Hey, you found my page! Feel free to stay a while, but don't eat all the food.
About Me
Real Name: Brian
Age: 16
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Grade: Sophomore (10th)
Race: Caucasian (part Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and Norwegian)
Religion: Catholic
Hey, I'm RoxasNobody (I know it was an unoriginal name, but I really couldn't think of anything else). I'm obviously a huge Kingdom Hearts fan, but I do a ton of other stuff also. I read almost constantly, mostly fantasy-adventure stuff. My favorite series are The Wheel of Time, Cirque du Freak, CHERUB, and The Dresden Files. I also play soccer and volleyball and run track, so I'm always in one if not two sports. I also play piano, and am currently working through the Piano Collections Kingdom Hearts. I have two siblings, one older brother and one younger brother (both 3 years).
I'm tall with blue eyes and brown hair. I'm tall enough to warrant a slouch, though my parents drill me on in nearly every day. I have fairly pale skin, and a few freckles, just enough to look like I've actually been outside once or twice in the last year. I usually wear a t-shirt and either shorts or jeans, depending on the temperature. When it gets cold enough, I wear either a hoodie or soccer jacket. I avoid wearing sandals except when necessary.
My Favorites
Kingdom Hearts:
The Other Promise (piano version)
No Reason (Sum 41)
Brick by Boring Brick (Paramore)
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kingdom Hearts Days
Super Mario Bros.
KH History
I got started fairly late in the game, getting Kingdom Hearts last year, but I caught up quickly. I played through the first two games in 3 months and am nearly done with Days, but am stuck because my little brother hid the DS. I can't play Birth by Sleep, which annoys me to no end. I love the series, and hope it keeps going strong.
Talk Bubbles
No one would miss me...
Just kidding. These people would.