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this user is online
Gender Male
Date of Birth 13-04-96
Type human
Age XV (well close enough)
Role keyblade master
Title enlightened shadow
Weapons oathkeeper and oblivion
Height 1.75 m
Hair silver
Original Name axms
Attributes Light and darkness
Eye Color Blue
Favourite Kingdom Hearts Heroes Sora, Riku, Roxas and Axel(is he a hero because im confused)
Favourite Kingdom Hearts Villians Riku replica, Xigbar, Xemnas and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness
Favourite Kingdom Hearts Weapons oblivion, Two Become One, Ultima Weapon, Oathkeeper, leviathan+, Way To The Dawn, rain storm and sharpshooter
Home World destiny islands
Other Residence Radiant Garden, Twilight Town, The World That Never Was and olympus coliseum
Sig  Shadow 30pxdissiconff4kain1.png
Friend Userbox
userkuckiki.jpg This user fights Hollows alongside Shadow.


roxas4roxas.jpg This user sits on top of the Clock Tower to eat Ice-Cream with their good friend Roxas.
UserVentus.png This user helped Secret agent clank to unmask Vanitas and destroy the χ-Blade!
This user battled their way through the End of the World to reach FinalRest.
Ventus's Wayfinder (Art).png An unbreakable bond: This user and Superdog will always remain friends.
Simba-Roar-Userbox.png This user is a friend of Soxra and just can't wait for him to be king.
Ending 03 KHII.png This user and their good friend Darkheart3 are inseperable.
Sora_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is male.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
14 This user is 14 years old.
tPC4jGx.png This user contributes using Google Chrome.
Talk_Bubble_Expert_zps844be2cd.png This user is a Talk Bubble Expert.

E0kmxPh.png This user is a fan of Riku

BlRCZBQ.png This user is a fan of Roxas.

J5yHD64.png This user is a fan of Sora.

DobGD0s.png This user is no more eternal than that radiance of yours...

Template:User Xehanort Heartless

cmh4lJY.png This user is a fan of Hades and DRIVES HIM CRAZY!

JOl1PW9.png This user is a fan of Squa-- uh, Leon. Whatever.
mzAU9vX.png This user loves Final Form.
UserSamurai.png This user is a noble Samurai, now draw your weapon.
Dragoon_zpsbi69h5on.png This user is a powerful Dragoon. You would do well to learn from him or her.
seasalticecream.png This user loves Ice-Cream.

Template:User World That Never Was Template:User Heartless Template:User OXIII Template:User Nobody

760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
viFYwhx.png This user took on Riku and discovered the secrets of Xion.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.
weWh9JY.png This user has obtained Mission Crowns!
6LR24Jg.png This user has obtained Challenge Sigils!
zn52UZf.png This user has taken on the Dustflier, and won multiple times!
NyLVYjw.png This user has unlocked The King in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
gOA7JF1.png This user has unlocked Sora in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
Plain old Awesomeness

Template:User Lucky Charms Template:User Pout

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngWelcomeFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

my name is DarkestShadow and i'm originally from Doncaster England but now I live in Waikanae New Zealand. take some time to look around if you want to be friends just ask heres my user box {{user DarkestShadow}} please tell me if you are going to use it.

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngTo Do ListFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

  • Edit the Mirage Arena battles that dont have pictures or round information (might take a while)

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngappearanceFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

well lets see i kinda look like riku from days if his hair was red, i have blue eyes, shoulder length hair (yes i am a guy) usually you can catch me in a football shirt and track-pants or jean-shorts, and im looking for a riku heartless pendant.

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pnglikes & dislikesFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png


  • Kingdom Hearts(all games)
  • green day
  • Linkin park
  • Adelitas Way
  • other music on my playlist
  • the wiki/s (because there's 2 now)
  • not much else really


  • teachers
  • homework
  • school in general
  • unhappy people
  • over-happy people
  • people in-general
  • meh ill add stuff later

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngRiku and RoxasFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

When I first heard of Riku, my first thought was he sounded like me because when I first started school in New Zealand in 2007, people I thought were nice weren't nice at all and in a way it was like i fell into darkness. 2 terms later the main leader of the group thingy left and I found a way out into the light and now I feel like I have a part of Riku with me wherever I go. Now when I got Kingdom Hearts 2 and I met Roxas for the first time, he reminded me of 2 terms in 2008 when i felt like a Nobody kinda like how he felt.

