Forum:The Keyblade War - Quarter Finals

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TKW Final16.png
Forums: Index > The Keyblade War > The Keyblade War - Quarter Finals

The earthquakes in the canyons are becoming too powerful; the very tower that the remaining eight warriors rest on shook them violently off on occasion, and their battles became aerial several times. Nonetheless, the truly powerful agents of war that have been left standing after the battles proved themselves superior. Many of the black cloaks have disappeared, taken away by the violent winds in the canyon. The entire world is covered in darkness, and yet here, it is bright as day under Kingdom Hearts. None of these warriors are unfamiliar with this light--the light of Kingdom Hearts, for most. Last time, friends were lost, separated, in danger--and the same is true once more. Eight warriors remain; looking into each other's eyes, war is becoming harder, both on their bodies and mentally. The hero shall battle his other self; this battle, why does it feel so... symmetrical? Why is everything so similar? In a battle that feels like a rematch, the Superior shall battle the Master and mage--again. Heroes of the two forces that make up the worlds' people and essences shall do battle, and the hero's harbored light shall do battle with his carrier's former friend, and now enemy--why is this battle so... familiar? The weapons rise, the warriors are lifted up--and the light and darkness above invite them to the Keyblade War once more.

Sora vs. Roxas

File:SoraKH2.png Quarter Finals! File:Roxas Days 2.png
Opening Finals!

Votes for Sora

Votes for Roxas

Battle Observatory

Xemnas vs. Aqua

File:Xemnas0.jpg Quarter Finals! File:AQUA1.png
Quarter Finals!

Votes for Xemnas

Votes for Aqua

Battle Observatory

King Mickey vs. Cloud

File:King Mickey KHREC.png Quarter Finals! File:CloudKH2LowerBoxbetterquality.png
Quarter Finals!

Votes for King Mickey

Votes for Cloud

Battle Observatory

Ventus vs. Riku

File:VEN1.png Quarter Finals! File:KH2-Riku cg.jpg
Quarter Finals!

Votes for Ventus

Votes for Riku

Battle Observatory