KHWiki:Mirage Arena/Nominations/Archive 2
Welcome to the Nomination Archive, Round 2.
Nominations for Round Two, Week One
Shadow vs. Flood
The most common enemies from the Heartless and the Unversed. They look very similar and are not exactly threats but complete nuisances. Every rule has an execption! Including this one.15:10, 12 February 2011 (EST)
Traverse Town vs. Twilight Town
These are the places Sora began his journeys in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. Both towns have a bell tower that holds significance to the storyline. Both have the word "town" in their names and can be abbreviated to "T.T.". AS IF!
15:13, 12 February 2011 (EST)
Armor of the Master vs No Heart
This is Eraqus VS Xehanort, Keyblade Master VS Keyblade Master, armor VS armor, secret boss VS secret boss. It's current with the newest game released, BBSFM, which I think fits well with our recent move. Plus, I don't really know who I'd vote for.LapisLazuliScarab15:14, 12 February 2011 (EST)
- Oh, yes. Chitalian8 15:37, 12 February 2011 (EST)
- Yes, definitely. Erry
15:47, 12 February 2011 (EST)
- Jyes~! --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono
17:36, 12 February 2011 (EST)
- God yeah!