We'll go together.
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The Teeny System is unlocked in Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+. It works in-line with your Gummi Ship. The Teeny System allows you to make a much smaller version of a Gummi Ship, hence the name "teeny."

You can have up to two Teeny Ships with you when you fly your Gummi Ship. The two Teeny Ships will follow by your side and every move you make with your Gummi Ship, they will follow it.

There are 3 positions for Tenny Ships:

  • The first one is the default position. Your Tenny Ships will fly by your side, creating a wide, horizontal shot
  • The second one, your Tenny Ships will fly side-by-side and randomly fly around your ship with their shots focused on the crosshair.
  • The third one, your Teeny Ships will fly in circle around your ship, creating a wide ranged shot.

These Teeny Ships positions can be used as a strategy for the player, one example is to use the second shot on a boss for a more focused shot, or the third one for clearing a wide amount of enemies.