Talk:Avatar Menu

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Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
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Avatar Sector

I didn't keep track of which ones dropped which parts, so it would be somewhat difficult to recreate these, but there are 50 default avatars, as shown here. The floor challenge, number of trophies (look especially at the Organization trophy amounts), name, and quote are all references to the avatar. The last nine (first nine in the album) and UrTrueSelf were the ones that were generated randomly (as you can tell by them all having Goofy's mouth for some reason), and were obtained through long waiting, not the Wii trick."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 00:20, 16 February 2011 (EST)

Randomized avatars (trophy, challenge, and floor are random also)
  • UrTrueSelf: Reunited at last, eh?[1][2]
  • AlwaysLTTP: And often not invited...[3][4]
  • The 1nk1ing: Did I jog your memory?[5][6]
  • UsualNon¢s: Penny for yer thoughts?[7][8][9][10]
  • UR<3sDzire: And now, I can be yours.[11]
  • DistantVOX: HELLO? (OH-Oh-oh...)[12][13][14]
  • Don'tASCII: It's a SCSI story anyway.[15]
  • BigBrudda: 'Sup, bro? Need a hand?[16][17]
  • TwixtTween: Always stuck in da middle.[18][19]
  • Could_B_U: See the resemblance?[20][21]
  • The"Right"One: I dunno why you "Left" me.[22]
  • ORLY_YARLY: Will my life have meaning?[23][24]
  • 10derMemry: It's great to be a kid.[25][26][27]
  • A1ternateU: Always just a step away...[28]
  • NotTe11ing: ...Unless you ask nicely.[29]
  • FlyOnDWall: The real bug in this tale![30][31]
  • Masker8dr: No one knows my REAL name.[32][33]
  • No1UKnow: So let's keep it that way.[34][citation needed]
  • LivNLegacy: Oh. You're not gone yet?[35]
  • ∞Lives: I totally 1-upped you.[36]
  • Miracle2Go: May I take your order?[37][38]
  • (>_<)/RAGE: Back off! I'm angsty![39]
  • PureRandom: Nothin' to see, folks![40][41]
  • SdrawkcabLeft: Ereh sedoc terces on![42]
  • U.Know.Who: Don't pretend you don't.[43][44][45]
  • UnsungHero: No one ever sings for me.[46]
  • P00rPuppet: Always being strung along.[47][48]
  • UrPastLife: You're me but I ain't you.[49][50]
  • Pure^_^Joy: With plenty to go around.[51]
  • Omigoddess: I'm, like, a divine ditz![52]
  • ROFLCopter: Hey, do you LOLerskate?[53]
  • MeIfIWereU: Chew on that. Deep, huh?[54]
  • WhatUWere: No escaping your past![citation needed]
  • PassNDream: Enjoy me while I last.[citation needed]
  • TheOne4U: U is the best letter EVER.[citation needed]
  • Sh8pShiftR: I'm really a triangle.[citation needed]
  • Un4Gettabl: It's my memorable face.[citation needed]
  • $$$Grubber: Munny is mah hunny.[citation needed]
  • HeyIKnowU: Long time no see![citation needed]
  • 1WhoGetsIt: Shh! No more words.[citation needed]
  • 2Good2BTru: And too true to be good.[citation needed]
  • ★fromAfar: SALUTATIONS, EARTHLING.[citation needed]
  • LongLostM8: Err, formerly lost...[citation needed]
  • Dude!ItsMe: Y'know? From the thing?[citation needed]
  • A♭OutLie: Don't believe a word o' me![55]
  • OozinCharm: Grab a mop. OC's in town![56]
  • ShadyNomad: I don't like the sun, OK?[57]
  • TimeTravlR: The 21st century? Retro![58]
GameFaqs (unconfirmed, screenshots needed before posting)
  • Ninja(shh): You did not see me.
  • TuffCookie: Known fears: Milk-dunking.

If anyone gets any others, please add them to this list, with the name, quote, and a screenshot for evidence."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 11:39, 16 February 2011 (EST)

Make sure to mention the 10th-floor challenges and Data-Riku."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 11:48, 16 February 2011 (EST)

We will also need to list enemies, and it might be worth it to call out which enemy-types are bugged for the various floors.

Rare Scratch Card

Does somebody know why Scratch Cards with the worlds "Dive to Heart", "100 Acre Wood", "Disney Town" or "Hollow Bastion" are considered rare? I can't remember if the prizes were more special than the ones of the normal cards. --ShardofTruth 11:01, 28 February 2011 (EST)

I've only gotten 100 Acre Wood once, and none of the others, so I can't really say too much (are you sure it's Disney Town?), but it didn't have any special cards on it at all, and the prizes were pretty bleh."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 13:19, 28 February 2011 (EST)
Here is a overview of the background arts and a collection of the persons I encountered here:
Sadly I had Olympus Coliseum only one time and somehow forgot to get a better image. By the way, itsn't it strange that although 100 Acre Wood is declared a rare Scratch Card by the game it doesn't have the rare logo? --ShardofTruth 16:53, 28 February 2011 (EST)
That's...awesome! How the hell do you get those?! Also, it looks like it renamed the ice creams, for whatever reason."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 17:26, 28 February 2011 (EST)

Feeling Lucky

Okay, I still don't know how this works exactly. So I'm collecting evidence here:

There seem to be at least two forms of the stat upgrade.


I don't know if the one with the notes is a lesser one or just a different form.

This are the comments on other Avatars I got:

  • That outfit! Ugh, don't make eye contact...
  • Err, can you say "akward"?
  • Hopefully a friendship is in the cards.
  • But...which one of you is cooler?
  • You hate to admit it, but that outfit's the bomb!
  • Have you met before? You're pretty happy!
  • You have alot in common. You're pretty happy!
  • You sort of think alike. You're pretty happy!
  • Seems you two get along. You're pretty happy!

