Or "Kingdom Hearts", but that would be a byotch on the categories.
Anyway, we all know that we have a problem with getting personal-attacky in debates and edit comments, and I can definitely say that, as the biggest jerkass on the wiki, I'm hardly setting a good example. So, the proposal is basically like this:
- We institute a no-tolerance policy for personal attacks. Any personal attack, no matter the "seniority" of the editor in question or the "rightness" of their viewpoint, gets a warning.
- However, if you get a warning for a personal attack, you can choose to volunteer at the Heartless Manufactory with whoever you attacked.
- When you do so, a third editor (has to be registered, but otherwise can be anybody) chooses a needed task for you and the person you were fighting with to work on: creating a "wanted article", filling in the notes archives for one of the Projects, categorizing images, replacing image links, etc.
- Once you and the other editor complete this task, the warning is removed from your talk page, and for all intents and purposes it never happened.
Basically, it's a "learn to appreciate each other OR go to jail" type of idea. Thoughts?