Votes for Aqua
- Aqua has raised the bar for a female protagonist in any series by an incredibly large amount. Aqua defines herself throughout her story, with her undying passion and faith and incredible might as a Keyblade Master; and surely we will see her again. To you, Master Aqua! --DTN
04:53, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- I am sure. This is it. This is her story. It all begins...and maggosh 04:55, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Sorry Riku, but you're not sexy. (To me.. >.>) --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono
04:56, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- For the
boobs legs badassery blue hair ARG I CAN'T DECIDE!!!! DoreikuKuroofangu - Visit the Soul Shrine! 04:58, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Aqua brought sexyness to Kingdom Hearts ;D UnknownChaser
- Riku's using his powers wrong. Him doing so is not worthy of my vote, but it might make a good coaster for my drink! --Swordsy 05:05, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Aqua, you suck so badly, but Riku... You got 40+ mindless zombies to vote for you over the greatest cartoon character of all time. I will always hate you for that, Riku. I hope you die in KHIII.--Random!to a point! 05:08, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- --
07:53, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- 1) I refuse to let Riku win this. THE CHAIN OF PREDICTABILITY SHALL BE BROKEN. 2) I've said time and time again why I think Aqua is a good character, despite the voice (there is only her Japanese seiyuu in my world now, I've blocked the English VA from my mind). 3) Stop. Voting. On. Hotness. We get it. At least be creative, think up some neologisms ("bluenette" is still my favorite). No more "smexy" votes, it got old faster than "Mansex". ...Okay, not as bad as that, but still...LapisLazuliScarab07:58, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- RIKU KILLED MICKEY!? --Evnyofdeath 08:08, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- *Sexy Back plays on the background* Need I say more?
The17master 09:29, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- For the Mouse ! That and i want Aqua to win. Ximodnic 12:55, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Riku should not be here. Thus, Aqua, TAKE HIM OUT!!!! Xalxe 13:24, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- GOOOOOOOOOOO AQUA!!!. Sapiro 15:30, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- If Roxas can't win, Riku must not..So I'm voting for master aqua! Vexilor 13:51, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
Dan - Don't Blink! ♫ 14:31, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- For Mickey... and Riku sucks. Erry
15:09, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Too hot to lose, too many sexy comments. SeanWheeler 15:13, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- FOR VENTUS!!! Aqua has automatically won. --
ANX219 15:18, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
HOTHOTHOTHOTHOOOOOTAH! Other then the fact she is extremely hot she is also smart and really powerful, and in control of her power. Riku is a powerful opponent, but I still hate him for screwing us over again and again! So Aqua wins The Keyblade War yeah! D.Dark. 15:40, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Payback for Mickey --Disney28 16:20, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Sorry Riku, you're a good character but too much has transpired as that I could support you here. I don't want one of the two who always win in the games themselves to win this, Aqua's variable magic attacks just appeal more to me and I have to get payback for Sephiroth, Ventus and Mickey. Finally time to bite the dust, you'll become queen, Aqua! Sephiroth0812 17:12, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Although I like how Riku use both Light and Darkness, I still like Aqua more than him. Pea14733 ---- [水]
- I'm standing by what I said during her match against Roxas, if she beats Roxas, she must go all the way. Aqua, you were one of the many great additions to the series in Birth by Sleep, and as you seem to be the last surviving Master, no one deserves this win more than you. Naminé and Roxas Forever
Organization13 18:15, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
Votes for Riku
- Riku's a character that we as players have had the pleasure of observing as he developed throughout the first three games of the series. While Aqua already starts out with such a strong resolve against darkness, in the end, surviving it for the sake of her friends, Riku succumbs to it to achieve his goals of freedom. I'm voting for Riku because he represents the salvation that can be reached no matter how dark one's path is, and he shows how a strong heart can overcome any obstacle through balance and judgment.Master Boye 05:07, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- I'm not gonna lie, if Aqua was in more games then most likely I would be voting for her. But we've had more exposure to Riku as a character, and I straight-up think he's better as one. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 06:01, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Listen, I like jugs as much as the next guy. But this fight isn't about Aqua's tits. This fight is Riku's simply because he is the one existing keyblade master who can freely use the powers of light and dark. This, accompanied with his quick one-handed style, powerful slash combos, and his natural athleticism, naturally allows him the power necessary to beat Aqua. Match, set, game over. Riku wins.User:Ludacriz94
- Riku's my favourite character in the series, i like his character, his story is awesome, and he is in every game! unlike Aqua. Riku needs to win KeyBladeM
- Guys, Riku's in the better of his forms (in my opinion.) User:UltimateExplosiveHeartless
- Riku all the goddamn way, win or lose. Chitalian8 13:51, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- I'm taking the road to dawn. Screw that witch."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 16:43, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Armageddon11 16:50, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Riku is much more powerful a character than Aqua. (not physically. his character is) Aqua was light all the way. All the goody-goody-girl. Riku, however, gave into the darkness. Later, he tries to rid of the darkness but ultimately accepts it and uses it to protect his friends. That's what makes a true character.
