Hey, you found my page! Feel free to stay a while, but don't eat all the food.
About Me
Real Name: Brian
Age: 16
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Grade: Sophomore (10th)
Race: Caucasian (part Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and Norwegian)
Religion: Catholic
Hey, I'm RoxasNobody (I know it was an unoriginal name, but I really couldn't think of anything else). I'm obviously a huge Kingdom Hearts fan, but I do a ton of other stuff also. I read almost constantly, mostly fantasy-adventure stuff. My favorite series are The Wheel of Time, Cirque du Freak, CHERUB, and The Dresden Files. I also play soccer and volleyball and run track, so I'm always in one if not two sports. I also play piano, and am currently working through the Piano Collections Kingdom Hearts. I have two siblings, one older brother and one younger brother (both 3 years).
I'm tall with blue eyes and brown hair. I'm tall enough to warrant a slouch, though my parents drill me on in nearly every day. I have fairly pale skin, and a few freckles, just enough to look like I've actually been outside once or twice in the last year. I usually wear a t-shirt and either shorts or jeans, depending on the temperature. When it gets cold enough, I wear either a hoodie or soccer jacket. I avoid wearing sandals except when necessary.
My Favorites
Kingdom Hearts:
The Other Promise (piano version)
No Reason (Sum 41)
Brick by Boring Brick (Paramore)
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kingdom Hearts Days
Super Mario Bros.
KH History
Truly, I had never heard of Kingdom Hearts until my freshman year of high school. It was introduced to me first through the music. One of my friends sent me the piano music for the original Piano Collection, and I was hooked immediately. As is my personality, I immediately did research on the game, finding this wiki before I actually owned any game. I got Kingdom Hearts I, II, and re:CoM for Christmas that year, and played through I and II in three months. I attempted re:CoM, but the card system just wasn't working with my hack-and-slash battle style. I put that on hold when I got Days for my birthday a few months later. I didn't really like it at first, because the panel system was so restricting, but I grew to love it and eventually unlocked both Sora and Mickey, at which point I felt accomplished enough to put it down. I'm now anxiously awaiting re:Coded, which I already pre-ordered, and 3D, which looks epic.
Talk Bubbles
RoxasNobody - You make a good other. TALK - No one would miss me. -19:52, December 26, 2010 (UTC)
My first talk bubble!
No one would miss me...
Just kidding. These people would.