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AROS - My friends are my power! TALK - Okay, why not? I'll go with you guys." - 18:56
Hi guys! 2011 is almost here (in about 5 hours where I am), so I want all of us to reflect on the past year or years for us, the Kingdom Hearts series, and eveything else. I posted this before, but I took too long and I was automaticly signed out, so all was lost. So, since my eyes are stinging, my fingers are tired, and I am exhausted beyond all relief, I'll make this short. I pretty much want you all to talk about how this past year and others have been for you so far, how it has been for the Kingdom Hearts series in your oppinion, and any reflections and hopes and thoughts about anything and everything! I think it has been a great year so far for both me and the KH series, as well as others like Mario and Sonic, though Mario has been lacking a decent Main Title lately and Sonic's famed voice actor Jason Griffith has been replaced by Roger Smith, SEGA apparently wanting a more "mature' voice for Sonic (and I could list a thousand reasons about why that is a bad idea, but anyway). But despite all of that, I have had a great experience with this year in general (having already gone to DisneyLand with my family on Summer Vacation!) and I have many hopes for the future. My New Year's Resolution is to be more social (slim chance of that happening though) and to improve my self over all, and I hope that Kingdom Hearts keeps up with its successful production streak, and that we don't have to wait too long for KH 3D and KH III, as well as the 10th Annaversary of Kingdom Hearts in 2012! So now it's your guys' turn, it can be about anything as long as it is appropriate and has to do with reminising and hoping for the future. So let's drop the giant Hidden Mickey shaped-ball and shout out HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!