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngInto the light of Kingdom HeartsFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngKingdom Hearts IFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

The first time i ever heard of Kingdom Hearts was the the last couple of seconds of an ad but i only saw the logo so i didnt dig any deeper about it. the next time i heard of kingdom hearts was in 2007 when i was at a freinds house he asked if i had ever heard of kingdom hearts then brought out the disk and i was instantly hooked and i had to get it for my self but there was a problem, i didnt have a ps2 so kingdom hearts was just a dream. that christmas i opened up a present and sitting there was a brand new ps2 and suddenly i could finally get Kingdom hearts and I never looked back

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngKingdom Hearts IIFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

around the beginning of 2008 i heard about Kingdom Hearts II and i knew i had to get it, but i couldnt find it any where so i didn't find it until the end of term 1 of the same year (easily the worst year of my life so far). it was a tough year at school i had no friends, nobody wanted to be near me and then, the local video game store got a shipment and in it was kingdom hearts II and i could retreat to some where to get away from it all.

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngKingdom Hearts 358/2 daysFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

i knew i had to get this kingdom hearts after it was announced it revolved around roxas who i became close to during 2008 but i actually only got about 3 or 4 weeks ago and i was even more pleased when i unlocked riku on mission mode finally a game were i can finally play as riku for a whole mission or longer than 5 minutes (like in the battle against Xemnas in his final form.

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngJournal thingyFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

Welcome to my journal this is were I'll write stuff (when i can be bothered or dont forget :)) for as many days as i can. ps. i got the idea for a journal from Roxas so thanks man

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngDay 31: 1 monthFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

I've been here a month now nothing else to say be back after homework... stupid math

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngKingdom Hearts progressFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

Vsymbol.pngBirth By SleepVsymbol.png

  • haven't got it yet

File:Heartless hires.pngKingdom HeartsFile:Heartless hires.png

  • Defeated Ansem, Seeker of Darkness on standard mode
  • Haven't synthesised the Ultima Weapon yet.

Nobody.pngKingdom Hearts IINobody.png

  • Completed around 70% on beginners mode.
  • Completed standard mode at Level 46 (thinking it was proud).
  • Completed Jiminy's Journal 97% on beginners mode.
  • Defeated Sephiroth on beginners mode.
  • Level 99.

Nobody.pngKingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysNobody.png

  • Completed on beginners mode with nearly all gold missions.
  • Got Zero Gear
  • Play Mission mode with King Mickey

File:Heartless hires.pngKingdom Hearts Re:CodedFile:Heartless hires.png

  • not got yet

File:Heartless hires.pngKingdom Hearts Re:Chain of memory'sNobody.png

  • is it available in New Zealand

Nobody.pngKingdom Hearts II final mix Nobody.png

will i be able to play it on a pal playstation

waytothedawnleft.png Nobody.pngOrganization memberNobody.png twobecomeoneright.png


Which Organization Member?

  • I. Xemnas DaysXemnasHappy.png Interdiction KHD.png
  • [x] You are the leader most of the time.
  • [x] You like black.
  • [x] You wished/wish you were someone else.
  • [ ] You don't listen to others.
  • [ ] You like doing research.


  • II. Xigbar DaysXigbarHappy.png Sharpshooter KHD.png
  • [ ] You have bad eyesight.
  • [ ] You like throwing things at others when angry.
  • [x] You wish you were able to teleport.
  • [ ] You wear your hair in a ponytail.
  • [ ] You have/wish you had a gun.


  • III. Xaldin DaysXaldin.png Lindworm KHD.png
  • [x] You like windy days.
  • [ ] You have tried to steal something precious from someone.
  • [x] You like dragons.
  • [ ] You have/like dreadlocks.
  • [x] You've tried to anger someone on purpose.