The last ones all contain the "You're pretty happy!" line. My theory is, that after you get a specific amount of this comments in a to be determined time frame, you get a stat boost. The stat boost itself seems to last for a defined playtime or is dependent from real time. I think it's the last, because the boost vanished after two days or so. --ShardofTruth 11:01, 28 February 2011 (EST)

Okay, this is probably totally coincidence, but:

I was farming the fifty special avatars to finish my Avatar Sector, and when I received a Sazh, who had none of the same parts I did, I got the 100 Acre Wood card. Immediately afterward, I had the notes, and each Scratch Card I got afterward had a Mickey or Captain Dark (I already have all 99 puppies). After a few, I got a virus, kept on farming without notes or special cards, then cleared the virus real quick and went back to farming, this time with notes but no special cards. A while later, I got an ILuvDarkness avatar, and got the hearts. I immediately got a Dive to the Heart card, my first "special card" ever, and though I lost it, I kept the hearts, and every scratch card after that had 1-2 special cards (none were empty). However, I accidentally quit out of Tag Mode while receiving a random avatar, and I went to delete it to make sure I had room for all fifty special avatars. However, after doing so I found I had lost the hearts.

So, this is totally a guess, but:

  • The notes and hearts appear to have nothing to do with which parts you and the other guy are wearing.
  • The type of card you get appears to be Luck-based.
  • Either failing to scratch or deleting a floor (not sure which) negates the notes and hearts.

"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 10:12, 8 March 2011 (EST)

That's very confusing. Maybe it's an overall luck based thing, but why does deleting (even if it's not the Avatar you got the notes/hearts from) resets it? Did you check your matrix stats in notes or heart form? --ShardofTruth 12:57, 8 March 2011 (EST)

With notes, Luck remains the same, but I didn't have hearts long enough to check that."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 13:30, 8 March 2011 (EST)

Decim floors

  1. Don't use any recovery commands!
    1. Rate x 1.5
    2. 30 bugged Heartless: Soldier
  2. Take damage no more than 24 times!
    1. Rate x 2.0
    2. 1 bugged Heartless: Core Blox
  3. Spend less than 60 seconds on the ground!
    1. Rate x 2.0
    2. 3 bugged Heartless: Bandit
  4. Exit the floor in 30 seconds or less!
    1. Rate x 2.5
    2. 1 bugged Heartless: Invisible
  5. Miss with no more than 19 of your attacks!
    1. Rate x 2.0
    2. 1 bugged Heartless: Core Blox
  6. Use your Finish command!
    1. Rate x 2.5
    2. 3 bugged Heartless: Blox Bug
  7. Exit the floor in 150 seconds or less!
    1. Rate x 3.0
    2. 99 bugged Heartless: Shadow
  8. Defeat 58 Heartless!
    1. Rate x 3.0
    2. 6 bugged Heartless: Wyvern
  9. ...

Delete once addressed

  • Checkered Loincloth
  • Costume Jacket
  • Santa-clothes (Pants) Beard

The "Pants" bit is really odd - are you sure you transcribed that correctly? Could it have been "ru" (making Parts) or something?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 04:46, 13 March 2011 (EDT)

Unless Ultimania made a typo, it's not "ru".
--Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 13:11, 13 March 2011 (EDT)

Also, could you do the romaji for these? --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 13:13, 13 March 2011 (EDT)

Ultimania columns

Okay, from personal experience, I believe the way that Genre works is that, when you get a random part (either from an avatar where you already have all their parts, or a scratch card), you usually get them in a certain order. I know that I got all of the BbS and Form parts together, the Keyblades together, and all of the Mobile/coded bodysuits last (in chapter order, as well). Once I had every piece, it just kept giving me random parts of Ansem and Large Body.

So, I would roughly guess that it draws from the parts in the genre you are currently in, then moves on to the next genre. Once you have them all, it stays in the genre you finished in. (So, any random parts I would get would be C parts). I'm sure the intro to the section explains the exact mechanic, and I can work on a rough translation if you guys desire, but that seems to basically be it.

Anyway: Given that, despite this, the parts you get are out of your control, and the system is essentially "just go through the Avatar Sector for slightly less than 800 floors", is it at all worth listing the genres? Sure, it's a hidden stat within the games, and we have the info, but it's about as important as the stat that determines the exact sound that Sora's shoes make on the ground: sure, it's there, but you can't change it in any way, it doesn't change how you play the game in any way, and there's no point in looking it up (actually, even less than that. It's possible you could somehow try to moderate your walking for echo-y floors to hear enemies spawning better. I can't see how it would really help you, but still, you could use it somehow).

The other column lists which parts not in that category the piece replaces—so, if a starter kit replaced a shirt or pants, for example. For Items, it also lists which hand the piece appears in. This is actually useful, but it's also pretty self-evident from the pictures, and anybody actually playing the game can see it clearly as the replaceable pieces blinking when you highlight the part in question. So, this is actually practical in the game, and it could be used for info, but there's no point in looking it up. Also, it would use up quite a bit of space, especially for the Bodysuits.

Finally, the Ensembles: Each Ensemble listing lists the parts used to make the ensemble. As Ensembles are not true parts, knowing what these are IS the only way to get new Ensembles.

Now, I would definitely like to put these in. However, it would be quite a bit of work, and we'd have to figure out how to put it in. Furthermore, the nature of the Avatar Menu means that even this has no real use in gameplay: you get parts when you get them. There is absolutely no way to get them faster, unless they belong to a specific avatar on a specific floor.

So: my personal view is that it would be worth putting in the "Ensemble parts" lists, but not the "Genre" and "Parts replaced" lists. What do you guys think?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 10:04, 15 March 2011 (EDT)