I guess...I just felt like not using my talk bubble. 
Battle Observatory
First match in the entire Keyblade War that I won't be voting in. Aqua was the worst character in BbS, Riku was the worst character in KHI and KHII. No need to support either one. Soxxeh 6:32am, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Suit yourself; if you want to leave the future to chance, that is your business. [/Raj] maggosh 06:51, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- I know, I've even told myself that deciding not to choose is still a decision. I am curious, though, as to how this will turn out. Soxxeh 6:54am, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- If character sucks, vote based on your
d*** manly instincts; the sexy. ;D --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono 07:05, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- "Aqua was the worst character in BbS, Riku was the worst character in KHI and KHII." - system error, does not compute. Require explanation. DoreikuKuroofangu - Visit the Soul Shrine! 09:13, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- *gives Crono a million dollars and a cookie*
The17master 09:29, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Frankly, I agree with Lapis. Too many votes because of Aqua's "hotness". User:UltimateExplosiveHeartless
- But she is hot. Chitalian8 13:53, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
Damn, 6-19. Riku, I'm glad you made it at least to the finals. Chitalian8 15:21, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
Just as I predicted, Aqua is beating Riku. Looks like Aqua is going to win with her sexyness. Vanitas, Ienzo, Master Xehanort, Demyx, Xemnas, and Roxas has fallen victim to Aqua's hotness. Now Riku is next to lose to her. SeanWheeler 16:21, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE AHTE (lol fail) HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE - did i say hate? i did? TOO BAD! - HATE HATE and HATE how Aqua is winning. It's not the fact that she is winning, I'm not a bad sport, it's the fact that its ONLY because she's sexy! I know I had voted for her because she is sexy but only because she was up against kinda lame characters and all. But when its the FINAL MATCH and almost the ENTIRE wiki is voting for Aqua JUST because she's sexy against a pretty awesome character, THAT'S what ticks me. I mean is that the ONLY thing you like about Aqua? That she's the sexiest character in the KH series? Not because she's completely loyal to her friends or because of her wonderful personality? If you put reasons like that then I'd be ok with her winning. But if it's JUST because she's sexy, then screw off! I guess...I just felt like not using my talk bubble.
- Calm down. It's just because people are lazy the type her other goods. :) Pea14733 ---- [水]
- Excuse me, but when does 22 votes count as "the entire wiki"? You're over exaggerating, and taking this whole thing too seriously. It's Christmas Eve, for crying out loud, and you're complaining over people liking how someone looks. It boils down to you bitching over people's interests. You need to calm down, and remember that you shouldn't be taking events like this so seriously. Thank you. maggosh 17:28, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
- There are seven of Aqua's current 25 votes that refer to her hotness as the reason they're voting for her. Take that away and she has 17 votes, which is still more than enough to beat Riku right now. Do the math before you start complaining. Now that I've gotten that out of my system, let's keep the hating down to minimum, ya? Like maggosh said, it's Christmas Eve!User:LapisScarab/Su\ig18:44, December 24, 2010 (UTC)