  • [x] You are disrespected by the young ones.
  • [ ] Someone has already considered you a traitor.
  • [ ] You are the oldest of your group.
  • [x] You like experiments.
  • [ ] You like cold days.


  • V. Lexaeus DaysLexaeus.png Skysplitter KHII.png
  • [x] You are not very talkative.
  • [ ] You like brain games.
  • [ ] People are afraid of you because of your appearance.
  • [ ] You prefer heavy weapons rather than light ones.
  • [ ] You are very strong, physically speaking.


  • [x] You love reading.
  • [x] You are not very sociable.
  • [ ] You are one of the shortest of your group.
  • [ ] You have a very sensible nose.
  • [x] You like to elude others.


  • VII. Saïx DaysSaix.png Lunatic KHD.png
  • [ ] You have double-personality issues.
  • [x] You are more active during night rather than day.
  • [x] You like werewolves.
  • [x] Your superior trusts you.
  • [ ] You have a scar on your face.


  • VIII. Axel DaysAxelHappy2.png Eternal Flames KHII.png
  • [ ] You are somewhat a pyromaniac.
  • [x] You care deeply for your best friends.
  • [x] You are a two-face when you need to be.
  • [x] You don't like when people don't remember your name.
  • [x] You have a very fiery personality.


  • IX. Demyx DaysDemyx.png Arpeggio KHD.png
  • [x] You like music.
  • [ ] You know how to play a guitar.
  • [ ] You like rainy days.
  • [x] You like swimming.
  • [x] You are usually a very happy person.


  • X. Luxord DaysLuxord.png Fair Game KHD.png
  • [x] You like playing cards.
  • [x] You like to gamble.
  • [ ] Your favorite color is gold.
  • [ ] You have stolen money from others.
  • [x] You have/wished you could curse someone.


  • [ ] You like pink.
  • [ ] You like flowers.
  • [ ] You are plotting to overthrow your superior.
  • [x] You were betrayed by someone.
  • [x] You are a bit of a flamboyant person.


  • XII. Larxene DaysLarxene.png Foudre KHD.png
  • [ ] You're the only female on your group.
  • [x] You like storms.
  • [x] You're pretty agile.
  • [ ] You like to mock others.
  • [x] You think ninjas are cool.


  • XIII. Roxas DaysRoxasHappy.png Oathkeeper & Oblivion KHD.png
  • [x] You love ice cream.
  • [ ] You are the youngest of your group.
  • [x] You think people are hiding something from you.
  • [x] You usually have strange dreams involving people you've never met.
  • [x] You prefer afternoons rather than nights and mornings.


Roxas & Axel tie!!! DaysAxelHappy2.png DaysRoxasHappy.png

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngMy Kingdom Hearts PreferencesFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngGamesFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

Category Best Second Best Worst
Game Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Kingdom Hearts
Story Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts II (RE:)coded
Graphical Style Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Soundtrack Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (RE:) Chain of Memories
Cast Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (RE:) Chain of Memories
World The World That Never Was The Radiant Garden Atlantica
Heartless Neo Shadow Darkside Barrel Spider
Nobody Dragoon Samurai Dancer

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngCharacter'sFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

Category Best Second Best Third Best Worst
Male Protagonist DaysRikuHappy.png DaysRoxasHappy2.png File:SoraTalk.png DaysPence.png
Female Protagonist File:KairiTalk2.png File:MasterAqua.png DaysNamine.png File:Daisy-ChainofFakeries.png
Male Antagonist File:Xehanort'sHeartlessHappy.jpg DaysXemnasHappy.png DaysXigbarHappy.png DaysDemyx.png
Female Antagonist File:Maleficentusertalk.png File:FuuArtworkTalk.png File:The Queen.jpg DaysLarxene.png
Overall Protagonist DaysRikuHappy.png DaysRoxasHappy2.png File:SoraTalk.png DaysPence.png
Overall Antagonist File:Xehanort'sHeartlessHappy.jpg DaysXemnasHappy.png DaysXigbarHappy.png DaysLarxene.png
Boss File:Sephirothhappytbs1.png final Darkside (card).png File:Leechgrave.png
Final Fantasy Character File:Cloud2-ChofMem.png File:LeonArtworkTalk.png File:Cid2-ChOfMem.png File:Aerith2-ChofMem.png
Disney Character DaysGenieHappy.png File:HadesDaysSprite.png File:DonaldArtTalk2.png DaysPeteShocked.png

waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngFriendsFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

i'm kinda new at this so i dont have many freinds but if you are also new or someone whos been here for ages just ask to be freinds on my talk page (when a name goes in a white bubble it turns silver)

