2.png Toadette.png BowserJrTalk.png

Sonic the Hedgehog

Probably my best set of talk bubble images ever done thus far, apart from some KH, FF and Super Mario ones.

Sonic3.png Sonic2.png Sonic1.png Sonic4.png Knuckles1.png Shadow1.png AmyRose1.png SonicCharTalk.png SilverTalk.png

Jak & Daxter

JakYoungTalk.png DarkJakTalk.png TornTalk.png AshelinTalk2.png AshelinTalk1.png KieraTalk.png TessTalk.png TessOttselTalk.png PeckerTalk.png DaxHumanTalk.png PraxisTalk.png ErrolTalk.png VegerOttselTalk.png RaynTalk.png


YoruichiTalk.png YoruichiTalk2.png

Troisnyx recommends...

Images which are not attributed to me

These images have been created by other users, but have been removed from the image space due to disuse or policy reasons. I've taken just a wee bit of time to go upload them onto my Photobucket account, so here you are !

Kingdom Hearts


Non-KH related

Bart.jpg HanekomaTalk.png NekuTalk.png

Requests, anyone ?

Could you make a Roxas in-game engine one where he's wearing is Twilight Town outfit? --Nitrous X 22:15, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

Will try.

Requests currently closed ; will reopen when I have fewer avatars to do.

Also if you can, Tidus?--ZexionFan321 23:20, July 20, 2010 (UTC)

Er... Isa? And Lightning from XIII bubbles plz :D --シルバ クロノ 04:46, July 21, 2010 (UTC)

Oh oh I has one! Can you do Juri from Street Fighter pretty please? EDIT: If you need a image this one has a good picture of her face. A lot I see are for gameplay and they look so tiny O.o But anyways thanks a bunch again!MarexlisMare 17:07, August 12, 2010 (UTC)

May I request a Chrona from Soul Eater talkbubble image please?:) --GeniusMage 17:53, August 12, 2010 (UTC)

you seem pretty busy already but when you have time can you please make me a in-game engine of Riku in Dark Mode? Xabryn 18:08, August 12, 2010 (UTC)

I'll attempt to work on your reqs tonight. TROISNYX   AMDG 00:46, August 13, 2010 (UTC)

One for each of the Seven Dwarfs, possibly? Thanks. Jacobmystic 19:37, September 13, 2010 (UTC) P.S. If you want to use this, I have ideas on what colour the background square should be. Doc-Yellow, Grumpy-Brown, Happy-Orange, Sleepy-Purple, Bashful-Blue, Sneezy-Red & Dopey-Green

Me again, I have a prototype of Bashful's avatar here. Could I use this? Jacobmystic 05:01, September 14, 2010 (UTC)

File:Bashful Avatar.jpg
Here is a prototype of Bashful's avatar.

Uh, guys... You could tone down the requests please. I'm seriously taken up by preparations to go to Hertfordshire, and nothing's confirmed for now. I'll work on all of them, rest assured, but when I have much, MUCH less on my hands. TROISNYX   AMDG 08:44, September 14, 2010 (UTC)

Hola, again! I am planing to add the Lake Trio onto my talk box, but still retain Sora's Vampire Form as the main one. Can you create avatars of the trio, please? Gracias, amiga! UxieLover1994 12:12, September 29, 2010 (UTC)

O.o Wow. Sprite_team1.gifANX219Sprite_team1.gif

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