Roxas SAC FinalRest The Inexistent





waytothedawnleft.png File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngtalk bubblesFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png twobecomeoneright.png

here are some talk bubbles i have made and have been given

File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngmade by meFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png

DarkestShadow - "Giving up already? C'mon Sora, I thought you were stronger than that."
TALK - So its true... you really are his Nobody-waytothedawnleft.png
OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png this is my normal bubble(with my sig) OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png
DarkestShadow - "Well, there is one advantage to being me... Something you could never imitate.."
TALK - Having you for a friend-waytothedawnleft.png
OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png this is my happy/welcoming/bubble OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png
DarkestShadow - "Why do you have the Keyblade?."
TALK - Its the King and DiZ. I mean Ansem the Wise-waytothedawnleft.png
OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png this is my shocked bubble OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png
DarkestShadow - "hold on, ill go get us some ice cream."
TALK - twobecomeoneleft.png
OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png this is my really happy bubble OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png

Roxas's Symbol small.pngthis is my ashamed bubble i hope i dont have to use it though(its also my first advanced one yay)Roxas's Symbol small.png
DarkestShadow ""I can't... just look inside. But I figure...if there is something in there—inside us—then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?"" -twobecomeoneleft.png
DarkestShadow Vsymbol.png"...could you repeat that?"Vsymbol.png
OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png this is my confused bubble(i couldn't find a confused sprite for it so does any one think they could make me one please) for...confused reasons OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png
Shadow Roxas's Symbol small.png Welcome...Roxas's Symbol small.png Roxas's Symbol small.png "that wasn't very nice... I do believe you've killed my hat."Roxas's Symbol small.png

Urgent, meet us outside the Urahara shop immediately P.S: If you're thinking that this message is like some written in the victim's own blood cliché from some TV show...then you obviously have no sense of humor!

new users may see this on their pages if i can find them but if i dont find you welcome anyway =)
Saïx (Berserk) KHII.png
Shadow moon shine down Saïx (card).png MOVE ASIDE Saïx (card).png

All SHALL BE LOST TO YOU Shadow 30pxdissiconff4kain1.png 08:42, February 15, 2011 (UTC)

Lunatic KHD.pngif you find this on your page run like living hell. if you read that you can understand this is my angry bubble. if you receive this there will be little punctuation or grammar, but there will be a lot of shouting with a reason and most likely swearing with little or no censorship. i apologize in advance... kinda (image by Roxas)Lunatic KHD.png
Shadow Heartless Emblem.png Listen up...Heartless Emblem.png Way to the Dawn KHII.png ...I didn't want you to find me.Way to the Dawn KHII.png

Fair enough... You could say I am... the biggest nobody of them all. — 04:17, February 17, 2011 (UTC)

this is my bad mood bubble im most likely going to do this when either a)i have homework. b)i have exams. c)someone swipes something of mine... if that happens thhen this is followed shortly by angry bubble

File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngfrom othersFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png

DarkestShadow - Giving up already? C'mon Sora, I thought you were stronger than that.
TALK - If the world is made of light and darkness... We'll be the darkness.
this is a present from... Secret Agent Clank thanks man

File:OathOblivTalkPic.pngtalk bubble rankFile:OathOblivTalkPic.png

Shadow's Realm of Darkness
User Pages
OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png Roxas's Symbol small.pngUserpage Roxas's Symbol small.png OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png
OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png Vsymbol.png Talk Bubble Template - Navigation Template - Userbox Template - Signature Template Vsymbol.png OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png
Talk pages
OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png Nobody.pngThe Shadow Report Nobody.png OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png
Offsite Contacts
OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png smallspear.png Facebook - Youtube smallspear.png OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png
